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Saturday 12 June 2010

Umno forced us to come out, says Hadi

By Teoh El Sen - Free Malaysia Today

PAS MUKTAMAR KOTA BARU: PAS is forced to engage the Malays because Umno had failed to stay true to Islam, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said today.

“Umno thumps its chest and says it is the saviour of Malays and Islam but the truth is, Umno has failed miserably in saving the religion and the community,” he said in his keynote address at the 56th PAS “muktamar” (convention) here.

“It is Umno which has invited social and economic doom and disaster upon the community and country.

“Its arrogant and unjust actions have tainted the pure image of Islam. It is Umno which has forced us to come out and re-introduce Islam in its pure form and free the majority of Muslim Malays from Umno's deviant teachings and corrupt practices,” he told an audience of about 5,000 delegates, including foreign and local observers.

Also present were Pakatan Rakyat leaders Anwar Ibrahim (PKR), Lim Kit Siang (DAP) and leaders from Hamas (Palestine), Al Adakah (Maldives) and MILF (the Philippines).

Hadi also accused Umno of destroying the social and cultural harmony among the various races.

“Whatever we are experiencing in terms of social and economic crises is Umno’s doing.

“It has destroyed the goodwill among the race and it has squandered away the economy,” he said, adding that Umno had turned the national economy into an “operating capital” for its leaders.

Core principle

Hadi openly invited multi-ethnic Malaysia to empower PAS version of Islam. He said PAS chose “Islam is just and fair to all” as its theme for the convention because the party believed and upheld these core principles, which are reflected in its actions, unlike Umno.

He said PAS will strive to engage non-Muslims in discourse in support of its version of Islam.

In line with this aspiration, the party has upgraded its Non-Muslim Supporters Club to be at par with its Youth wing.

“We hope the wing will play its role effectively to attract and engage our non-Muslim brethren to know us better, and together, help us effect a change in Malaysia,” he said.

Hadi said PAS had successfully demolished the walls dividing Muslims and non-Muslims.

“We have managed to build bridges and our non-Muslim brothers are now supporting our struggle.

“This is the only way to solve problems and issues in a plural society. Islam, as understood and practised by PAS, will be fair to all,” he said.

He urged the non-Muslim supporters to introduce a framework of activities suitable to their capabilities and continue with their mission to strengthen their base.

He said the party’s leadership will continue to guide them on the concept and principles of the PAS struggle.

Younger generation

Hadi also urged the Youth wing to consolidate its strength and reach out to the younger generation of Malaysians, whom he said were losing their sense of value.

He said the Youth wing as the next generation of leaders must create an effective strategy to approach the young and empower them.

"Get close to them and guide the younger generation. Help them strengthen their spirit so that they can deal with the challenges ahead,” he said, adding that the youths must also move into areas where they can carry out their missionary work.

“Our youths must empower themselves with knowledge and truth to effect change.

“Your dynamism combined with the knowledge of the old leaders will help us face the challenges and responsibilities that lie ahead,” he said.

Women power

On the women’s wing, Hadi said the time had come for the party to acknowledge its role as equals in missionary and political activities.

He said this thinking was now essential because the social landscape in the country had changed, with the people now being attacked by all manner of thoughts and philosophies as a result of deviant politicians in power.

“It is time we recognised that women and men can be rostered to work side by side as long as it does not jeopardise their responsibilities at home.

“The women, too, must now be sent out to counter the deviant teaching and negative cultures that are infiltrating today’s homes,” he said.

He also urged the women members to formulate a medium- and long-term strategy so that their contributions for the struggle could be noted.

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