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Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Son dies in custody, dad 'threatened with gun'

Children of the Jihad: ISIS Behead Kurdish Children; Train Kazakh Children to Fight

New horrific evidence of ISIS embroiling children in their religious war has emerged. Refugees fleeing the fighting in the battle-stricken border town of Kobane, Syria, have told of how ISIS…
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Egyptian honour killing: Brother cuts pregnant sister's throat

By Emirates 24/7

Sister was not married

Honour crimes are reportedly on the rise in Egypt. However, a report in the ‘Al Youm Al Sabea’a’ newspaper, details a ghastly honour…
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Palanivel claims to know of mastermind behind illegal land clearing – Bernama

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri G.Palanivel claimed today that he knows of the existence of a mastermind behind the illegal land-clearing in Cameron Highlands which led to the…
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Anak penceramah kontroversi mangsa pemalsuan slip SPM

Anak Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dipercayai terlibat dalam kes pemalsuan salinan slip peperiksaan SPM. – Gambar fail.Anak penceramah kontroversi Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah antara mangsa kes pemalsuan salinan slip peperiksaan SPM selepas mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas individu yang memalsukan keputusan tersebut.‎

Tertuduh Mohd Firdaous Shariful…
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Beyond politics, a Selangor government that cares for the people

Azmin Ali is proving to be a peoples' menteri besar by allocating funds for state seats under the Barisan Nasional opposition in Selangor. - The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Raiezal, November 24, 2014.It might not seem much, but Selangor Menteri Besar Mohamed Azmin Ali broke new ground today when he proposed a RM200,000 allocation each for people-friendly programmes in opposition-held seats in…
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Haul up Malay NGO for seditious PTPTN remark, says UM student leader

niversiti Malaya Students Association (PMUM) president Fahmi Zainol calls the statement by the group of Malay NGOs yesterday on the PTPTN loan repayment as blatantly unfair to non-Bumiputera students. - The Malaysian Insider pic, November 24, 2014.The coalition of Malay rights groups should be charged under the Sedition Act for suggesting only Bumiputeras be exempted from repaying their National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loans, sa…
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Son dies in custody, dad 'threatened with gun'

A 25-year-old unemployed youth has died in police custody, and his father suspects foul play due to the bruises and 'hole-like puncture marks' on the body.

The 67-year-old farmer…
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MCA: School segregation like 50s US racism

MCA has decried a report of racial segregation at a primary school in Setapak as reminiscent of the discriminatory treatment of African-Americans in the 50s.

Responding to a Malay…
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'Medical report withheld due to media blitz'

Parents of G Tinasha, who passed away on Friday, have a filed a second police report against Assunta Hospital after failing to obtain their 14-year-old daughter's medical report.

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Don't give foes 'racist' bullets, Umno told

Reiterating his call for moderation, Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said Umno delegates should not load the opposition's guns with 'racist' bullets.

He warned that space should not…
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Emulate Gandhi, Ridhuan Tee tells Umno

Controversial academic Ridhuan Tee has roped in Confucius and Mahatma Gandhi in his message to Umno ahead of its annual general assembly, which starts tomorrow.

In his latest column…
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Cancel all dealings with Chinese firm, gov’t urged

The government has been urged to cancel all dealings with Chinese-owned firm CAA Resources within the country after the company’s executive director admitted in a New York Times article…
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People’s Petition on Sedition Act fails in Parliament

Speaker cites two reasons to reject the motion to read the Petition.


KUALA LUMPUR: Parliament did not allow a People’s Petition to repeal the Sedition Act, submitted by Shah…
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M’sia at the mercy of those spreading lies via the Internet

Zahid Hamidi says Malaysians must observe law, rules and regulations that prevent them from making provocative and racist statements.


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is now under threat by those who…
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Dayaks will be Dayaks, nothing else!

They have put Putrajaya and the Sarawak Government on notice that they will henceforth be known in official forms as Dayak, not Bumiputera Sarawak, or even worse “lain-lain” (others) in…
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Silent no more, please

Thomas Fann - Malay Mail Online

NOVEMBER 22 — Since PM Najib attributed Umno-BN poor performance at GE13 to a Chinese tsunami and Utusan followed up with “Apa lagi Cina…
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Case for judicial review

The Star
Legally Speaking by Roger Tan

Is judicial review the correct procedure to challenge the validity of a statute?

IN the last two weeks, two interesting cases relating to…
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Internet Should Not Be A Medium For Stoking Racial Tension - Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Monday reminded that the internet should not become a medium for stoking racial and religious tension in…
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Media Statement By Centre For A Better Tomorrow (CENBET) Co-President, Gan Ping Sieu On The Ban On Non-Muslims Using Words Related to Islam


It is time the respective state authorities throughout the country review the ban on non-Muslims using words related to Islam. This comes as the Kedah government recently amended the…
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Education Ministry: Religious segregation in primary school ‘unacceptable’

The Malay Mail Online

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 — The Education Ministry has deemed a move by a primary school in Setapak to split Muslim and non-Muslim pupils into different…
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