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Friday 1 January 2010

Police force joins Facebook community

(Bernama) - The police will use Facebook to get closer to the public, said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

“As the social networking website is a popular medium of interaction, the police will capitalise on it from early January to achieve its targets by getting closer to the public,” he told Bernama in an interview.

To be managed by the Bukit Aman Media Centre, he said the Facebook would enable the public to have more access to the police other than through Rakan Cop and the police’s website.

“It will allow the public not only to file complaints on police services but also to relay information on crimes,” he said, adding that the decision to use Facebook emanated from feedbacks received during the Government Transformation Programme Open Day recently.

On challenges confronting the police in 2010, he said the police would continue to pursue its five-year strategic plan launched in 2006.

“The police’s involvement with the public will be stepped up in curbing crimes and maintain security. As the IGP, I want to see in 2010, we go all out to fight crimes, including human and drug trafficking.

“The public have seen that the police are getting more amenable to them, not only among the rank and file policemen but also district police chiefs, through community policing,” he said.

Musa said the measure was seen as a positive step in discarding the “fear of police” stigma and would help create a law-abiding community.

On allegations of police brutality, he said the police adhered to procedures when dealing with crime suspects.

“I know of certain quarters, who like to find faults against us. We do not go beyond our limits. —

“We follow the procedures when we make arrests... if the suspects are armed and dangerous, we have to defend ourselves as they threaten public safety,” he said. Musa said certain quarters like to politicise issues as they want to convince the people to pay attention to their agendas by tarnishing the police’s image.

“There were some people, who claimed that the police are not doing their job, they raised sensitive issues... they have their agendas, interests... they do not want the police to curb crimes effectively.

“The police do not practise favouritism. Whether you are a small fry or a shark, we will nab you,” he added.

Musa said despite the critics, the Royal Malaysian Police had received international accolades for its success in solving crimes, including the ISO 9001-2008 for solving human trafficking cases.

In curtailing cross-border crimes, he said the police would join forces with other agencies like the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Customs and Immigrations. He called on leaders, including menteri besar and chief ministers, to assist the police in combating crimes

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