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Saturday 12 June 2010

Two blind PKR Selangor Indian mandores and Anwar Ibrahim’s Menteri Besar denying Indian estate workers even water in Selangor.

Selangor state government’s false promise to Coalfeild estate workers. Their electricity  and water supply has been disconnected by the greedy Selangor State government  and their hand picked developers. These estate workers are today ending up drinking pond water in the estate.
How come these two MP and Exco Indian mandores could not even fulfill the Estate Workers Housing scheme. If they cannot deliver the terrace houses or secure places in the Felda, Felcra, Risda, Fama, Mardi etc like land schemes then their further stay in PKR is automatically falls in the same category of the MIC mandores.
As it stands after over two years of this PKR rule in Selangor these two PKR lead mandores only and merely seem to have taken over the previous 50 year old Indian mandore’s roles. And nothing more than that.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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