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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Palani turned MIC into Pensioners Club

The party is crying out for a new vibrant leadership that can take it forward to be on par with the aspirations of the community. Palanivel is not the person…
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SJKT, BM dan agama Hindu

Mana-mana pihak yang menyeru SJKT dimansuhkan perlu terlebih dahulu tampil menyokong penulisan bahan berkaitan agama Hindu dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

Salah satu topik yang kembali dipolitikkan puak tertentu sejak belakangan…
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'Race baiting' heightens on May 13 anniversary

Syrian Rebel Bites Heart of Dead Soldier: Video

BEIRUT (Reuters) - A video of a Syrian rebel commander cutting the heart out of a soldier and biting into is emblematic of a civil war that has rapidly descended…
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Anwar: Ex-judge's speech puts Ku Klux Klan to shame

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has blasted a former judge’s comments at a forum yesterday for being racist, drawing comparisons with the Ku Klux Klan and Adolf Hitler.

mohd noor abdullah ex court of appeal judge 130513“Former…
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‘We gave you wins, now give us posts’

An emboldened Iban community in Sarawak wants premier Najib Tun Razak to consider its 14 Dayak MPs for full ministerial posts.

KUCHING: As Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak mulls over…
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Indians are for Pakatan

The GE13 results show that BN was wrong in assuming that it has regained the community’s support.

By Satees Muniandy

In the build-up to GE13, Barisan Nasional leaders, particularly those…
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No significant cheating in Sungai Siput

Although doubts remain on the authenticity of the voters’ lists, PSM's winning candidate says there were no conclusive evidence of significant cheating during the polling process.

By Dr Michael D…
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Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share…
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Wake-up call in Malaysia

BN under pressure to dismantle race-based policies as opposition draws more support from all sides, lifting popular vote above 50%. 

Newspaper section: Asia focus

History was supposed to have been…
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Face the law, married or not

The Star

PETALING JAYA: The man who plans to marry a 13-year-old girl he allegedly raped should still face the law, said the Malaysian Bar.

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What more does Kit Siang want? At least five things – clean, free and fair elections; Malaysia as a normal democratic country; restoration of rule of law; world-class education and a safe, green, healthy and united Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia today carried its campaign to demonise me as an ogre and monster to a new height when in its main article on its editorial page by its senior…
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'Transformation' Cabinet To Meet People's Aspirations

KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 (Bernama) - After fielding a 'transformation' team in the 13th general election (GE13), Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is expected to form a 'transformation'…
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13th General Elections of Malaysia – A Fraud Analysis

This article can be downloaded as a PDF.
Download the PDF here.
Please note that this analysis is done for academic interest only.
Please do not…
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