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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Sri Lanka arrests General Fonseka - AL JAZEERA

General Fonseka challenged Rajapaksa in January's vote and has accused the government of election fraud

General Sarath Fonseka, the defeated candidate in Sri Lanka's presidential election, has been arrested at…

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PERAK MB - comments from Malaysiakini

  • by SusahKes - 29 minutes ago

    As bad as it seems the decision today, perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. If Nizar had won, UMNO wouldn't have given him/PR…

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Why no MSRM Tamil for 825 high achieving 7As’ Tamil school pupils.

See the joy in the children’s faces but the headlines and one whole full colour page wayang kulit paper politics in Tamil Nesan and also in Makkal Osai.

But where…

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RM 700 Million excluded to Indian kindergardens and school children (refer NST 28/1/2010 at page 4)

Tip of the racist, religious extremist and supremacist UMNO agenda packaged as UMNO Prime Minister’s One Malaysia. Have the Indian representatives in Pakatan raised this issue?

P. Uthayakumar


Schoolbag politics only reflects height of Indian poverty

The MIC mandore party of UMNO in wanting to be seen to be doing something engages in “schoolbag politics” dished out by their UMNO Tuan State Assemblyman Dato Haji Hamdi.…

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PKR : Indian neighbourhood in Shah Alam left in stinking condition.

This is the complaint by P. Punita and P. Vegneswary of Kampong Bunga Raya in Shah Alam a predominantly Indian settlement.

Had this been in a malay muslim majority area…

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Scholarships @ top overseas Universities. Indians excluded

For the 2010 National Budget RM 2.8 Billion was allocated for overseas and local Public Services Department (PSD) Scholarships (NST and The Star headlines 23/11/09).

Our estimate is tha…

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Whatever court decides, Perak crisis will continue

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Mystery man in Altantuya saga

Among the claims that Bala made in his statutory declaration was that Altantuya told him several things about her relationship with Abdul Razak, including meeting him with (then deputy minister)…

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PKR’s strange disciplinary logic

(Stationary pic by ba1969 /

DISCIPLINE within political parties has been in the spotlight recently. In the headlines was PAS's suspension of its Shah…

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Mandela-isation of Anwar?

by Azly Rahman

“Man proposes, god disposes”
Thomas a Kempis, ‘Of The Imitation of Christ’

While America awaits The Super Bowl, Malaysia awaits The Super Trial II this week to…

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Federal Court Declares Dr Zambry Rightful Menteri Besar

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 9 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir retains the Perak menteri besar's post after the Federal Court here today declared his appointment by…
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Shit-stirrers and DSAI’s limited window of opportunity

pre-script: feeling sad today, sigh… :(

Read the mainstream media, and it’s nothing but news of PKR internal chaos, infighting, people leaving, etc.

I’ve written about these before, but figured…

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Perak MB - it's Zambry! - Malaysiakini

The Federal Court, the highest court in the country, has delivered a unanimous decision in declaring that Zambry Abd Kadir of BN is the rightful Perak menteri besar.

NONEIn doing…

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