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Tuesday 25 November 2014

'Medical report withheld due to media blitz'

Parents of G Tinasha, who passed away on Friday, have a filed a second police report against Assunta Hospital after failing to obtain their 14-year-old daughter's medical report.

"We filed a second report around midnight at the Petaling Jaya police headquarters.

"We are also going to appoint a lawyer to help us," Tinasha's uncle I Ramesh told Malaysiakini.

He claimed that the private hospital's management told the family that the medical report cannot be released to them because they went to the media.

Ramesh (left) said previously the hospital promised the family that the medical report would be ready by last Friday.

"We are already a victim, they are making it even worse by not giving us the closure we need from the medical and post-mortem reports," he added.

As for the report on the post-mortem, which was conducted at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UUMC), Ramesh said the family was told that it would be ready in the next few days.

Hospital CEO: Follow proper channels

Meanwhile, Assunta Hospital chief executive officer Peter TL Leong said the family needed to go through the proper channels to obtain the medical report.

"We have told the family that we cannot just give the report to them.

"They have to go through formal channels and do a formal write up through the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)," he said.

Leong told Malaysiakini that the post-mortem report would be forwarded to the Ministry of Health first.

"We are still awaiting for the post-mortem findings. After that, we will be guided by the ministry," he said.

However, Leong refused to comment when asked if the hospital had earlier promised the family to give them the report on Friday.

Last week, Tinisha's parents had accused the hospital of negligence resulting in their daughter's death.

However, Leong had dismissed this, saying the medical staff followed procedure and accused the parents of not wanting to agree to an amicable solution.

KAMLES KUMAR is a trainee reporter with Malaysiakini.

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