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Friday, 7 August 2009

Buah Pala residents reject new homes

PENANG, Aug 7 — Kampung Buah Pala residents have rejected developer Nusmetro Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd’s offer to compensate each of the house demolished with a double-storey terrace house. The residents also insisted that they would not vacate their home although the deadline for them to do so is midnight tonight.

The chairman of Kampung Buah Pala Residents’ Association, M. Sugumaran, said the residents would not move out from their home no matter what. He said they did not want to accept the offer because they found everything presented to them to be unsubstantiated and there was no guarantee they would receive the house if anything bad were to happen to the project.

“If the project does not take off, the row of houses offered to us is not given and the compensation would be cancelled. Is this fair?” he told reporters here today.
Apart from that, Sugumaran said the developer also failed to state the new area where the residents would be relocated. “There were 65 families living in the village but the developer’s offer was only for 24, leaving 41 families without a home,” he said.

At a meeting between the state government, the residents and the developer on Tuesday evening, Nusmetro Ventures had agreed to share the 2.6ha plot with the residents by offering each of them a double-storey terrace house for each of the house demolished.

Nusmetro Ventures had given the resident until midnight tonight to accept the offer, failing which, the compensation would be cancelled. The residents had asked the state government and the developer to give more time for them to consider the offer. However, their plea was turned down by the state government. — Bernama

Kg Buah Pala: Face of anguish

Anguish etches the face of Muniammah, 75, at the front door of her home, as she stares out at an uncertain future. – Photo by Anil

Earlier, Muniammah had come up to a few visitors to the village, her hands clasped as if pleading with us for help: “Where will we go after this?” she asked, almost in tears. “We don’t have any money for rental.”

Her parents arrived from India decades ago – she doesn’t know exactly when – and her mother lived in Kampung Buah Pala until she was 90.

She showed a couple of us around her family home, her back hunched as she struggled to walk up the steep path leading from the lane to the front door.

Perhaps those who are coveting the land on which her home stands – and can only see real estate $$$ – and those who allowed and facilitated the land grab will look deep into her eyes and understand the anguish they have caused.

She could be your grandmother or mother.

Buah Pala villagers reject Nusmetro's offer

1300: Kampung Buah Pala residents have rejected the offer by Nusmetro, according to a contact at the scene.

In a just concluded press conference, they cited numerous reasons for their rejection. They claimed that Nusmetro’s offer letter was itself illegal as the temporary title to the land in the Koperasi’s name prohibited any transaction.

They also said that the offer of cluster houses was itself dependent on the developer securing all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities, and there was no guarantee that it could. No buyer in a normal property development project would accept such a condition, they argued.
They also pointed out there were 65 families in the village and only 24 cluster homes were offered.

The press conference was held at noon, the deadline given by Nusmetro for the villagers to accept the offer. Earlier, the developer had warned in a letter that it would execute the writ of possession if the residents failed to leave the village by the deadline.

The villagers had faxed a letter to the Chief Minister yesterday asking for more time to consider the offer. They only received the detailed house drawings after 5.00pm yesterday.
Meanwhile, a small group from Pas, including Kelantan politicians, visited the villagers yesterday evening.

PRESS STATEMENT- LGE sanctions fraud against the Kg Buah Pala residents

HINDRAF is appalled by LGE’s continues political drama to see thruinjustice for the residents in Kg Buah Pala. Although, he claims andacknowledges that there was fraudulent transaction, yet he blackmailsthe residents by producing a building plan with unreasonableconditions on August 6, 2009 to comply with it within one day forfamilies that has lived on or about 200 years in the same land.

Why are you sanctioning a fraud when you should have acquired the landand return what is rightfully belonging to the residents of Kg BuahPala instead of making a deal and short changing them?

If you look at his press conference read out by his mandore ProfRamasamy, it is nothing but gloating about the achievement of DAP andcondemnation of the fraudulent transaction started by the UMNO led BNand gladly completed by the current government.

If LGE can talk so much about the fraudulent transaction, what did hedo about it? He sat by and watched it to be completed. When did heappoint an investigation committee to address the transaction when hewas well aware of this fraudulent transaction even before he came into the
power? Yes, it did not happen until the 1st week of July 2009 and whatwas the result of the investigation committee as nothing has been revealed so far.Was he really serious in assisting those residents with the investigating committee or it just another political game?

Many legal avenues, were available for him to pursue the fraudulenttransfer of the land starting from March 8, 2008, yet he sat on ithoping that it will pass by for poor and defenceless Kg Buah Palaresidents who are insignificant for him as oppose to the Developersand the rich and mighty.
Section 340(2) of the NLC clearly spells out.

The title or interest of any such person or body shall not be indefeasible
(a) in any case of fraud or misrepresentation to which the person orbody, or any agent of the person or body, was a party or privy; or
(b) where registration was obtained by forgery, or by means of aninsufficient or void instrument; or
(c) where the title or interest was unlawfully acquired by the personor body in the purported exercise of any power or authority conferredby any written law.

Now show us the public what efforts had you undertaken to challengethe fraudulent land transfer other that clamouring that it was KSK’sfraudulent act and you can’t do anything about it. Doesn’t the lawprovide it for such acts? Well you are the CM, you have the power andauthority to challenge the transaction yet you positioned yourself withdevelopers against those poor and defenceless Kg Buah Pala residents.Nowhere does it exist in law that fraud is acceptable, when youyourself claim it is a fraudulent transaction. Is this the example you are setting for the rakyat?

In total you have just sanctioned fraud and acted just like anothercorrupted UMNO led BN government that is only interested in their own individualwelfare as opposed to the public benefit.

Don’t even talk about the so-called $150 million compensation. LetHINDRAF enlighten you, the land was sold for RM3.2 Million and now you claim it is worth RM150 million. That means the price has rocketed to 2,343.75%. That even beats the property hike price of some high-end properties in New York and London before evenconstruction had began. This can only happen in the BOLEHLAND.

Where is the logic that a RM10 per square feet increases by 2,343.75% in15 months since the project was launched? Mind you if all the land wasutilized notwithstanding the basic amenities such as community hall,tennis court, tadika, administration office, clinic, landscapeand so forth. Then I guess the price is even higher per square feet?

LGE is definitely sounding like a broken record because we all knowthe malfeasances and that is why the rakyat elected you to power.Unfortunately it is very clear that you play the same game that BNplays by blaming everything on BN without addressing the real issue beingyour inaction and your inability to initiate an action for thefraudulent land transfer against public benefit.
You admit fraud was committed, and then what did you do about it otherthan playing politics with the residents of Kg Buah Pala at the 11thhour when you have been in power for the last 17 months to initiateproceedings for the fraudulent land transfer.

The latest proposal that you put forward to the residents on behalf ofthe Developer is so ludicrous.You think that you have negotiated the best deal for the residentswith a gun onto their head. HINDRAF is totally disappointed with yourcontinues drama that only appears to be that you are actually themouthpiece for the Developer rather than the plight of the Kg BuahPala residents. Is it reasonable, just and fair that, within oneday 41 families needs to make a decision, uproot and move on theunreasonable conditions of the Developer? People at least have choiceto make, but what happens to all the innocent animals, sent to theslaughterhouse?

HINDRAF feels LGE is a CM for the Developer and their mouthpiece notone who have been transparent at least in his dealing with the Kg BuahPala issue for reasons known best to himself.
HINDRAF feels this is clear hypocrisy on the part of the DAP ledPakatan government in Penang for their lack of political will tosafeguard the interest of their citizenry in Kg Buah Pala.
HINDRAF cries with those Kg Buah Pala residents who have been deceivedand blackmailed to be deprived from their ancestral homes for a simplereason that with the change and the promises given to them, they hadfaith in you and your government blindly on the basis of trust thatyou would be just and fair for the truth in this matter.

P. WaythaMoorthy

HINDRAF –Chairman

Get to the bottom of Indian deaths in lock-ups

P Dev Anand Pillai
It looks as though this police brutality will never end until we change the government and the inspector-general of police is forced into early retirement for failing to stop police brutality which eventually ends up in the death of the inmates under their custody and care.

The glaring concern here is that it is always the ethnic Indians who are dying in these lock-ups for one seldom hears of Chinese or Malay inmates dying in these lock-ups even though a fair number are arrested for alleged offences. While the federal government is trying its best to hide the actual culprits of A Kugan's death, more of the same unexplained mystery deaths of ethnic Indians seem to be surfacing by the day.

It will be too much of wishful thinking to ask what is the government of the day doing about it. Isn't this aggression in its naked form the actual opposite is what should be happening, ie, the police should be releasing suspected persons as soon as their investigations show that the evidence trail does not lead to these persons.

The Indians seem to be the main targets because of their socio-economic background. Being a significant percentage of the urban poor, the Indians are easy targets for police raids and shootouts. Racial stereotyping is another reason for this cruel and despicable acts by individuals or groups from the police force who have been entrusted with the country's public security.

If investigations are done first and arrests later, most of the crimes that we are hounded with can be solved but our system is one which arrests first and then proceeds to look for evidence to build a worthy case on the accused. If there is none, then some can even be created even it means that the accused has to confess to a crime that he did not commit.

One wonders if the government is actually bothered about deaths in police lock-ups which only happens to one race. Is the current administration bothered to ask the police for an explanation? Isn't it necessary to ask if it is '1Malaysia'?

Or is this the task of the MIC and the Indian NGOs because the dead is an ethnic Indian? What if Malay youths die unexplained in police custody, and if this happens rampantly? One is sure that the IGP would have been forced to resign, or go on early retirement. So the bottom line is, the lives of ethnic Indians are not important.

If the prime minister really means what he says by wanting to go beyond race and religion to bring this country to a new level of unity and racial harmony, then he has got to lead by example. It is of no use if publicity stunts and indoctrination propaganda are staged and play-acted before the people but one race continuously faces the same fate repeatedly.

If the prime minister is really serious about change and reform, then he must have the courage to pursue it even if it means facing the wrath his party members.

For the police force to be answerable to Parliament, the PM has got to make the first move and be serious about change and getting to the bottom about deaths in police lock-ups that involve ethnic Indians.

If Indians are going to support the ruling coalition again, then these deaths must be answered. If the police are going to carry on with these activities, then the best course of action will be street democracy which is fast becoming the only way the government will take heed and listen.

The old ways of creating musical themes with captivating slogans and continuous indoctrination are being rejected by a society which now wants more freedom and access to information without boundaries.

In a situation like this, the PM has got to show that he means business by first taking the IGP to task. But as we see it, the current administration is nothing but a large-scale public relations stunt.

Do ethnic Indians matter anymore or are we just a source of cheap legal and local labour? The PM and his party have got to take the cue.

Kg Buah Pala: Koperasi and Nusmetro must be more accommodating and reasonable

By P. Ramakrishnan (President, Aliran)

Aliran is glad that there is some kind of offer and an attempt to reach a compromise with the beleaguered residents of Kampung Buah Pala. It is good that the Koperasi and Nusmetro have finally come out with an offer in trying to reach a settlement with the residents. While it is commendable, unfortunately the offer does not go far enough to be acceptable to the residents.

A two-storey house promised in exchange for the roof that they would be losing would seem to be a reasonable proposal but this proposal is very vague and uncertain because it lacks crucial details, e.g.:

  • There is no guarantee when these houses would be ready for occupation.
  • There is no indication on which part of the land these houses would be located.
  • There is no indication of the cost of these houses.
  • There is no mention whether these houses would be built first to allow the residents to move in at the shortest possible time before the commercial project takes off.
  • There is nothing mentioned regarding the rental that would be incurred when the residents are forced to look for alternative accommodation upon the demolition of their houses.
  • To add to these uncertainties, there is also a condition that states if the amended layout plan to accommodate these houses is rejected by the approving authority, the deal would be off and the residents would not have any hold on the Koperasi and Numestro for any compensation. If this were to happen, the residents would have lost their homes and would be entitled to nothing whatsoever – not even a sen. In that eventuality, they would have been exploited and deprived of everything that they have had on this land: their lives, their homes, their history, their heritage.
In all fairness, these areas of grave concern are legitimate and it is only just that they must be addressed seriously so that the residents’ fears can be laid to rest.

Considering the fact that the Kopersai had obtained the land below market price, it has benefited tremendously and stands to reap huge profits from the land that has been home to these unfortunate residents and their ancestors for nearly 200 years. It would, therefore, be reasonable to expect the Koperasi to be forthcoming and generous in its offer.

Being a Koperasi, it should understand what social justice is, it should be aware that exploitation is wrong and unjust.

It is because of this that Aliran expects the Koperasi to understand fully the dire situation of the residents of Kampung Buah Pala. It is because of this that Aliran expects the Koperasi to act in a humane manner befitting its status and responsibility.

Aliran earnestly hopes that there will be no forced eviction, that there will be no violence tomorrow. There is no need to resort to sledgehammers and bulldozers to evict these helpless residents.

Aliran would like to appeal to the Koperasi to defer the demolition and hope that it would sincerely engage in dialogue with the residents so that a just settlement can be arrived at as soon as possible to the mutual satisfaction of both the parties.

Pakatan cannot expect a free pass from the public

Analysis by Leslie Lau
Consultant Editor - The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 — Corruption allegations, public squabbling and ineffective leadership are just the kind of perception the public used to associate solely with Barisan Nasional (BN) but in recent months the ruling coalition now has company in the form of the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance.

While BN politicians are getting criticised for making racist, narrow-minded statements and for pursuing right-wing policies, then PR politicians should also be held accountable for their own failings.

Yesterday, the DAP’s Lim Kit Siang issued a warning that PR stood the risk of being a one-term wonder.

He is not far off the mark.

So far, states under the control of PR have not been shining examples of a better Malaysia.

Selangor, under the leadership of one of the country’s better former technocrats, has come under scrutiny over corruption allegations.

PR politicians can hurl allegations after allegations against BN for allegedly using the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) as a tool to topple them.

And while the MACC have not been a paragon of neutrality, the public disillusionment with PR has grown as the muckraking continues.

The public’s dissatisfaction with BN was clearly shown when it gave the ruling coalition its bloodiest nose ever in March 2008.

And many have placed upon the shoulders of the fledgling PR parties hope for a better country.

But so far what the public has seen are examples of a BN under a different name.

The recent public quarrelling between the DAP and PAS over minor issues such as the relocation of an abattoir and the illegal seizure of beer has shown the continuing immaturity of Malaysian politicians.

Such open disagreements are mainly due to the fact that PR still does not have a common platform to offer itself as a viable alternative to BN.

Malaysians will find it very difficult to support PR if they do not know what the product is about.

The rallying cry of PR cannot continue to be “at least we are not as bad as BN” or “if we are bad BN is worse”.

Perhaps Malaysian politicians should learn a thing or two from the stock market.

Investors look at a company to see if its future earnings will continue to go up.

It is all about the future. It is about hope.

No one wants to invest in a company whose board of directors are fighting with each other or a company under a cloud of allegations of impropriety.

People like to feel good. That’s a fact. And they like to feel good about a company they are investing in. They want to know that there is a good future in the company.

So far, neither BN nor PR makes Malaysians feel good about the country.

BN is the slumbering giant that finds it hard to institute the kind of reforms needed to save Malaysia.

It is the behemoth that still believes too much in its own spin and does not offer up any clear leadership in taking Malaysia forward.

The PR alliance is not that much better so far.

Yes, there are obstacles and hurdles in front of it. And sure they are mighty big hurdles.

But the PR parties appear to only come alive when there is a combustible issue like the death of Teoh Beng Hock and in public demonstrations.

Malaysia craves for leadership to lead the country forward and to inspire hope.

And because of that Pakatan Rakyat cannot expect a free pass from the public.

Selangor beer squabble may spill over to Permatang Pasir

By Neville Spykerman - The Malaysian Insider

Selangor councillor Ronnie Liu was attacked by PAS commissioner Hassan Ali for “interfering” with an unauthorised MBSA beer raid. — Picture by Choo Choy May

SHAH ALAM, Aug 7 — The on-going squabble in Selangor between PAS and DAP over beer may have consequences that go far beyond the state’s borders.

Insiders in both parties think Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Hassan Ali has played into the hands of Umno, which will reap the benefits of the wedge between the Islamic party and secular DAP, ahead of the Permatang Pasir by-election in Penang.

Hassan has called for DAP’s Ronnie Liu to be stripped of his local government portfolio for “interfering” in beer seizures from a 7-Eleven outlet by enforcement officers in Shah Alam on July 29.

The by-election in Permatang Pasir had been called following the death of Mohd Hamdan Abdul Rahman, 60, from a heart attack on July 31.

The assemblyman was PAS’ only state lawmaker in Penang and the Islamic party has the most to lose if the on-going dispute in Selangor is not contained.

If Malay voters continue to be split down the middle as they were in Manek Urai, the outcome of Permatang Pasir will be decided by the constituency’s 25 per cent Chinese and 1 per cent Indian voters.

Penang PAS deputy commissioner Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa said the lessons from Manek Urai, where the party scraped by with a 65-vote majority, had been learnt.

Although he maintains that Permatang Pasir is not Manek Urai, he concedes that retaining Mohd Hamdan’s 5,433 votes garnered in last year’s general elections will be an uphill task.

Mujahid said Selangor’s PAS/DAP fiasco and recent remarks by DAP’s Jeff Ooi — who labelled Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) as an extremist Islamic organisation — are not helping the situation.

“Umno is bound to use these issues against us during the by-election and it’s important for these issues to be resolved before then,” he said.

Meanwhile in Selangor, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders including those from PAS are either stumped or incensed by Hassan Ali’s conduct.

During a press conference on Tuesday, the PAS executive councillor (exco) lashed out at Liu for interfering in the work of enforcement officers from the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA), which seized beer from a 7-Eleven outlet located near a surau in Section 8.

A decision was made to return the beer the next day on July 30 because the seizure was illegal. MBSA mayor Mazalan Md Noor has clarified that there are no by-laws which allow enforcement officers to make the seizure. He added the beer can only be seized if sold openly to Muslims or minors.

However, Hassan Ali who claimed to represent Selangor PAS said the party supported the seizure.

A PAS leader told The Malaysian Insider that Hassan Ali was either naïve for playing into the hands of Umno or working with them to topple the PR state government.

Another Pakatan member of parliament pointed out that Hassan Ali could have raised the issue at the weekly state exco meeting but instead chose to raise it with the press.

“I am not sure what he is up to but I doubt the issue is merely about the sale of beer.”

DAP’s Tony Pua said: “We are completely stumped on the unwarranted open attack on Liu who was doing his job.

“We’re certain he is not politically naïve and we wish to find out what is his motive.”

The Petaling Jaya MP added that Hasaan Ali may just end up jeopardising PAS’s chance in Permatang Pasir if he continues down the same path.

Greatest disappointment of all 18 Najib Cabinet meetings – utter failure to address six urgent national issues from crime, corruption, education, heal

By Lim Kit Siang,

The Cabinet meeting this Wednesday (5th August) is the greatest disappointment of all the 18 Cabinet meetings in the 124 days of Najib premiership because of its utter failure to address at least six urgent national issues ranging from crime, corruption, education, health to nation building.

The Cabinet has irresponsibly skirted grave and urgent national issues including:

  1. Cabinet’s failure to heed nation-wide outrage at its refusal to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on July 16 instead of breaking up the process into two parts – an inquest into the causes of Teoh’s death and a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into MACC interrogation techniques.

    The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said in Pekan on Tuesday that the Commission of Inquiry into the MACC’s interrogation methods would only begin its work after the inquest into Teoh’s death.

    It is Najib’s ensuing statement that the RCI “will take into consideration the findings of the inquest” which has given Teoh’s family the false hope that if they are not satisfied with the inquest findings, Najib is prepared to consider their request for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes and circumstances of Teoh’s death.

    As far as I know, there is no legal basis for Najib to do such a thing. To avoid any misunderstanding as to what Najib really meant in his Pekan statement, I had urged the Cabinet to state clearly and unequivocally that it will agree to expand the scope of the RCI to probe into the causes and circumstances of Teoh’s death if the family requests it after the inquest.

    The Cabinet however avoided the issue completely.

    I had asked for a clear Cabinet position as there is no legal basis or power for any Royal Commission of Inquiry to overturn the findings of the inquest into causes of Teoh’s death.

    The right and proper thing to do would have been to immediately expand the scope of the RCI to probe into the causes and circumstances of Teoh’s death and stand down the inquest pending the outcome of the RCI inquiry – as is the best international practices in Commonwealth countries in cases of mysterious deaths commanding great public interest.

  2. Cabinet’s failure to express concern and institute a public inquiry into the excessive use of force by the police against the peaceful gathering by tens of thousands of Malaysians in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, August 1, demanding the abolition of the Internal Security Act, by indiscriminately firing tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon against peaceful and defenceless participants, bystanders as well as residents in the area, together with 589 arrests.

  3. Cabinet’s failure to respond to the Parliamentary Roundtable of July 28 unanimously calling for a new Inspector-General of Police because of Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s failure to roll back the tide of crime in the past five years as well as to provide a new police leadership to establish an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police force to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.

  4. Cabinet’s failure to include as the seventh National Key Result Areas (NKRA) the war against two killer epidemics, dengue and the A(H1N1), with monthly as well as six-monthly targets, particularly as the A(H1N1) pandemic has claimed 14 lives and exceeding 1,500 recorded cases in less than three months of the first confirmed case of A(H1N1).

  5. Cabinet’s failure to modify its earlier decision on PPSMI (Teaching of mathematics and science in English) to make it more flexible, liberal and innovative to allow parents the choice to decide on the medium of instruction for their children in maths and science, both primary and secondary, in line with the national aspirations to be internationally competitive to become a high-income nation.

  6. Cabinet’s failure to take stern action against Umno’s two newspaper groups, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, which have recently been spouting rank racism, incitement and sedition totally subversive of the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia objective and mission.

Utusan Melayu … or Ugutan Melayu?

By Azly Rahman

What is the function of a newspaper in a multicultural society? Is it to expand the mind of readers or to instill fear of others –or even of oneself?

Utusan Melayu (I am still familiar with this name rather than Utusan Malaysia) or the Malay Messenger has some good stuff to contribute to society but generally its and mission and vision is to build soul cages of the Malays. The mind of the Malay is warped, distorted, and archived into a realm of fear of itself and of others. Through the Malay language it brings thinking into a tabloidic dimension and relegates politics into a subject of advancing the backwardness of ultra-communalism.

Utusan Melayu is synonymous with Ketuanan Melayu, Tuntutan Melayu, Rasul Melayu, Kongres Melayu, Kesatuan Melayu, and other forms of glorified anomalies of the progressive Malay mind yearning to be free from the shackles of feudalism, superstition, and neo-feudalistic and urban-superstitious beliefs.

Utusan Melayu claims to be “Penyebar Fikiran Rakyat”. But does it expand the mind nor spread the message of peace of the Malays in relation to the much-needed marhaenism with other races?

By calling the Malays not to be “bachul” or “wimp” and to “bangkit” or to rise, the newspaper is showing its irrelevance and outdatedness of rhetoric. Tabloidic and tantric treatment of totalitarian thinking. The Malays are confused what these messages mean because they now have no reason to de-wimp themselves nor to rise. Against who? Are Malaysians not seeing the emergence, though with growing pains, of a two -party system that in which a multicultural coalition is gnawing the roots of ethnocentric-based political alliance that have survived on fear management?

Back to my confusion on the role of Utusan Melayu. On the idea of “kebaculan” and “kebangkitan” (wimpiness and wakefulness)

Perhaps there is a hidden message in all these. The call to de-wimp and rise is a call to arms against the few Malays in power that are using the media to create a false consciousness of who the real enemy is and what the real issue has been. Perhaps the call is to revolt against all forms of authoritarianism and totalitarianism that have made the Malays of these days carry an unpleasant name.

Perhaps the call is to rise against all kinds of organizations, paid or volunteer, that seems to advance the “rights of the Malays” and insist on keeping repressive intact to bludgeon others.

Is Utusan Melayu a threat to the advancement of the Malays? Is it still a popular tabloid that now uses threatening means to maintain readership? Or is it merely a continuation of a cultural transmission of fear and trembling, superstition and sensationalism, to get modern Malays to do shadowboxing/shadowpuppet play with bogeymen and bogeymen created from an old script of Ketuanan Melayu?

I do not know. But is it called Ugutan Melayu or Utusan Melayu?

Saya Melayu

By Hussein Hamid

The problems we now face does not only concern Perak, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor but the whole country. It does not only concern the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians but everybody who are Malaysians. It is not a concern for today, tomorrow, next week or next year but a concern for not only today but more important, of the future. The errors we make, the foundations we build and all that we do now will be there for posterity – to be judged by those that come after us. If we are not there to hear the verdict, our children will.

While the individual leaders within Pakatan Rakyat have long been in Politics their ability to govern and govern well is yet to be tested. But time favours them.

Time does not favor UMNO. The years of UMNO rule, while all not bad, has brought into question whether more of the same excesses are to prevail in the years to come?

“If Umno fails, the Malays fail and if the Malays fail the nation will also fail, this we cannot avoid (if it happens),” Mahyiddin.

The Malays have not failed UMNO !! Have you not won every General Election since the first one in 1959 – and winning all, bar the 1969 and 2008 elections, with two thirds majority everytime? Enough to do what you want in Parliment? Pass any law? Amend any exisisting one? No effective opposition to question your plundering and pillaging of the Nation’s treasures? Is that not enough time to champion the cause of the Malays or were you too busy championing your own self? From the Mata Mata who was robbing the poor taxi drivers of their hard earned daily earnings to our Prime Ministers whose family, relatives, drivers even bodyguards – robbed us blind !!

And now after winning 12 General election like Oliver Twist you say “ Please Sir, Can I have some more?” No you will not.

As a Malay I had wanted UMNO to represent the Malay interest. Not UMNO’s interest.

As a Malay I see no harm that the Chinese or the Indian can cause me. Do not tell me that the Chinese and Indians can be a danger to me because they are a danger to UMNO.

As a Malay I do not have a quarrel with DAP, Keadilan or PAS. Let them be and not make them my enemy because they are UMNO’s enemies.

As a Malay I see the richness that comes with the NEP being claimed by UMNO whereas it rightly belong to all Malays.

The Chinese, Indians and the others are not the nemesis of the Malays. They are citizens of Malaysia as the Malays are citizens of Malaysia. They never were or will ever be the enemies of the Malays. If the Malays are too polite then they are that because that’s the way we are. If the Chinese are good at business – then it is because they have had many years of doing just that. Was it not a Chinese who said “To grow rich is glorious!!” What a wonderful sentiment! If the Indians are having their own problems trying to keep up with the others then maybe they should choose better leaders to lead them.

But these are sweeping statements to illustrate the great divide that could be exploited by mischievous politicians for their own advantage. But it will not happen now because of The Times They are A Changing…

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.

Bob Dylan.

Everything that is right and reasonable points to the fact that the Malays in UMNO are men with vested interest and are not to be trusted. We cannot allow men in whom we have no trust to be in power. Let it not be said that the Malays do not have the resolve to effect change.


I am truly and conscientiously persuaded that it is in the interest of the Malays and our country for us to do so. For, as Milton said, “never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep.”

What will now happen to UMNO? Ruin…it will be in ruins. The time for reconciliation between the Malays and UMNO is past. Hidup Pakatan Rakyat. Hidup PAS. Hidup Keadilan. Hidup DAP. As UMNO says:




1. Apabila sahaja saya dilantik sebagai Menteri Pelajaran pada tahun 1974, maka Anwar Ibrahim pun mula menghasut penuntut universiti untuk mengadakan tunjuk perasaan jalanan. Isunya apa saya sudah lupa.

2. Walaupun Anwar bukan pengasas demonstrasi jalanan tetapi sejak dia memasuki politik, taktik memperalat orang untuk menjayakan dirinya melalui demonstrasi jalanan kerap diguna olehnya. Dianya memuncak apabila disingkir daripada jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Tiap minggu demonstrasi diadakan.

3. Budaya demonstrasi datang dari luar. Memang dalam keadaan terlalu tersepit dan tidak ada cara lain untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu, demonstrasi jalan terpaksa diadakan. Demikian semasa melawan Malayan Union, orang Melayu berdemonstrasi.

4. Tetapi apabila cara lain terbuka luas demonstrasi tidak sepatutnya menjadi pilihan.

5. Sebabnya ialah orang yang menjadi mangsa bukan Kerajaan sahaja. Yang jadi mangsa ialah peniaga, terutama peniaga kecil yang kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Bagi mereka ini demonstrasi adalah mala petaka yang lebih buruk daripada hujan lebat. Barangan jualan terutama makanan sudah disiap dan tidak boleh disimpan. Kerugian sehari tidak dapat ditampung dengan keuntungan 10 hari atau lebih.

6. Peniaga lain juga akan tanggung kerugian. Tetapi kerugian yang terbesar ialah pembangunan negara untuk rakyat. Kita sedar bahawa pembangunan negara membawa banyak nikmat kepada seluruh rakyat. Banding sahaja pendapatan per kapita sebelum Malaysia dibangun dengan selepas kemajuan dicapai.

7. Apabila demonstrasi jalanan diadakan, pelabur samada tempatan atau asing akan curiga untuk melabur. Dengan itu peluang untuk kontraktor, pembekal barangan, khidmat pengangkutan, pekerja dan penjual makanan untuk pekerja - semua peluang ini akan hapus.

8. Polis terpaksa ambil tindakan. Gas pemedih mata dan belantan diguna. Kegunaan cara keras ini biasanya diumpan oleh pendemonstrasi. Imej polis dan negara jadi buruk. Ini sangat menggembirakan Anwar kerana inilah ceritanya kepada orang luar negeri. Malaysia katanya adalah tidak demokratik, zalim, tidak ada kebebasan bagi rakyat, dan lain-lain. Demonstrasi bukan untuk mengugut kerajaan sahaja tetapi untuk tunjuk kepada dunia betapa buruknya Negara sendiri. Secara tidak langsung tujuan demonstrasi ialah supaya dianya memerintah Negara ini. Na'uzubillah.

9. Ada negara-negara di mana demonstrasi kerap diadakan. Di rantau ini pun ada. Apakah negara-negara ini berjaya?

10. Demokrasi mengizinkan demonstrasi. Samada demokrasi menguntungkan pengamal bergantung kepada pengamal. Jika pengamal tidak faham cara mengguna demokrasi, kebaikan dan keuntungan tidak akan tercapai.

11. Ada orang di sebelah sana, di Barat yang amat gembira apabila kita tidak dapat bangunkan Malaysia. Nama mereka adalah seperti Wolfowitz, Cohen dan lain-lain yang menjadi sahabat karib DSAI.

Tamil Tiger 'leader' arrested in Thailand

(CNN) -- A leader of the defeated Tamil Tiger rebel group has been arrested in Bangkok, Thailand, state television in Sri Lanka reported Thursday.

Selvarasa Padmanathan, also known as KP, was the "self-appointed ... leader and chief arms dealer" of the Tamil Tigers, according to Lankapuvath, the national news agency of Sri Lanka. It also reported the arrest, citing the Sri Lankan government information department.

The Sri Lankan military defeated the Tamil Tigers this year. The rebel group is formally known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. It fought a 25-year war seeking an independent state for minority Tamils in Sri Lanka. At least 70,000 were killed.

Remnants of the battered Tamil Tiger group decided in July that Padmanathan would "lead us into the next steps of our freedom struggle," according to a published account.

That happened after the Sri Lankan military killed the group's long-time leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, in the final days of a bloody offensive that ended the war.

Kg Buah Pala: More questions

Let’s go back a bit and look at the timeline:

3 October 2005 – Nusmetro enters into a joint venture with the Koperasi.

5 October 2006 – Planning permission is given by the local authorities.

27 March 2008 – Temporary title (Borang 11AK) (99 year lease) is registered in the name of the Koperasi. The title contains a restriction saying that there can be no transfer, lease, sub-lease or any transaction.

There are also two caveats shown on this temporary title document:

1) Caveat by Nusmetro – registered on 14 April 2008. (Nusmetro had agreed to pay the land premium on behalf of the Koperasi in return for the joint venture agreement.)

2) “Kaveat Pendaftar atas Tanah” – registered on 22 December 2008. (This appears to be in connection with some loan to a borrower. The Housing Loans Section of the Malaysian Treasury applied for the caveat.)

Can planning permission for a plot of land be given before the title is even registered in the name of the applicant? How did this happen?

And what is the final outcome of the state investigative committee’s probe into the land deal. There is no point revealing the results when the houses are already demolished, is there?

No more talk of land scams now?

TBH inquest: Mystery DNA on his belt

01 East - Malaysia's security act - 6 August 09

Part 1

Part 2

Snapped belt may have caused Teoh's death, inquest told

By Debra Chong- The Malaysian Insider

SHAH ALAM, Aug 6 – Government DNA expert Dr Seah Lay Hong told the coroner's court today that instructions from police investigators did not include checking the possibility of Teoh Beng Hock being murdered and had not been specifically considered in her analyses.

But she acknowledged one hypothesis surrounding Teoh's death – that unknown men could have held the DAP political aide by his belt which snapped and caused him to fall to his death.

Dr Seah said, however, that she had not been given access to photographs taken of Teoh showing the position of his body after his fall, and had to resort to her own theories to determine the cause of his death.

Under intensive questioning from lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, who represents Teoh's family, the DNA scientist said she had to form her own “hypotheses” on where to swab for possible human contact to find out if there had been foul play in how the 30-year-old died.

Dr Seah had tested 157 people to find a match to at least two unidentified men whose DNA profiles had been found on certain parts of the jacket and trousers worn by Beng Hock when he was found dead.

In her analysis, she noted that none of the DNA from the 157 tested matched those of Mr X, whom she had named in her report as “Male 1”. Nor did they match that of Mr X2, whom she did not name in her report.

Dr Seah noted that there was a possibility of more than two unknown males involved. In her analysis, swabs taken from a torn belt worn by Beng Hock revealed a mixture of male DNA specimens, in which she could make only the DNA profiles of Mr X – or “Male 1” as she put it – and at least one other male whose identity is unconfirmed.

Gobind then suggested to Dr Seah that one of the possible ways Beng Hock died was if he had been held by several men by his belt, which then snapped causing him to fall to his death.

“That is one of the many possibilities,” she said.

However, in answer to a question from lawyer Rajpal Singh, who is holding a watching brief for the Bar Council, Dr Seah explained to the inquest that the belt worn by Teoh bore an “irregular tear”, which showed it had not been cut by a sharp object.

The chemist, who holds a PhD in forensic DNA, said the police investigating officer (IO) ASP Ahmad Nazri Zainal had told her Teoh had been interrogated by MACC officers before he died; and that his “fall could be accidental or not accidental.”

Dr Seah was the ninth witness called to the stand since the inquest started last week. She was subjected to a severe grilling from Gobind.

Gobind: Did the IO tell you he was interrogated and he could have been murdered? Dr Seah: Not in so many words.

Gobind: You mean in less words?

Dr Seah: No. He didn't say murder. It could be accidental or not accidental.

Gobind: If not accidental, doesn’t that mean murder?

At this point, Tan Hock Chuan, a former deputy public prosecutor appointed to lead the Attorney General’s team to aide the coroner in the inquest cut in. He strongly objected Gobind's line of questioning and pointed out that “a fall that is not accidental may mean murder and may mean something else.”

Questioned further, she also admitted that the results of her analysis does not conclusively absolve the 157 people she had tested from having a hand in Beng Hock's death.

Because of that, Gobind contends that she failed to conduct a thorough check on Beng Hock's body and clothes for other foreign matter.

Dr Seah admitted she only swabbed certain areas, based on instructions given by police, thereby limiting the scope of investigation into the causes of Teoh's death.

“The scope of investigation is very narrow and did not include that all open possibility that there was a murder,” Gobind told reporters after the coroner adjourned the inquest.

“Whatever hypothesis she was working on could not have been effective because she did not have sight of photographs which clearly showed the deceased in the position he died,” he added.

“The 157 who were tested have been absolved only because their DNA were not found but this does not mean that they are not involved. And she agreed with that,” Gobind pointed out.

But Dr Seah, who in reply to an earlier question from Tan, said she had followed the Chemistry Department's procedures in her examinations.

Pressed if it was “normal” for the IO to supply her with photographs showing the position of a dead body to help her form her conclusion, she promptly said it was “not normal to submit photos.”

“Did the IO tell you the deceased was interrogated by SPRM officers and after interrogation, suicidce was possible? Did he say that?” Tan probed, referring to the anti-graft officers by their Malay initials.

“Yes,” Dr Seah replied.

A total of 40 items sealed by the government Chemistry Department, which were taken from Teoh and from the scene of death and used in the toxicology, criminology and DNA tests, were presented as case exhibits in the coroner’s cort today.

Among them were a snapped wristwatch, parts of a window latch and various articles of Teoh’s last worn clothing, which included his bloodstained shirt and jacket to his socks and underwear.

Magistrate Azmil Muntapha Abas, who is acting as coroner, will continue the inquest tomorrow morning with a visit to where Teoh’s body was found sprawled at Plaza Masalam, less than a kilometre away from the courthouse here.

Kit Siang warns open squabbling could turn Pakatan into one-term wonder

By Leslie Lau - The Malaysian Insider
Consultant Editor

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 — The DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today urged all Pakatan Rakyat (PR) partners to show more cohesion and common sense of purpose to strengthen public confidence, and avoid the kind of public quarrels which could result in the alliance becoming a “one-term wonder”.

His remarks show the measure of concern being felt by national PR leaders over the succession of squabbles between DAP and PAS which has damaged the credibility of PR state governments.

Selangor PAS chief Datuk Hassan Ali had openly called for his state executive councillor colleague Ronnie Liu from the DAP to be stripped of his portfolio following a dispute over a minor issue of unlawful beer seizures.

Last month, DAP had also threatened to pull out from the PAS-led Kedah PR state government over the issue of the relocation of an abattoir.

“All Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in the credibility, cohesion, integrity and common sense of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat if PR is not to end up as a one-term wonder.

“If a state exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio, and be supported by the state Youth wing of that party to the extent of wanting to hold a public demonstration, then the same thing can be done by the other Pakatan Rakyat component parties,” said Lim.

Lim said the result of such open squabbling would be utter chaos and the PR alliance would be discredited.

PR leaders and component parties, instead of Barisan Nasional (BN), would then become PR’s own biggest enemies.

“It is imperative therefore that any unhappiness and dissatisfaction by any Pakatan Rakyat component party or leader must be raised and dealt with internally in the grouping.”

Umno and BN have in recent months been gradually chipping away at the level of public support which PR parties have been enjoying, largely due to open squabbling and a absence of a joint platform for voters to compare with what the ruling coalition has to offer.

Umno has also successfully used race and religious issues to drive a wedge between the more conservative factions in PAS and the more secular DAP.

The PR national leadership is now working feverishly towards fulfilling legal guidelines and registering the alliance officially to underline its commitment towards being a viable alternative to BN.

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the former Umno minister who joined PKR recently, has been given the task of coordinating activities of the joint PR secretariat.

It is understood that a series of discussions will soon be held for PR parties to come up with a common platform.

The Gunasegaran ‘death in police custody’ case : An update

By Haris Ibrahim,

Following my ‘Why is Gunasegaran dead?…” post, so many of you wrote in with offers to help with the cost of the proposed second post mortem.

Thank you all so very, very much. You are proof that, notwithstanding the rot that has taken root in our country, there is still hope.

I have not responded to your e-mails because as it turned out, consent was needed from the police authorities for a second post mortem to be carried out, and I did not want to embark on a fund collection exercise until I was certain that a second post-mortem could proceed.

I’ve just been informed that the police have today given their consent, in writing, to a second post mortem.

I’ll be sending those of you who wrote in earlier with offers to help the requisite details so that you can send in your contributions.

God bless.

Kg Buah Pala: Offer ends tomorrow

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Why the Honeymoon is Over for Malaysia's New PM

Demonstrators flee as Malaysian anti-riot police fire tear gas shells near Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on August 1, 2009
Demonstrators flee as Malaysian anti-riot police fire tear gas shells near Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur on August 1, 2009
Saeed Khan / AFP / Getty Images

Since coming into power in April, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced a slew of people-friendly policies. He made moves to liberalize the economy and improve simmering ethnic tensions by easing up on wealth ownership rules that had long-favored native Malays over the nation's significant Chinese and Indian minorities. The citizens those policies were aimed to please rewarded Najib with good numbers: In mid-July, public opinion polls showed the new PM with high approval ratings of 70%, compared to low ratings of 35% as deputy PM before taking office.

But on August 1, all those cozy feelings came under a cloud after Najib's government sent out over 3,700 police personnel to employ their batons, tear gas and chemical-laced water cannons to disperse an estimated 20,000 people who had marched in the capital to demand the repeal of the longstanding Internal Security Act (ISA) security law that is often used against political opponents. Over 500 people were arrested — the biggest mass arrest since the city's race riots in 1969 — and over 50 people have been charged with taking part in an illegal assembly, a crime punishable with two-years in prison if found guilty. Among those arrested were about 40 minors under the age of 18 years who were held overnight in police lock ups, whose parents National Police Chief Mr Musa Hassan has also vowed to charge under the Child Act for allowing them to take part in the protest. "We strongly condemn this over-zealous and abusive show of power to crush the people's right to assembly and free expression," Ragunath Kesavan, president of the Malaysian Bar Council, told TIME. "The new government appears determined to stifle public opinion, persecute and punish those who dare to speak out."

There has been signs that the nation's honeymoon with its new leader was coming to an end. In July, a former government minister who defected to the opposition had told local media that Mr Najib is an "iron fist in a velvet glove." The mayhem on Saturday, his critics are now saying, are a harbinger of worse things to come. The brutal display of force unfolded in the middle of a Saturday afternoon in central Kuala Lumpur as protesters marched to Istana Negara palace to ask King Mizan Zainal Abidin — whose role in Malaysia today is largely ceremonial — to repeal the ISA law. The law, under which detained persons can be held without trial for years under the act, was first enacted in 1948 to use against communist insurgents, but has always been abused. In September 2008, the ISA was resurrected to temporarily arrest a young journalist, a popular lawmaker and a blogger, sparking national outrage and prompting the opposition to annouce Saturday's protest a month ahead of the one year anniversary of the event.

Najib immediately defended this stringent call to order, saying the massive protest was orchestrated by his political rival, Anwar Ibrahim. Many have observed that Ibrahim, currently an MP who has weathered his own political storms in recent years, has been styling himself as the prime-minister-in waiting. "I have promised a review of the ISA," Najib told local media on Sunday. "They can protest in halls and stadiums but not on the streets." Police and government officials in Malaysia typically view street demonstrations as a challenge to their authority, whereas a gathering in a stadium or otherwise contained public space is considered a peaceful and legitimate show of dissent. The current opposition, however, says street demonstrations themselves are peaceful with police using force to disperse the crowd.

For his part, Najib had been doing okay until Saturday's mayhem, according to political analysts. After inheriting a ruling coalition in disarray and a government lacking firm direction amidst an economic slowdown, he had pulled the government together and give "hope of a fair, just and united society under his One Malaysia banner," says political scientist Denison Jayasooria. Mr Najib saw to it that more non-Malays were employed in the civil service, started several new, government-managed, big-sized unit trust schemes allowing non-Malay participation. He even allowed unsold portions of the units reserved for Malays, to be offered to non-Malays after a stipulated time.

But opposition lawmakers say this abrupt use of "brute force" against peaceful dissenters marks the end of Najib's brief honeymoon. "Saturday's message is clear...toe the line, or face brute force," says opposition MP Tian Chua. Jayasooria says the Prime Minister has not shown a respect for human rights, a commitment to tolerate dissent and see political opponents as partners in a democratic system. "The use of overwhelming force against peaceful dissenters is a serious indictment of his administration," says Jayasooria. August 5's raw display of force is also a far cry from the tolerant and liberal atmosphere inculcated by the fatherly former PM Abdullah Badawi, who was forced to resign in March for leading the ruling 13-party Barisan Nasional coalition to its worst ever performance in 2008 polls. The mysterious death of an opposition political aide in July has compounded critics' concerns. In mid-July Teoh Beng Hock, 30, was found dead beneath the 14th story window of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission offfices after a late night interrogation by officers, sparking national outrage. Opposition lawmakers blame the death on the MACC and accuse the authorities of unleashing the commission against them. Veteran opposition lawmaker Lim Kit Siang is demanding a Royal Commission of Inquiry into all the circumstances leading to Mr Teoh's death. "The people are entitled to know the whole truth," he told TIME.

An inquest is on-going and Najib has agreed to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry but after the on-going inquest is over. The results of the inquest and inquiry are unlikely to stop the rising political temperature in the country.

Probe Sabotage Allegations Against Samy Vellu, Says Saravanan

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 (Bernama) -- An MIC leader has called on the Barisan Nasional to investigate an allegation that a BN component party leader was involved in undermining the MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu's chances of retaining the Sungai Siput parliamentary seat at the 2008 general election.

MIC information chief and Deputy Federal Territorirs Minister Datuk M. Saravanan said the allegation by businessman O.M.S. Thiagarajan in the Tamil newspapers yesterday should be fully investigated as it was very serious.

"I will be talking to BN secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor about the matter soon," he told Bernama here Thursday.

Thiagarajan was quoted as saying on Tuesday that he had the assistance of a BN component party leader to oust Samy Vellu from Sungai Siput at the general election to ensure that the MIC president did not retain the position of works minister.

Samy Vellu lost the seat, which he had held for more than 20 years, in the general election and subsequently the MIC was not given the ministerial portfolio traditionally reserved for the party.

Saravanan said that if the allegation was true, stern action must be taken against the component party leader.

"I am not accusing Thiagarajan of making a false statement, but I just want BN component party leaders cleared of any such allegation.

"This allegation can create a lot of discomfort and result in disunity among BN component parties. It is a serious allegation and should be clarified as soon as possible," he added.

P.Subramaniam To Vie For MIC Veep

PETALING JAYA, Aug 6 (Bernama) -- Former Selangor MIC Youth chief P. Subramaniam will contest for the vice-presidency in the upcoming MIC election on Sept 22.

Subramaniam, who announced his candidacy here today, said he had decided to do so after he received grassroots support who had voiced their concern and wanted more young blood injected into the party in line with its rejuvenation efforts.

He was also confident that with his 26 years' experience in politics and deep understanding of the MIC and Indians' struggles, he would be able to work with the leadership and bring changes to the community.

"The time for young leaders has come, and I believe that president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu will need a team of leaders who can work tirelessly to serve and unite the community," he said at a news conference.

Samy Vellu had endorsed three candidates -- Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam, Deputy Federal Territories Minister Datuk M.Saravan and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk S.K Devamany -- for the post.

Two more candidates, businessman S.K Bala of Johor and V. Ragu Moorthy from Selangor are expected to join in the race.

When asked about his chances in contesting against the president's men, P.Subramaniam said:

"At the moment, the community needs leaders who are vocal, independent and knowledgeable. What MIC needs now are not yes men, but wise men who are able to work for the betterment of the community and to revamp the party and unite the Indians."

On whether his decision to contest would get approval from the president, he said : "He has not said that he supports, nor has he stopped me from contesting. So I am taking this as a blessing from him for me to go ahead."

At the event, Subramaniam also launched his website