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Sunday, 17 July 2011

‘You Are Entering a Shariah Controlled Zone’: UK Group to Wage Islamic Law Campaign

Muslims Against Crusades” (MAC), an Islamic group based in the United Kingdom,  plans to wage a propaganda campaign to make a portion of London accept Sharia law. They…
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Keluarga Baharudin tuntut KPN mohon maaf

Bersih threat shows authorities clueless on public anger, says Ambiga

Ambiga hits out at the Najib administration over their continued threats on Bersih supporters. - file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, July 17 — The Najib administration’s threat to freeze the assets…
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Don’t look at me

What would be even better would be to hear what Umno and Najib have to say. Umno claims it is the largest Islamic party in the world. That was what…
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Can the police investigate itself? — The Malaysian Insider

JULY 16 — Just a week ago, the police took a no-nonsense approach in locking up the city and chasing Bersih 2.0 supporters from gathering and making their way to…
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Banda Sea Hit By Earthquake

KUALA LUMPUR, July 17 (Bernama) -- A 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit Banda Sea, Indonesia at 1.06am today, 522km southwest of Ambon and 1,621km southeast of Tawau, Sabah, the Malaysian Meteorological Department…
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Usaha terdesak untuk lindungi Imelda Rosmah

Sejak kali pertama sebahagian bukti mengenai belian RM24.45 j itu didedahkan bukan sedikit puak-puak pengampu Imelda Rosmah muncul untuk membuat pembelaan.

Antara pembelaan 'segera' yang dihamburkan ialah
  • gambar screen komputer…
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