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Friday, 1 January 2010

Malaysiakini pits Hindraf with ASP & DAP mandores axis.

Some reporter in Malaysiakini before and is doing it again. They are up to their tricks again. Take note that in all of the following news reporters this pitting of…

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Official: Apparent contact between AbdulMutallab and radical cleric

Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab appears to have had contact with radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab appears to have had
contact with radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

Washington (CNN) -- Terror suspect Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab appears to have had direct contacts with radical…

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Indian poor lady delivers baby next to drain in Brickfields

This is yet again another indicator of Indian extreme poverty under Malay-sia UMNO because of inequality and inequal opportunities .

While most urban Malay and Chinese mothers in K.L are…

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Another by-election anticipated — in Selangor

Most days, not much happens in Rasa but there is now excitement in the air.

By Baradan Kuppusamy - The Malaysian Insider

RASA, Jan 1 — There is high excitement…

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Nizar enters 2010 with guns blazing

Nizar says the battle for Perak is still on. — File pic

By Clara Chooi - The Malaysian Insider

IPOH, Jan 1 — If 2009 was a chaotic year for…

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Kenyataan Peguam Sanggah Mahkamah Persekutuan Mengenepikan Peraturan dan Undang-Undang Dengan Menetapkan Tarikh Rayuan 6 Januari Tanpa Nota Mahkamah R

Secara ringkasnya, apabila merayu ke Mahkamah Persekutuan, di dalam kes jenayah, rekod rayuan akan disediakan oleh mahkamah rayuan, dan ianya mesti diserahkan kepada perayu. Selepas sahaja diserahkan rekod rayuan tersebut,…

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Two days to read Maverick Mahathir and 58 days to decide whether it jeopardizes national security and public safety – what KPI/NKRA and “Performance N

By Lim Kit Siang,

Last Saturday, Home Ministry deputy secretary-general Datuk Ahmad Fuad Abdul Aziz denied that Barry Wain’s biography, “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times” is being put…

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Mahathir the Maverick at it again

by A

Subject: Re: BERNAMA – Forget The Origin Country, We Are Malaysians – Mahathir

On my way to London yesterday, I finished 3/4 of the book on the Maverick,…

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Tok Mat Dies

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 (Bernama) -- Former Information Minister and one-time Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Mohamed Rahmat died at his home in Bukit Damansara here on Friday,…
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Dua pegawai imigresen didakwa terima rasuah wang tunai, tiket

Utusan Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 31 Dis. - Dua pegawai imigresen mengaku tidak bersalah di dua buah mahkamah berasingan di sini hari ini atas tuduhan rasuah dalam bentuk wang tunai, tiket…
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Tengku Fakhry lewat failkan permohonan

Utusan Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR 31 Dis. - Keputusan sama ada Tengku Temenggong Kelantan dibenarkan untuk mencabar perintah kekandanya yang melucutkan beliau daripada senarai bakal pewaris takhta, tidak dapat diputuskan memandangkan…
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Religious hatred simmers in terror suspect's homeland

Soldiers stand guard after December 2008 post-election riots in central Nigeria leave hundreds dead.
Soldiers stand guard after December 2008 post-election riots in central Nigeria leave hundreds dead.

(CNN) -- Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab wouldn't have to go to an al Qaeda training camp in…

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‘Tamils without Tamil’ with comments .......

“Why we need 1700 temples for only 3 million Indians in Malaysia? It does not make sense but we still continue to build temples and fight for it. We only…
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Hunger strike in JB for recognition of Tamil subjects - Malaysiakini

A group of 30 activists championing the Tamil language staged a one-day hunger strike in the middle of the Johor Bahru yesterday to protest what they claim to be the…
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Hindus have the similar god´s name like Allah

Approximately fourteen miles west of Jagannatha Puri-dhama lies the place known as Brahmagiri or Alarnath (spelled "Alalanath" in most Bengali books). For millions of years it has been a holy…

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Hindraf Chairman Sues Penang Deputy Chief Minister, Nine Others, For RM100 Mil

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 31 (Bernama) -- Hindraf chairman P. Waytha Moorthy is suing Penang Deputy Chief Minister Prof Dr P.Ramasamy, six local media organisations and three others for RM100 million…
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British law rules in getting RPK back

(NST) - Efforts to secure the return of fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin from the United Kingdom may not be a straightforward process.

Malaysian police are studying Britain's extradition process…
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Police force joins Facebook community

(Bernama) - The police will use Facebook to get closer to the public, said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

“As the social networking website is a popular medium…
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1. The Chinese understand numbers. Very early they invented the computer - not the electronic one - but the abacus.

2. The abacus in the hands of experts can outrun…
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Court rules Herald free to use the word “Allah”

By Lisa Goh

The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: The Catholic weekly Herald is now free to use the word “Allah” in its publication after the High Court quashed the Home…

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