'Dear Hisham, why would you believe the blogger's statement without checking the facts first? Shame on you!'
PAS will not bar non-Muslim becoming PM 1Rakyat Malaysia: As a Muslim, I am not bothered whether the PM is a Muslim or not. The constitution protects Islam as the official religion of the country and the monarchy as guardian of Islam in Malaysia.
If a non-Muslim can be proven capable to lead the country, why not? Look at many countries around the world where capable leaders are not from the majority race but instead from minority race.
It is Umno which is going all out to protect the Umnoputras to maintain political stronghold over the country to enrich its cronies. Other Malays not of the Umnoputras do not benefit or even if they do, are given the remnants that trickle down to them.
All these talks about Umno protecting Malay rights or Islam is a bunch of crap. I am apolitical but I trust PAS more than Umno to look after the interest of the Malays and Islam. Umno is more interested in enriching their cronies and stirring up racial and religious issues to maintain their power.
Ruben: We have a lame duck prime minister who does not have the political will nor the interest of all Malaysians at heart to make a firm decision on
Utusan Malaysia's continuous seditious reports which inflame racial and religious tensions.
So ludicrous are the claims of making Malaysia a Christian state that you don't need Prime Minister Najib Razak and Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein to order the police to get to the bottom of it.
Loyal Malaysian: Thank you, PAS for standing up for what is right and true, Hisham is a disgrace, he's not fit to be the home minister. In a more enlightened society, both the deputy IGP Khalid Abu Bakar and Information Minister Rais Yatim will have to apologise to the rakyat for their parts in fermenting the religous bigotry.
Terus: Malaysia, our beloved country and home, has an official religion - that is Islam and that will never changed. The Malays who are Muslims are the predominant race and that too will not changed. The special position of the Malay rulers and the rights of the Malays are enshrined in our constitution and these will not changed.
The vast majority of our members of parliament (more than 2/3rds), Armed Forces (more than 7/8), Police (more than 7/8) and Rela (more than 3/4) are Malays and these are facts. More than 7/8 of our government servants (Public Service Department) are Malays.
How can anybody changed anything without Malays approval? How can anybody be so stupid as to think that anybody can changed the official religion Islam in our beloved country?
AyerTawar: In other countries, the people are divided and fight in the name of religion and race. Their governments have to control and moderate the situation. In Malaysia, our leaders are instead the troublemakers, but the rakyat are ones to pacify the situation. What a shame.
Mohd Zaini Husin: PAS seems to be more intelligent in articulating national policies. The rakyat are slowly convinced that they are now a viable alternative to the current untrustworthy, oppressive and racist regime of Umno. Wasalam.
Avatar1: It looks like PAS is now playing politics with this issue. I wonder if this is the same PAS which complained about the lack of Malay-Muslims representatives in Parliament if September 16 takeover were to have happened. Now these same PAS leaders are saying they are not bothered if the PM is a non-Muslim.
I wonder if this statement is to garner support from non-Malays or it is meant to give more bullets to Umno to capitalise on the issue and stir more discomfort among the Malays. All in all, Malaysian politics is not about serving the people but about serving the politicians.
Not Convinced: Avatar1, why would PAS want to give more bullets to Umno?
J Yeoh: I hope our Malay brethens will vote for PAS because they are the ones that can really save our beloved homeland now. My church members and I all respect PAS leaders because they took the trouble to come to our church to dialogue with us to make us understand the principles of real Islam. Well done, PAS!
Singa Pura Pura: Any Malaysian man or woman with an iota of grey matter will know and understand that Christian Malaysians have never pursued the agenda of a Malaysian 'Christian-state' - and never will.
The Christian world has long abandoned the ancient device of a theocratic state. I have been an ardent churchgoer, both Protestant and Catholic, for close to five decades. Yes, I have heard my erstwhile 'learned friend and colleague' OC Lim hammer home his homily on the ISA and on 'Allah'. But never have I discerned the faintest whiff of a Christian state in the making in Malaysia in any church I have stepped into and out of. No one I know has.
The impugned
Utusan Malaysia report is indeed a 'perutusan' of lies in its purest and most unadulterated form. It amounts to subversion. The partial home minister must resign to salvage what is left of his cousin's 1Malaysia. It is also time for Gerakan and Bernard Dompok's Upko to leave Umno once and for all. Be not afraid.
Docs: Last year,
Utusan was used to spread religious hatred on the 'Herald/Allah' issue. That lead to protestors getting out of hand, resulting in church burning, international condemnation for Umno and lost investor confidence in Malaysia. PAS supported the Herald and 'Allah' usage among the Christians, and the Malay voters exodus to Umno did not happen.
Round two: The stamping of the Malay Bible issue was again brought up by
Utusan to spread religious discontent and to unite the Malays under Umno. Unfortunately, this lead to the awakening of the Sarawak people resulting in a poor showing by BN in the recent state election. Again PAS supported the distribution of the Malay Bible.
Round three: Both the Christian state and Christian PM issues are brought up by, yes,
Utusan again to spread religious discontent and unite the Malays under Umno. PAS says it is not wrong for a non-Muslim to become PM if the individual is worthy. Still no exodus of Malays to Umno.
I think we can rest assure that either the Umno leadership is either dumb or they just can't learn from their mistakes.
Moontime: Dear Hisham, why would you believe the blogger's statement without checking the facts first? Is it because it came from a pro-Umno blog and you take their words as gospel? Shame on you!
One other thing, you're a disgrace to your alma mater. Didn't you learn a thing or two about tolerance, esprit de corps and getting along nicely with other races while in St John's Institution? Or most probably you stuck with your own group/race while in school and never interacted with the Chinese and Indians. What a pity.
The same thing goes for your cousin, the prime minister. One word summarises the future of this country if you ever had the chance to be PM - doomed.
M'sia1st: Muhyiddin Yassin can never be our PM since he is much older than Najib. Certainly his cousin, Hisham, may replace Muhyiddin in due course, and become DPM/PM designate, if the political puzzle fit in place correctly. Zahid Hamidi will be the DPM to Hisham.
They may be seen united, but in actual fact they are enemies, fighting for their political survival in the lead-up to GE13. There is no issue of a non-Malay being the PM as in practice and reality it would never happen. And that is not an important issue.
The main and critical issues are fairness, welfare of rakyat, justice, transparency, corruption and independence of judiciary. Any PM, so long as he is a Malaysian, being fair and lead the nation wisely shall get the full support of the rakyat. That is the rule.
Islam shall remain the official religion while others can freely practise their own beliefs without fear or disturbance.
Blogsmith: Based on the reaction and statements of Hishammuddin to various issues, I think one can safely say that of all the cabinet ministers, Hishammuddin has the least of grey matters. If meritocracy is to be a criteria, I think he definitely would not qualify to be a minister, with or without portfolio.
Anonymous_40a7: Here is tomorrow's headlines in
Utusan Malaysia: 'PAS supports Christian conspiracy - police must act'.