Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Women activists, religious parties differ on domestic violence
“Isn’t it breaking up a family if husband goes to jail for beating up wife,” said veiled woman legislator from Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl Fauzia Bibi justifying domestic violence by giving different cultural and religious perspectives.
She ended up saying the passage of the bill would westernise the society.
It seems nothing has ‘changed’ as just like the legislature of the previous PPP-ANP coalition provincial government, some members of the current provincial assembly still seem opposed to the Domestic Violence Bill calling it a western agenda and interference in privacy of homes. PPP woman legislator Noor Sehar had an anti-domestic violence bill in the previous assembly but it remained pending during the five-year term of the last government.
The current draft, circulated among the participant, seems an improved version of the previous bills. “It defines domestic violence as all acts of gender based or other physical or psychological abuse committed by an accused against women, children or any other vulnerable person with whom the accused is or has been in a domestic relationship…,” Uzma Mehboob, a legal consultant and rights’ activist, told the participants at a gathering of MPAs, women rights activists and journalists.
The event was organised jointly by Shirkat Gah and Provincial Commission on the Status of Women to discuss how loopholes could be removed and more members of the provincial assembly Women activists, religious parties differ on domestic violence could be consulted on it.
“Some oppose the bill in the previous assembly saying it would westernise the society and promote divorce, while others called it intrusion in privacy of home,” said Uzma Mehboob.
“This bill is not just for women. It would protect all sharing a household against domestic violence,” said Provincial Commission on the Status of Women chairwoman Neelam Toru dispelling the impression that this bill was just for women who faced violence at the hands of husbands.
Neelam Toru also seemed quite agitated that sometimes in the name of Islam and at others in the name of culture, women were denied rights.
Yet, she seemed hopeful as she said the ongoing consultations with the legislators would help remove lacunae and pave the way for tabling the bill in the provincial assembly to become a law.
The struggle to make law to prevent domestic violence in the province has been going on since 2005. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa lags behind as Sindh has passed the law and Punjab and Islamabad Capital Territory are preparing such laws.
The attendance of MPAs at the consultation was thin but one woman member of the JUI-F Fauzia Bibi conveyed a mindset, which is still present in the provincial assembly that could be a hurdle to the passage of the bill if it’s ever tabled in the House.
Two legislators of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf however, seemed very positive and suggested that male members of the assembly be taken into confidence.
“The draft should be polished and if it has nothing in conflict with Islam, then lobbying with the 99 members to pass it is needed. I hope it will become a law,” said Zarin Zia, an MPA from PTI.
A number of women rights activists said domestic violence existed in every household. There was a need to make a law to deter such behaviours as defined in the bill.
“Many feel domestic violence is not our issue but it is very much happening in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” said Sherin Javed, programme officer working with Aurat Foundation, who compiled data of violence against women under a project.
Roohi, another young woman rights activist, who works with a shelter for women victims of violence, said she had dealt with many cases of domestic abuse.
“There may be concerns regarding implementation of laws in our country, but it doesn’t mean we don’t need such special laws,” she said.
Treating women with love and care and giving them due share in inheritance are rights of women in Islam, which doesn’t say confining them to the four walls as is projected by religious bigots, said a woman rights activist, who seemed to be bent on going with lobbying for the legislation on the issue of domestic violence.
Islam Discrimination
Gordon Brown: Create Pakistan child marriage-free zones
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http://www.bbc.com/news/world-26801597 |
Former prime minister Gordon Brown has announced that "child marriage-free zones" are to be set up in Pakistan.
Mr Brown, the UN's special envoy on global education, said the practice of forcing girls into marriage is "not acceptable in the modern world".
"It deprives a girl of her education and her childhood," he told the BBC.
Speaking on a visit to Islamabad, he revealed the UN is giving $10m (£6m), and the EU 100m euros (£83m), to get more Pakistani children into education.
Pilot project
"What we want to do is to encourage girls themselves to be aware of their rights, to encourage teachers and girls to work together to say that when people try to force them into early marriage, it's not acceptable," he said.
"And so in Pakistan, we are going to do a pilot project where we declare an area to a marriage-free zone, a child marriage-free zone."
He added that there was support for such a scheme in Pakistan and that funding for it would be made available.
Child marriage-free zones have already been set up in other countries, according to the former Labour leader.
Mr Brown said: "There are groups in Pakistan who want to make it easier for people to sell off their children in marriage at an early age, and that is not acceptable.
"It deprives a girl of her education and her childhood and indeed changes her life, and is something that is not acceptable in the modern world.
"So as part of our campaign to get every child at school, we want to remind people that the world does not want girls to be married as girls, as brides when they should be at school."
'Global commitment'
There is greater support amongst the general public for a ban of forced marriage for girls, Mr Brown believes.
"I think that people are realising that it is unfair for a girl to be pushed into marriage when she's still a child," he added.
There has been a global commitment to get every child into education by December 2015, which the UN and EU money will help to achieve, said Mr Brown, who is visiting Pakistan at the invitation of prime minister Nawaz Sharif.
"There are seven million children who are not going to school," he said. "This is completely unacceptable in the modern world and I know the prime minister wishes to do something about it.
"What we've got to do is find a way that Pakistan can increase the money its spending on education and we can give support from the international community for them to do so.
"We don't want girls forced into early marriage, we don't want child labour, we don't want girls and boys that are trafficked, we want schools that have teachers and we have got to make a huge impact on this problem as quickly as possible."
Buka semula kes Memali sebelum jadi isu perkauman, kata bekas polis
Mat Zain berkata, jika kes pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Batang Kali atau "Batang Kali Massacre" pada 1948 yang melibatkan kaum Cina dan kerajaan British boleh dibuka semula, bukti baru didedahkan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tun Musa Hitam minggu lalu mengenai Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berada di Malaysia semasa kejadian dan bukan di China seperti dipercayai sebelum ini, cukup kuat untuk dijadikan asas memulakan semula siasatan.
"Saya berpendapat jika kerajaan gagal atau sengaja enggan membuka semula penyiasatan tragedi Memali yang meragut 18 nyawa termasuk 4 anggota polis, selepas pendedahan mengejut yang dibuat oleh Musa beberapa hari lalu, ia mungkin akan dijadikan isu perkauman yang boleh menggugat ketenteraman awam lebih-lebih lagi dalam suasana politik negara hari ini," katanya kepada The Malaysian Insider, hari ini.
"Sekiranya kes ini tidak dibuka semula, besar kemungkinan ada pihak yang akan menimbulkan persoalan mengapa kerajaan sedia menyiasat semula Batang Kali Massacre dengan semua mangsa yang terbunuh adalah orang Cina, sedangkan kerajaan enggan menyiasat semula tragedi Memali kerana semua mangsanya adalah orang Melayu yang beragama Islam,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, Batang Kali Massaccre dibuka semula selepas 45 tahun laporan dibuat, manakala bagi kes Memali pula, ia ditimbulkan semula hanya selepas 29 tahun kemudian.
"Soal sama ada Dr Mahathir berada dalam negara atau berlepas ke China atau negara lain pada hari kejadian, atau ada di Malaysia tidak sepatutnya dijadikan isu kerana kedua-duanya, Dr Mahathir dan Musa dipercayai dimaklumkan dan mengetahui operasi Memali sebelum ia dilaksanakan pada 19 November, 1985,” katanya yang juga Ketua Polis Daerah Padang Terap, Kuala Nerang, Kedah pada ketika itu.
Balai polis itu terletak hampir dengan Balai Polis Daerah Baling, lokasi kejadian tragedi Memali berlaku.
Mat Zain berkata, beliau turut terlibat secara langsung dengan operasi menahan Ibrahim Mahmud yang juga dikenali sebagai Ibrahim Libya mengikut Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).
Beliau berkata, Dr Mahathir dan Musa yang juga menteri dalam negeri pada ketika itu tidak boleh lari daripada mengambil tanggungjawab tertentu secara persendirian atau secara kolektif, di atas peristiwa berdarah tersebut, sama ada mereka berada di dalam atau luar negara.
"Sebelum peristiwa di Kampung Memali itu, daerah Padang Terap dianggap daerah paling 'panas' di Kedah, setelah tercetusnya peristiwa berdarah di Felda Lubuk Merbau pada pertengahan Januari 1985, dengan seorang penyokong PAS terbunuh ketika kempen Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) yang diadakan pada masa itu.
"Ketika kejadian, saya baru sahaja seminggu mengambil alih jawatan ketua polis daerah Kuala Nerang. Saya yang menangani kes di Lubok Merbau itu. Peristiwa berdarah Lubok Merbau turut diambil kira semasa mesyuarat perancangan Ops Memali tersebut," katanya ketika mengulas artikel disiarkan The Malaysian Insider semalam bertajuk Luka Memali berdarah kembali.
Selepas 29 tahun peristiwa Memali berlaku, Musa mendedahkan perdana menteri ketika itu, Dr Mahathir berada di Kuala Lumpur, bukannya China sebagaimana yang diberitakan sebelum ini.
Musa mendedahkan perkara ini dalam Diskusi Politik Malaysia: Dulu dan Sekarang anjuran Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan yang diadakan di Kota Baru minggu lalu.
Turut serta dalam majlis itu sebagai panel adalah Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Husam Musa dan moderatornya adalah Profesor Madya Datuk Dr Mohmamad Agus Yusof.
Musa ketika menjawab soalan Agus berkata, Dr Mahathir berada di Kuala Lumpur ketika kejadian itu bahkan, "Dua tiga hari selepas kejadian itu pun dia berada di Kuala Lumpur."
Ia disambut oleh Agus dengan berkata "Oh my God," dengan nada terkejut ekoran pendedahan Musa itu kerana media melaporkan Dr Mahathir berada di China ketika kejadian itu berlaku.
"Ok, my God, our God," kata Musa menyambut kenyataan Agus sambil ketawa dengan pendedahan itu.
Dalam diskusi itu, Musa berkata:"Titik hitam dalam politik saya adalah Memali, saya cakap terus terang."
Peristiwa berdarah Memali mengorbankan Ibrahim Libya dan 13 pengikutnya serta empat polis yang bertugas dalam operasi tersebut.
PAS menyifatkan Ibrahim Libya dan 13 pengikutnya mati syahid manakala Sultan Kedah yang kini merupakan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim pernah menziarahi kubur Ibrahim Libya dan pengikutnya serta menyiramkan air mawar di atas pusara mereka. - 31 Mac, 2014.
Ex-judge: Give converts special rights as Malays
Mohd Noor, who is also the adviser to the Darus Sa'adah Association, Negri Sembilan, said the special rights include buying reserve land, purchasing Amanah Saham Bumiputera shares as well as the quota to enter tertiary institutions.
"However, at the moment many of the recent Muslim converts have not been receiving such benefits by certain government officers who consider them as non-Bumiputera.
"They are special Malays which is a product of the constitution," he was quoted as saying by Utusan Malaysia.
The former judge was speaking at the launch of the Darus Sa'adah Association's annual general meeting yesterday.
Mohd Noor said the opportunity given to the mualaf is not towards seizing the rights of the Malays but directed at increasing the economic cake and social status of Muslims in the country.
Minister deflects probe queries despite grilling
However, Hishammuddin, who is also defence minister, refused to shed light on the authenticity of various leaked information on the Internet and instead said he will be answerable to various inquiries that will be set up in future.
"If you are asking questions which are part and parcel of the investigation (such as) talking about (cockpit) transcripts, you must be fair to us because only those who are doing the investigation can give us the okay (to release information).
"But in any event, at the end of the day I am answerable to the royal commission of inquiry or parliamentary select committee and the international inquiry board (that will be set up)," he told a press briefing in Kuala Lumpur this evening.
Hishammuddin insisted that the government was not attempting to cover up by refusing to release details of investigations.
"We are not hiding anything, we are just following procedures that are being set," he said.
The minister was queried about a transcript of MH370's cockpit conversation with tower controllers and the exact nature of the aircraft’s trajectory which have been leaked on the Internet, but authorities have adamantly refused to address them.
'I don't want to debate'
Hishammuddin’s explanation did not placate the demand for more information, as an ABC journalist quizzed him on why details of the probe could be released elsewhere, including in briefings to family members, but not to the media.
"I will not go into a debate... here we have our press conferences every day, if there is something that is informed by us, we will clarify it, there is no big deal.
Hishammuddin added that any information obtained by family members that were not released to the press were through closed-door briefings.
Later, Hishammuddin was again asked about the ongoing probe, this time on whether the statement by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that investigators have cleared the pilot of Flight MH370 was true.
At this, he replied: "Any indications, 'yes', 'no' or otherwise coming from the FBI, they (media) have to take it at FBI’s face value.
"On our part, I would like to go through the process of the inquiry."
However, after being pressed several times, Hishammuddin finally repeated his promise to talk to investigators about possibly releasing the cockpit’s transcript.
Hishammuddin: Cops not leaking info to Daily Mail
UK tabloid Daily Mail comes under the spotlight over its sensational reports on the MH370 pilot.
KUALA LUMPUR: Acting Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein today denied claims that the Malaysian police were revealing confidential information to UK tabloid Daily Mail on the status of MH370 investigations, especially on matters involving pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah and his family.
Hishammuddin, who is also the Defence Minister, was responding to a question posed by a foreign journalist if police sources were responsible for leaking details of their investigations to Daily Mail.
The daily has been constantly publishing sensational news quoting investigative sources on matters involving Zaharie and his family.
“I can confirm to you that the information did not come from the police and you should ask Daily Mail how they get the information,” Hishammuddin said.
Over the weekend, the tabloid quoted Zaharie’s wife and daughter to claim that the pilot was in an emotional turmoil over the break-up of his marriage.
The article written without a byline also said that Zaharie had been distracted and withdrawn in the weeks before the aircraft’s disappearance – and had allegedly rejected pleas to attend marriage counselling sessions.
The news report quoted Zaharie’s wife, Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan who allegedly told investigators that the 53-year-old pilot had stopped speaking to her in the weeks before the fateful flight on March 8, and spent time alone in his room where he had built a flight simulator.
Today, his daughter Aishah Zaharie responded angrily by saying that Daily Mail had fabricated quotes attributed to her as she had never spoken to them.
She said she would not forgive the Daily Mail for ‘making up’ stories.
“May God have mercy on you souls. You can bet your a** that I will never forgive you,” Aishah wrote on her Facebook account.
MAS CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya who was also at the press conference today said that Malaysia Airlines had full confidence on their pilots on board the missing jetliner.
“As an organisation we fully cooperate with the investigators. But we know our pilots…of what they are capable of and we know they are qualified to fly the aircraft.
“We have also announced their backgrounds and records,” Jauhari said.
MH370 disappeared from the radar on March 8 while on a routine flight from KLIA to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew members on board.
Investigators deduced that the plane’s communications and transponder had been disabled, the plane then diverted from its original course and headed towards the Indian Ocean.
KUALA LUMPUR: Acting Transport Minister Hishamuddin Hussein today denied claims that the Malaysian police were revealing confidential information to UK tabloid Daily Mail on the status of MH370 investigations, especially on matters involving pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah and his family.
Hishammuddin, who is also the Defence Minister, was responding to a question posed by a foreign journalist if police sources were responsible for leaking details of their investigations to Daily Mail.
The daily has been constantly publishing sensational news quoting investigative sources on matters involving Zaharie and his family.
“I can confirm to you that the information did not come from the police and you should ask Daily Mail how they get the information,” Hishammuddin said.
Over the weekend, the tabloid quoted Zaharie’s wife and daughter to claim that the pilot was in an emotional turmoil over the break-up of his marriage.
The article written without a byline also said that Zaharie had been distracted and withdrawn in the weeks before the aircraft’s disappearance – and had allegedly rejected pleas to attend marriage counselling sessions.
The news report quoted Zaharie’s wife, Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan who allegedly told investigators that the 53-year-old pilot had stopped speaking to her in the weeks before the fateful flight on March 8, and spent time alone in his room where he had built a flight simulator.
Today, his daughter Aishah Zaharie responded angrily by saying that Daily Mail had fabricated quotes attributed to her as she had never spoken to them.
She said she would not forgive the Daily Mail for ‘making up’ stories.
“May God have mercy on you souls. You can bet your a** that I will never forgive you,” Aishah wrote on her Facebook account.
MAS CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya who was also at the press conference today said that Malaysia Airlines had full confidence on their pilots on board the missing jetliner.
“As an organisation we fully cooperate with the investigators. But we know our pilots…of what they are capable of and we know they are qualified to fly the aircraft.
“We have also announced their backgrounds and records,” Jauhari said.
MH370 disappeared from the radar on March 8 while on a routine flight from KLIA to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew members on board.
Investigators deduced that the plane’s communications and transponder had been disabled, the plane then diverted from its original course and headed towards the Indian Ocean.
Activist Irene Fernandez dies
She was hospitalised five days ago after suffering from heart complication.
PETALING JAYA: PKR’s former vice president and famous activist Irene Fernandez passed away at 10.58am this morning due to heart failure.
Fernandez was a PKR vice-president during the initial years of the party’s foundation.
The 67-year-old social activist was also Tenaganita’s co-founder and director. Tenaganita is an NGO that champions migrant worker rights.
Five days ago, Fernandez who lived in Seremban, was rushed to Serdang Hospital after suffering from heart complication.
PKR vice-president Tian Chua was among the first to confirm the news.
“Sad news: rights activist Irene Fernandez passed away in Serdang Hospital a while ago. We have lost a dear comrade & old friend,” he tweeted.
A message posted in Tenaganita’s Facebook stated: “Irene’s beautiful, courageous & loving heart rested peacefully at 10.58am this morning, 31st March 2014.”
Irene’s sister, Josie told FMT that Irene’s body would be taken back to her home in Seremban today.
“And then on Thursday, we will be bringing her to her other residence at 29, Jalan SS15/5E (in Subang) and then to a church from there,” said Josie who is also an activist.
The service is to be held in Church of Divine Mercy, Shah Alam at 3 pm on Thursday.
“Her body would be cremated as per her wishes after the church service and the ashes would be buried next to our parents’ grave in Sungai Petani,” Josie added.
Josie said Irene, who leaves behind a son and two daughters, would be remembered as a “good mother, great daughter, great sister and an activist par excellence”.
A great daughter of Malaysia
Meanwhile tributes started pouring in for Irene.
Suhakam commissioner James Nayagam said Irene was a human rights advocate to the word and was the voice for human trafficking victims.
“She never looked for rewards and even risked her life to ensure victims received the justice and attention they needed. I hope the younger generation will follow in her footsteps,” he said
Lawyer and former Bersih chairman S Ambiga expressed her condolences on Twitter by saying: “Irene Fernandez. Always there for the marginalised, you have fought the good fight with passion and courage. Rest now my friend. RIP”
Bersih 2.0 also mourned the passing of Irene Fernandez, saying that it was saddened by the passing of “one of Malaysia’s foremost human rights activists and a great daughter of Malaysia”.
“Irene had a formidable record in activism that spanned across decades and a whole range of difficult, non-mainstream issues related to the poor and marginalised – from people living with HIV to plantation, domestic, sex and migrant workers. Her indefatigable lifelong work for the people earned her the prestigious Right Livelihood Award in 2005.
But Irene never rested on her laurels and continued to give her invaluable contributions to many struggles, including for free and fair elections,” said Bersih 2.0 in a statement.
A Vaithilingam, former president of MCCBCHST said there was “no one else who could be so brave as her in whatever task she set on”.
“This brave lady never surrendered. She kept on caring for the downtrodden, even during her recent difficult times of ill health. Her family can be proud of she choosing the right path in life of selfless service,” he said.
PETALING JAYA: PKR’s former vice president and famous activist Irene Fernandez passed away at 10.58am this morning due to heart failure.
Fernandez was a PKR vice-president during the initial years of the party’s foundation.
The 67-year-old social activist was also Tenaganita’s co-founder and director. Tenaganita is an NGO that champions migrant worker rights.
Five days ago, Fernandez who lived in Seremban, was rushed to Serdang Hospital after suffering from heart complication.
PKR vice-president Tian Chua was among the first to confirm the news.
“Sad news: rights activist Irene Fernandez passed away in Serdang Hospital a while ago. We have lost a dear comrade & old friend,” he tweeted.
A message posted in Tenaganita’s Facebook stated: “Irene’s beautiful, courageous & loving heart rested peacefully at 10.58am this morning, 31st March 2014.”
Irene’s sister, Josie told FMT that Irene’s body would be taken back to her home in Seremban today.
“And then on Thursday, we will be bringing her to her other residence at 29, Jalan SS15/5E (in Subang) and then to a church from there,” said Josie who is also an activist.
The service is to be held in Church of Divine Mercy, Shah Alam at 3 pm on Thursday.
“Her body would be cremated as per her wishes after the church service and the ashes would be buried next to our parents’ grave in Sungai Petani,” Josie added.
Josie said Irene, who leaves behind a son and two daughters, would be remembered as a “good mother, great daughter, great sister and an activist par excellence”.
A great daughter of Malaysia
Meanwhile tributes started pouring in for Irene.
Suhakam commissioner James Nayagam said Irene was a human rights advocate to the word and was the voice for human trafficking victims.
“She never looked for rewards and even risked her life to ensure victims received the justice and attention they needed. I hope the younger generation will follow in her footsteps,” he said
Lawyer and former Bersih chairman S Ambiga expressed her condolences on Twitter by saying: “Irene Fernandez. Always there for the marginalised, you have fought the good fight with passion and courage. Rest now my friend. RIP”
Bersih 2.0 also mourned the passing of Irene Fernandez, saying that it was saddened by the passing of “one of Malaysia’s foremost human rights activists and a great daughter of Malaysia”.
“Irene had a formidable record in activism that spanned across decades and a whole range of difficult, non-mainstream issues related to the poor and marginalised – from people living with HIV to plantation, domestic, sex and migrant workers. Her indefatigable lifelong work for the people earned her the prestigious Right Livelihood Award in 2005.
But Irene never rested on her laurels and continued to give her invaluable contributions to many struggles, including for free and fair elections,” said Bersih 2.0 in a statement.
A Vaithilingam, former president of MCCBCHST said there was “no one else who could be so brave as her in whatever task she set on”.
“This brave lady never surrendered. She kept on caring for the downtrodden, even during her recent difficult times of ill health. Her family can be proud of she choosing the right path in life of selfless service,” he said.
Hisham: PM never said MH370 had crashed
The Acting Transport Minister says that his cousin only stated that MH370's last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
PETALING JAYA: Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein today defended Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak on the latter’s announcement made last week on the fate of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
Responding to a question posed during today’s daily briefing, Hishammuddin said that claims of the plane having crashed was “totally erroneous”.
“He (Najib) said that based on analysis, Inmarsat and AAIB concluded that MH370′s last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
“He also said that it was a remote location, far from any possible landing sites.
“However, there was no mention of a crash or that there were no survivors at all,” said Hishammuddin.
Najib on March 24 had said that the new radar analysis had concluded that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
Family members of passengers in the ill-fated jetliner, especially those from China, had been highly critical of the government’s announcement that the plane had “ended in Indian Ocean”. They want the government to provide them with tangible proof to show that the plane had crashed in the ocean.
“We understand that it has been a difficult time for all the families. And we appreciate that many families want to see physical evidence before they will accept that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean,” said Hishammuddin today.
“We find ourselves in a difficult position. I repeat: the question that the families principally want answered, is the question we simply do not have the answer to – namely, where their loved ones are, and where is MH370,” he added.
He added that the government, together with its international partners, will continue searching, and will keep investigating.
“We will never give up until we find out what happened to MH370,” he said.
Hishammuddin’s clarification on what Najib had said – or did not mention – only added confusion to the situation.
Najib’s statement on March 24
This is what Najib said in a hastily arranged 10pm press conference on March 24:
“This evening I was briefed by representatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). They informed me that Inmarsat, the UK company that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern corridors, has been performing further calculations on the data. Using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort, they have been able to shed more light on MH370’s flight path.
“Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat and the AAIB have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.
“This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
“We will be holding a press conference tomorrow with further details. In the meantime, we wanted to inform you of this new development at the earliest opportunity. We share this information out of a commitment to openness and respect for the families, two principles which have guided this investigation.
“Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development. For them, the past few weeks have been heartbreaking; I know this news must be harder still. I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time.”
An hour earlier on the same day, Malaysia Airlines sent SMS to family members to state:
“Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived. As you will hear in the next hour from Malaysia’s Prime Minister, we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean.”
Taken as a whole, the prime minister’s statement on March 24 gave the clearest hint yet that MH370 had indeed crashed in the Indian Ocean, although he never used the ‘crash’ word.
This morning, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters that all evidence points to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 being lost in the remote Indian Ocean.
“The accumulation of evidence is that the aircraft has been lost and it has been lost somewhere in the south of the Indian Ocean,” he told reporters at the Perth military base coordinating the search.
“That’s the absolutely overwhelming wave of evidence and I think that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was perfectly entitled to come to that conclusion, and I think once that conclusion had been arrived at, it was his duty to make that conclusion public,” he said.
Najib to visit Perth
On a related matter, Hishammuddin said that Najib will be travelling to Perth on Wednesday for a working visit to the Pearce Air force base.
“He is going there to see the operations first hand and also to thank the personnel involved in the multinational search effort, including the Malaysian personnel,” he said.
Hishammuddin on the other hand will be attending the Asean Defence Minister’s meeting in Hawaii from tomorrow until April 3. The meeting is convened by the United States Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
“I will leave tonight for the US Pacific Command in Hawaii. On behalf of the Malaysian government, I will share with my Asean counterparts and the government of the US, the latest developments regarding the search for MH370,” he said.
He added that he will also discuss the possibility of deploying more specific military assets in the event Malaysia needs to embark on a more complex phase of the operation.
“I shall be discussing with the US, and our other friends and allies, how best we can acquire the assets needed for possible deep sea search and recovery.”
Search continues
On the operational update, Hishammuddin said that nine military aircraft and one civilian aircraft travelled to the search area today.
These planes were two Malaysian C-130, one Chinese Ilyushin IL-76, one Japanese Coast Guard G5, one Australian P3 Orion, one New Zealand P3 Orion, one New Zealand civilian aircraft, one American P8 Poseidon, one Japanese P3 Orion and one Korean P3 Orion.
Eleven ships were also deployed to the search area which include eight Chinese ships, namely, the
Xue Long, the Kunlunshan, the Haikou, the Qiandaohu Jian, the Jing Gang Shan, the Haixun, the Dong Hai Jian and the Nan Hai Jian. The three Australian ships were the HMAS Success, the HMAS Toowoomba and MV Barkley Pearl, which is currently transiting in the search area.
The Malaysian ship, the KD Lekiu, is expected to arrive in the search area on April 3.
The ADV Ocean Shield – fitted with the towed pinger locator and a Bluefin 21 autonomous underwater vehicle – is due to arrive in the search area also on April 3.
MH370 disappeared from the radar on March 8 while on a routine flight from KLIA to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew members on board.
Investigators deduced that the plane’s communications and transponder had been disabled, the plane then diverted from its original course and headed towards the Indian Ocean.
Responding to a question posed during today’s daily briefing, Hishammuddin said that claims of the plane having crashed was “totally erroneous”.
“He (Najib) said that based on analysis, Inmarsat and AAIB concluded that MH370′s last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
“He also said that it was a remote location, far from any possible landing sites.
“However, there was no mention of a crash or that there were no survivors at all,” said Hishammuddin.
Najib on March 24 had said that the new radar analysis had concluded that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
Family members of passengers in the ill-fated jetliner, especially those from China, had been highly critical of the government’s announcement that the plane had “ended in Indian Ocean”. They want the government to provide them with tangible proof to show that the plane had crashed in the ocean.
“We understand that it has been a difficult time for all the families. And we appreciate that many families want to see physical evidence before they will accept that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean,” said Hishammuddin today.
“We find ourselves in a difficult position. I repeat: the question that the families principally want answered, is the question we simply do not have the answer to – namely, where their loved ones are, and where is MH370,” he added.
He added that the government, together with its international partners, will continue searching, and will keep investigating.
“We will never give up until we find out what happened to MH370,” he said.
Hishammuddin’s clarification on what Najib had said – or did not mention – only added confusion to the situation.
This is what Najib said in a hastily arranged 10pm press conference on March 24:
“This evening I was briefed by representatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). They informed me that Inmarsat, the UK company that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern corridors, has been performing further calculations on the data. Using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort, they have been able to shed more light on MH370’s flight path.
“Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat and the AAIB have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.
“This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.
“We will be holding a press conference tomorrow with further details. In the meantime, we wanted to inform you of this new development at the earliest opportunity. We share this information out of a commitment to openness and respect for the families, two principles which have guided this investigation.
“Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development. For them, the past few weeks have been heartbreaking; I know this news must be harder still. I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time.”
An hour earlier on the same day, Malaysia Airlines sent SMS to family members to state:
“Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board survived. As you will hear in the next hour from Malaysia’s Prime Minister, we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean.”
Taken as a whole, the prime minister’s statement on March 24 gave the clearest hint yet that MH370 had indeed crashed in the Indian Ocean, although he never used the ‘crash’ word.
This morning, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters that all evidence points to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 being lost in the remote Indian Ocean.
“The accumulation of evidence is that the aircraft has been lost and it has been lost somewhere in the south of the Indian Ocean,” he told reporters at the Perth military base coordinating the search.
“That’s the absolutely overwhelming wave of evidence and I think that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was perfectly entitled to come to that conclusion, and I think once that conclusion had been arrived at, it was his duty to make that conclusion public,” he said.
Najib to visit Perth
On a related matter, Hishammuddin said that Najib will be travelling to Perth on Wednesday for a working visit to the Pearce Air force base.
“He is going there to see the operations first hand and also to thank the personnel involved in the multinational search effort, including the Malaysian personnel,” he said.
Hishammuddin on the other hand will be attending the Asean Defence Minister’s meeting in Hawaii from tomorrow until April 3. The meeting is convened by the United States Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.
“I will leave tonight for the US Pacific Command in Hawaii. On behalf of the Malaysian government, I will share with my Asean counterparts and the government of the US, the latest developments regarding the search for MH370,” he said.
He added that he will also discuss the possibility of deploying more specific military assets in the event Malaysia needs to embark on a more complex phase of the operation.
“I shall be discussing with the US, and our other friends and allies, how best we can acquire the assets needed for possible deep sea search and recovery.”
Search continues
On the operational update, Hishammuddin said that nine military aircraft and one civilian aircraft travelled to the search area today.
These planes were two Malaysian C-130, one Chinese Ilyushin IL-76, one Japanese Coast Guard G5, one Australian P3 Orion, one New Zealand P3 Orion, one New Zealand civilian aircraft, one American P8 Poseidon, one Japanese P3 Orion and one Korean P3 Orion.
The Malaysian ship, the KD Lekiu, is expected to arrive in the search area on April 3.
The ADV Ocean Shield – fitted with the towed pinger locator and a Bluefin 21 autonomous underwater vehicle – is due to arrive in the search area also on April 3.
MH370 disappeared from the radar on March 8 while on a routine flight from KLIA to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew members on board.
Investigators deduced that the plane’s communications and transponder had been disabled, the plane then diverted from its original course and headed towards the Indian Ocean.
Is Hishammuddin Hussein, voice of Malaysia on flight MH370, headed for the top?
After a brush with death and addressing world's media on flight MH370, Hishammuddin Hussein's personal journey may yet take a dramatic turn
When Malaysia Airlines flight 370 went missing, the country's defence minister and acting transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, may have recalled his own brush with death.
Just last year, a helicopter he and his family were travelling in toppled over onto its side after landing at a site in Kuala Lumpur.
Strong winds were blamed. No one was hurt, but the incident left the minister dazed.
The 52-year-old would surely have never imagined that almost a year later, he would be behind efforts to co-ordinate more than two dozen nations to crack the biggest mystery in modern aviation history.
Hishammuddin has also become the face of Malaysia to the international media.
When the Boeing 777 went missing on March 8, Prime Minister Najib Razak initially turned to civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, an unknown civil servant, to hold the fort.
But after a series of blunders, the former air traffic controller was promptly replaced by Hishammuddin as the man to handle the intense global scrutiny at the daily press conference.
It was no easy task. Information about the flight and its possible fate came at a snail's pace and to make things worse, some of the statements were soon after retracted, leading to confusion and contradiction.
This fanned the flames of anger in Beijing - two-thirds of the passengers on the flight were Chinese nationals.
And all this took place under the relentless gaze of the modern 24-hour news operation and its incessant demand for information.
But as talking heads on television channels and angry relatives continued to attack the credibility of Hishammuddin and Malaysia over their jittery handling of the crisis, there could be a surprising twist in the tale.
Despite the controversies, the saga may unwittingly provide the extra impetus Hishammuddin needs to become the next prime minister of Malaysia, Southeast Asia's third-largest economy.
"If all these relentless foreign [media] attacks persist, Malaysian people may indeed rally around him as a reaction," said Oh Ei Sun, who was political secretary to Najib when he became prime minister in 2009.
"Domestically, it has actually enhanced his credentials as most locals perceive him as doing reasonably well under very tough circumstances."
Local reporters covering Hishammuddin's daily press conferences emphatically say there isn't anyone else in the Malaysian cabinet who could do a better job of handling the crisis. One of them, who works for a popular newspaper, said: "If you have met any of our other ministers, you will know why. Najib is the only one that can maybe do equally well, but probably not better."
And it's not just the Malaysian media that holds this view. A taxi driver, who wanted to be known only as Tan, said: "The government here is no good and there is always a lot of corruption.
"But Hishammuddin is not corrupt and he isn't embarrassing Malaysia on television. He is doing his best, I can see."
Malaysians are also favourably comparing Hishammuddin's handling of the MH370 crisis with his previous poor performance dealing with the country's biggest security threat of recent times, when a group of armed Filipino rebels who claimed allegiance to its former rulers invaded Sabah last year claiming the Malaysian state belonged to them.
"He wasn't good and there was much criticism from locals back then," said Sivamurugan Pandian, of the School of Social Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
"Now he's so much different and it's true that most Malaysians feel he is doing a good job."
Oh, who worked for Najib for two years, explained why there is an apparent dichotomy in terms of foreign and local perceptions of how Hishammuddin is handling the flight crisis.
"I think this is mainly because the foreign media is more used to confronting specialists who know the subject matter by heart and not politicians who depend on prior briefings, especially when it comes to press conferences. The local media, on the other hand, are mostly used to 'reporting' and not 'critiquing'.
"The local audiences are also more easy going [so] they might think what Hishammuddin has been doing is adequate enough," said Oh, now a senior fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.
Hishammuddin's tilt at the premiership is still far from assured. Even though he beat the son of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad last October to become one of the three vice-presidents in the dominant party in Malaysia's ruling coalition, the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), it will take more than just popularity to become prime minister.
"Umno politics is not so much about being popular. It is about clever distribution of largesse to various interest groups in Umno, which in turn would usher in political support," said Oh.
"So far, it appears that his [rivals] are doing quite well on that score."
But Malaysia is no stranger to producing surprising political results. In the early 1970s Mahathir Mohamad didn't attract very favourable odds as a prime ministerial contender. He went on to hold the post for 22 years from 1981, making him Malaysia longest serving premier.
Pundits also thought it was unlikely that Abdullah Badawi would one day become the leader of the country before his six years as premier from 2003.
However, Hishammuddin has his fair share of controversial baggage that's weighing him down. In 2005, he waved a keris ( a Malay sword and symbol of Malay nationalism) while giving a speech at the Umno assembly. This angered the Chinese and Indian communities in the country who saw the gesture as a form of racial politics.
Then in 2009, when a Hindu temple was to be relocated to a Muslim majority area, some Muslims protested by marching with the severed head of a cow, a sacred animal in Hinduism.
Hishammuddin - the then the interior minister - defended the actions of the protesters.
Yet Hishammuddin does have a lot going for him on the political legacy front.
The social-media savvy minister, who recently quoted US hip hop musician Puff Daddy's lyrics on Twitter, is a cousin and close ally of Najib. His grandfather, Onn Jaafar, founded Umno and his father, Hussein Onn, was prime minister.
If that isn't enough to propel him to the political elite, he is also married to a princess from the state of Pahang.
Oh said: "Like Najib, whose father [Abdul Razak Hussein] was also a prime minister, Hishammuddin too is imbued with a sense of purpose of stepping into his dad's shoes as prime minister.
"But unlike cool-headed Najib, Hishammuddin has a more impetuous temperament. Like most shrewd politicians, if need be, he could get things done quickly."
Glimpses of his impatience have surfaced at the daily flight MH370 press conferences, but they have been rare. Even when asked silly questions, he has answered with good humour.
During a particularly enthusiastic media scrum, a calm Hishammuddin said to the crowd: "Guys, if you are going to behave like this, then you are going to get nasty visuals beamed all over the world. And then you are going to blame Malaysian officials for that. That is not fair."
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as Voice of Malaysia could emerge as country's leader
When Malaysia Airlines flight 370 went missing, the country's defence minister and acting transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, may have recalled his own brush with death.
Just last year, a helicopter he and his family were travelling in toppled over onto its side after landing at a site in Kuala Lumpur.
Strong winds were blamed. No one was hurt, but the incident left the minister dazed.
The 52-year-old would surely have never imagined that almost a year later, he would be behind efforts to co-ordinate more than two dozen nations to crack the biggest mystery in modern aviation history.
Hishammuddin has also become the face of Malaysia to the international media.
When the Boeing 777 went missing on March 8, Prime Minister Najib Razak initially turned to civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, an unknown civil servant, to hold the fort.
But after a series of blunders, the former air traffic controller was promptly replaced by Hishammuddin as the man to handle the intense global scrutiny at the daily press conference.
It was no easy task. Information about the flight and its possible fate came at a snail's pace and to make things worse, some of the statements were soon after retracted, leading to confusion and contradiction.
This fanned the flames of anger in Beijing - two-thirds of the passengers on the flight were Chinese nationals.
And all this took place under the relentless gaze of the modern 24-hour news operation and its incessant demand for information.
But as talking heads on television channels and angry relatives continued to attack the credibility of Hishammuddin and Malaysia over their jittery handling of the crisis, there could be a surprising twist in the tale.
Despite the controversies, the saga may unwittingly provide the extra impetus Hishammuddin needs to become the next prime minister of Malaysia, Southeast Asia's third-largest economy.
"If all these relentless foreign [media] attacks persist, Malaysian people may indeed rally around him as a reaction," said Oh Ei Sun, who was political secretary to Najib when he became prime minister in 2009.
"Domestically, it has actually enhanced his credentials as most locals perceive him as doing reasonably well under very tough circumstances."
Local reporters covering Hishammuddin's daily press conferences emphatically say there isn't anyone else in the Malaysian cabinet who could do a better job of handling the crisis. One of them, who works for a popular newspaper, said: "If you have met any of our other ministers, you will know why. Najib is the only one that can maybe do equally well, but probably not better."
And it's not just the Malaysian media that holds this view. A taxi driver, who wanted to be known only as Tan, said: "The government here is no good and there is always a lot of corruption.
"But Hishammuddin is not corrupt and he isn't embarrassing Malaysia on television. He is doing his best, I can see."
Malaysians are also favourably comparing Hishammuddin's handling of the MH370 crisis with his previous poor performance dealing with the country's biggest security threat of recent times, when a group of armed Filipino rebels who claimed allegiance to its former rulers invaded Sabah last year claiming the Malaysian state belonged to them.
"He wasn't good and there was much criticism from locals back then," said Sivamurugan Pandian, of the School of Social Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
"Now he's so much different and it's true that most Malaysians feel he is doing a good job."
Oh, who worked for Najib for two years, explained why there is an apparent dichotomy in terms of foreign and local perceptions of how Hishammuddin is handling the flight crisis.
"I think this is mainly because the foreign media is more used to confronting specialists who know the subject matter by heart and not politicians who depend on prior briefings, especially when it comes to press conferences. The local media, on the other hand, are mostly used to 'reporting' and not 'critiquing'.
"The local audiences are also more easy going [so] they might think what Hishammuddin has been doing is adequate enough," said Oh, now a senior fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.
Hishammuddin's tilt at the premiership is still far from assured. Even though he beat the son of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad last October to become one of the three vice-presidents in the dominant party in Malaysia's ruling coalition, the United Malays National Organisation (Umno), it will take more than just popularity to become prime minister.
"Umno politics is not so much about being popular. It is about clever distribution of largesse to various interest groups in Umno, which in turn would usher in political support," said Oh.
"So far, it appears that his [rivals] are doing quite well on that score."
But Malaysia is no stranger to producing surprising political results. In the early 1970s Mahathir Mohamad didn't attract very favourable odds as a prime ministerial contender. He went on to hold the post for 22 years from 1981, making him Malaysia longest serving premier.
Pundits also thought it was unlikely that Abdullah Badawi would one day become the leader of the country before his six years as premier from 2003.
However, Hishammuddin has his fair share of controversial baggage that's weighing him down. In 2005, he waved a keris ( a Malay sword and symbol of Malay nationalism) while giving a speech at the Umno assembly. This angered the Chinese and Indian communities in the country who saw the gesture as a form of racial politics.
Then in 2009, when a Hindu temple was to be relocated to a Muslim majority area, some Muslims protested by marching with the severed head of a cow, a sacred animal in Hinduism.
Hishammuddin - the then the interior minister - defended the actions of the protesters.
Yet Hishammuddin does have a lot going for him on the political legacy front.
The social-media savvy minister, who recently quoted US hip hop musician Puff Daddy's lyrics on Twitter, is a cousin and close ally of Najib. His grandfather, Onn Jaafar, founded Umno and his father, Hussein Onn, was prime minister.
If that isn't enough to propel him to the political elite, he is also married to a princess from the state of Pahang.
Oh said: "Like Najib, whose father [Abdul Razak Hussein] was also a prime minister, Hishammuddin too is imbued with a sense of purpose of stepping into his dad's shoes as prime minister.
"But unlike cool-headed Najib, Hishammuddin has a more impetuous temperament. Like most shrewd politicians, if need be, he could get things done quickly."
Glimpses of his impatience have surfaced at the daily flight MH370 press conferences, but they have been rare. Even when asked silly questions, he has answered with good humour.
During a particularly enthusiastic media scrum, a calm Hishammuddin said to the crowd: "Guys, if you are going to behave like this, then you are going to get nasty visuals beamed all over the world. And then you are going to blame Malaysian officials for that. That is not fair."
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as Voice of Malaysia could emerge as country's leader
Elton John to marry long-time partner
(AFP) - Pop icon Elton John says he will tie the knot with partner David Furnish now that his native Britain has legalised gay marriage.
The top-selling artist told NBC’s “Today” show that “we’ll do it very quietly.”
“But we will do it and it will be a joyous occasion,” John added.
The couple, who have two children together, entered into a civil partnership in 2005.
A historic law legalizing same-sex marriage took effect in England and Wales on Saturday, the final stage in the long fight for legal equality for gays and lesbians.
Civil partnerships have been legal there since 2005.
“I’m very proud of Britain and the laws that we’ve seen come into existence since we’ve been together,” John said in excerpts of the interview set to air Monday.
“For this legislation to come through is joyous, and we should celebrate it. We shouldn’t just say, ‘Oh, well we have a civil partnership. We’re not going to bother to get married.’ We will get married.”
Furnish told the Las Vegas Review-Journal in a separate interview that an intimate ceremony would take place in May.
“I think what we’ll do is go to a registry office in England in May, and take the boys with us, and a couple of witnesses,” the publication quoted him as saying.
Kenapa Umno tidak pernah membawa usul hudud ke dalam parlimen?
(FMT) – Kenyataan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (AMT) mno, Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki (gambar) yang menggesa PAS agar membentangkan draf undang-undang hudud di Parlimen jika benar-benar mahu menyaksikan satu perubahan besar dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam di negara ini disifatkan sebagai bermotif politik semata-mata dan berhasrat untuk memecahbelahkan Pakatan Rakyat di mana beliau sedar bahawa PAS hanya mempunyai 21 kerusi parlimen sahaja di Dewan Rakyat.
Menurut Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Kelantan (DPPNK), Ahmad Fadhli Shaari, kenyataan AMT Umno tersebut, hanya bermain politik dan tidak ikhlas dalam isu ini.
“Adakah beliau sedar bahawa seseorang ahli parlimen bukan kerajaan yang ingin membawa rang undang-undang persendirian perlu memohon izin selama sebulan sebelum tarikh pembentangan dan empat belas hari untuk usul,
“Ia berbeza dengan menteri yang hanya memerlukan sehari sahaja untuk proses memohon keizinan untuk membentangkan rang undang-undang,” katanya.
Jelasnya, hal ini menunjukkan bahawa Umno selaku parti tunjang kerajaan lebih berkuasa untuk membentangkan draf undang-undang hudud atau sekurang-kurangnya membuat pindaan perlembagaan bagi membolehkan kuasa mahkamah syariah di negeri-negeri diperluaskan.
Ahmad Fadhli turut mempersoalkan kenapa Umno tidak pernah membawa usul hudud ke dalam parlimen.
“Adakah hudud hanya menjadi kewajipan PAS sahaja dan tidak Umno atau dalam erti kata lain, adakah Umno juga merupakan parti yang dianggotai oleh orang Islam?” Soalnya.
Jelasnya lagi, pada 25 Mac 1988, Dato Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang (sekarang Presiden PAS) pernah mengemukakan usul membincangkan gejala murtad di Parlimen, tetapi usul itu ditolak daripada dibincang.
Selepas itu, sekali lagi pada 2 November 1999, beliau juga tidak dibenarkan membentang rang undang-undang ahli persendirian untuk mencegah murtad.
Pada Mac 2006 pula, Salahuddin Ayub (pada masa itu Ahli Parlimen Kubang Kerian) mengemukakan rang undang-undang persendirian yang dinamakan Rang Undang-Undang Murtad.
“Rang undang-undang itu bukan sahaja tidak dipedulikan oleh ahli-ahli Parlimen Umno malah ditolak mentah-mentah,
“Lebih terjamin sekiranya draf undang-undang hukuman hudud ini dikemukakan oleh pihak yang mempunyai kuasa sekarang, iaitu Umno,” Tambahnya.
Dalam masa yang sama, Ahmad Fadhli menggesa kerajaan negeri Kelantan agar mempercepatkan pewartaan Enakmen Undang-undang Kanun Jenayah Syariah (ii) 1993 (Hukum Hudud) yang telah diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan pada tahun 1993.
US lawmakers are kept informed and placed in the loop of US investigations into missing MH370 while Malaysian legislators are kept completely in the dark about the latest developments of the MH370 disaster
By Lim Kit Siang,
This is the 24th day in the fourth week of the multi-national sea and air search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, with today’s search outcome by a total of 10 aircraft and 10 ships from Australia, Malaysia, US, China, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea as empty-handed and fruitless as the earlier 23 days.
Except there is now an element of desperation as the search is in a race against time, with only about two weeks left to find the aircraft’s pair of black boxes before they stop emitting locator pings.
The boxes, designed to ‘ping’ for at least 30 days, contain sounds recorded in the cockpit and data on the plane’s performance and flight path that could help answer why it diverted sharply west from its overnight flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8th March.
What has made the new search area 1,100 km north east of the old site in the southern Indian Ocean frustrating is that it contained a higher volume of ocean trash that may be mistaken for wreckage.
The present search zone has been described as an area of the Indian Ocean where currents drag in all manner of flotsam and rubbish – what an oceanographer has described as “just outside what we call the garbage patches”.
Today’s media carried a report from Washington quoting “senior US lawmakers” as saying that US investigators had found no evidence thus far pointing to terrorism in the disappearance of Flight MH370 more than three weeks ago, and that it was critical to find the plane to understand what happened on board.
The two “senior US lawmakers” quoted are the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein who told Sunday talk shows that they had seen no evidence of foul play.
Roger said: “I have seen nothing yet that comes out of the investigation that would lead me to conclude that (this was) …anything other than a normal flight that something happened and something went wrong.”
Separately, Feinstein told another TV talk show that she had not seen any evidence indicating a terrorist act brought the airplane down.
US officials close to the investigation said the FBI examined data it received from a home-made flight simulator and other computer equipment used by MH370′s pilots, but found nothing illuminating.
Clearly, US lawmakers are kept in the loop in the US investigations into the missing MH370 and are regularly informed of the latest updates, which is not the case with their Malaysian counterparts as Malaysian Members of Parliament, whether from BN or PR, are kept completely in the dark about the developments of the MH370 disaster crisis – although a Malaysian airliner is in the centre of the longest and largest-ever global multi-national sea, air and satellite search for the missing Boeing 777.
This attitude must change. The Government has still to respond to my call that regardless of whether the “black boxes” are retrieved or not, a Parliamentary Select Committee on MH370 disaster should be set up and be prepared to start work and investigations six to eight weeks from March 8.
This has become even more imperative with the report that a scientist who was part of the team to develop the black box was very dubious that the MH370 “black boxes” would be found.
The scientist, Bill Schofield, told Xinhua news agency in an interview: “I’ve got to say I think their chances of finding this black box in very deep water when they don’t know where it went down within an area of 1,000 km, are practically nil.”
(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 31st March 2014)
This is the 24th day in the fourth week of the multi-national sea and air search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, with today’s search outcome by a total of 10 aircraft and 10 ships from Australia, Malaysia, US, China, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea as empty-handed and fruitless as the earlier 23 days.
Except there is now an element of desperation as the search is in a race against time, with only about two weeks left to find the aircraft’s pair of black boxes before they stop emitting locator pings.
The boxes, designed to ‘ping’ for at least 30 days, contain sounds recorded in the cockpit and data on the plane’s performance and flight path that could help answer why it diverted sharply west from its overnight flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8th March.
What has made the new search area 1,100 km north east of the old site in the southern Indian Ocean frustrating is that it contained a higher volume of ocean trash that may be mistaken for wreckage.
The present search zone has been described as an area of the Indian Ocean where currents drag in all manner of flotsam and rubbish – what an oceanographer has described as “just outside what we call the garbage patches”.
Today’s media carried a report from Washington quoting “senior US lawmakers” as saying that US investigators had found no evidence thus far pointing to terrorism in the disappearance of Flight MH370 more than three weeks ago, and that it was critical to find the plane to understand what happened on board.
The two “senior US lawmakers” quoted are the House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein who told Sunday talk shows that they had seen no evidence of foul play.
Roger said: “I have seen nothing yet that comes out of the investigation that would lead me to conclude that (this was) …anything other than a normal flight that something happened and something went wrong.”
Separately, Feinstein told another TV talk show that she had not seen any evidence indicating a terrorist act brought the airplane down.
US officials close to the investigation said the FBI examined data it received from a home-made flight simulator and other computer equipment used by MH370′s pilots, but found nothing illuminating.
Clearly, US lawmakers are kept in the loop in the US investigations into the missing MH370 and are regularly informed of the latest updates, which is not the case with their Malaysian counterparts as Malaysian Members of Parliament, whether from BN or PR, are kept completely in the dark about the developments of the MH370 disaster crisis – although a Malaysian airliner is in the centre of the longest and largest-ever global multi-national sea, air and satellite search for the missing Boeing 777.
This attitude must change. The Government has still to respond to my call that regardless of whether the “black boxes” are retrieved or not, a Parliamentary Select Committee on MH370 disaster should be set up and be prepared to start work and investigations six to eight weeks from March 8.
This has become even more imperative with the report that a scientist who was part of the team to develop the black box was very dubious that the MH370 “black boxes” would be found.
The scientist, Bill Schofield, told Xinhua news agency in an interview: “I’ve got to say I think their chances of finding this black box in very deep water when they don’t know where it went down within an area of 1,000 km, are practically nil.”
(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 31st March 2014)
Three Bars concerned over denial of entry into S'wak
As published on Malaysiakini on 27 Mar 2014.
Section 67 of the Immigration Act 1959/63 makes it clear that the state’s powers to restrict entry shall not have effect on a citizen who can show that he or she enters the state for the sole purpose of engaging in legitimate political activity.
In a country that professes democracy and free elections, such powers to restrict must not be used to obstruct the rights of citizens to participate freely and legally in the country’s public affairs.
The three Bars of Malaysia urged the Sarawak state government to immediately reconsider the entry ban that it has imposed, and to cease and desist from resorting to such action unless with a justifiable cause. Further, the three Bars of Malaysia urge both the state and federal governments to take positive steps to safeguard each citizen’s right to travel freely and peacefully within his or her own country.
KHAIRIL AZMI MOHD HASBIE is president, Advocates’ Association of Sarawak; and GBB NANDY @ GANESH is chairperson, Sabah Law Association.
As published on Malaysiakini on 27 Mar 2014.
three Bars of Malaysia - Advocates’ Association of Sarawak, Sabah Law
Association and the Malaysian Bar - jointly express their deep concern
in relation to the Sarawak government’s move to deny entry into the
state by opposition politicians, Rafizi Ramli, Chua Tian Chang and
Saifuddin Nasution Ismail on March 25, 2014.
Rafizi and Chua are Members of Parliament for Pandan and Batu constituencies, respectively. All three were held upon their arrival at Sibu Airport by Immigration officers before being placed on board a flight back to Kuala Lumpur that same day.
This measure by which the state government has chosen to act goes directly against the guarantee of freedom of movement enshrined in Article 9 of the federal constitution. Under Article 9, every citizen of Malaysia has the right to move freely throughout the federation.
Notwithstanding the special safeguards accorded to Sarawak under the federal constitution, the three Bars of Malaysia strongly urge the Sarawak government to exercise sparingly, fairly and with just cause the statutory powers it has over immigration and border controls.
Rafizi and Chua are Members of Parliament for Pandan and Batu constituencies, respectively. All three were held upon their arrival at Sibu Airport by Immigration officers before being placed on board a flight back to Kuala Lumpur that same day.
This measure by which the state government has chosen to act goes directly against the guarantee of freedom of movement enshrined in Article 9 of the federal constitution. Under Article 9, every citizen of Malaysia has the right to move freely throughout the federation.
Notwithstanding the special safeguards accorded to Sarawak under the federal constitution, the three Bars of Malaysia strongly urge the Sarawak government to exercise sparingly, fairly and with just cause the statutory powers it has over immigration and border controls.
Section 67 of the Immigration Act 1959/63 makes it clear that the state’s powers to restrict entry shall not have effect on a citizen who can show that he or she enters the state for the sole purpose of engaging in legitimate political activity.
In a country that professes democracy and free elections, such powers to restrict must not be used to obstruct the rights of citizens to participate freely and legally in the country’s public affairs.
The three Bars of Malaysia urged the Sarawak state government to immediately reconsider the entry ban that it has imposed, and to cease and desist from resorting to such action unless with a justifiable cause. Further, the three Bars of Malaysia urge both the state and federal governments to take positive steps to safeguard each citizen’s right to travel freely and peacefully within his or her own country.
KHAIRIL AZMI MOHD HASBIE is president, Advocates’ Association of Sarawak; and GBB NANDY @ GANESH is chairperson, Sabah Law Association.
Sabah and Sarawak
PM To Visit Pearce Air Force Base In Perth Wednesday
"Our Prime Minister has decided to travel to Perth on Wednesday for a working visit to Pearce Air force base, to see the operation first hand and also to thank the personnel involved in the multinational search effort, including the Malaysian personnel," Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein told a media conference here today.
On search operations today, he said a total of 10 aircraft and 10 ships searched an area of 254,000 square kilometres in the southern Indian ocean.
Indonesia had given clearance for 94 sorties - by aircraft from nine different countries - to fly in its airspace, as part of this search, he added.
The Malaysian Boeing 777-200ER, with 239 passengers and crew on board, vanished on March 8, about an hour after the Kuala Lumpur-Beijing flight took off from the KL International Airport at 12.41am.
On March 24, Najib had announced that (the flight path of) Flight MH370 ended in a remote region of the southern Indian Ocean based on detailed analyses of satellite data.
The announcement had sparked frustration among many relatives of those on board the missing aircraft who called on the authorities to arrive at concrete evidence in their findings.
Hishammuddin, who is also Defence Minister, said he would be leaving for the United States Pacific Command headquarters in Hawaii Tuesday to attend the US-Asean Defence Ministers' meeting.
He said on behalf of the Malaysian Government, he would share with his Asean counterparts and the Government of the United States the latest developments on the search for MH370.
"I will convey to our ASEAN neighbours and the United States, Malaysia's utmost appreciation for their invaluable help in the multi-national search effort," he said.
He said he would also discuss the possibility of deploying more specific military assets, in the event that Malaysia needed to embark on a more complex phase of the operation.
On the relatives of those onboard MH370, he said the Government was due to hold a high-level briefing soon for these families, to update them on the latest developments regarding the search for MH370.
"We find ourselves in a difficult position. the question that the families principally want answered, is the question we simply do not have the answer to - namely, where their loved ones are, and where is MH370," he said.
He promised Malaysia would continue searching, and keep investigating, and would never give up until it found out what happened to MH370.
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