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Saturday 12 June 2010

10MP: What about 40% emissions cut pledge?

This morning, the frontpage of the newspaper was all about Najib’s unveiling of the Tenth Malaysia Plan – but what about that all-important emissions cut pledge in Copenhagen?
Let’s see now – 52 “high-impact projects” including:
  • seven highway projects (think lucrative toll concessions and the promotion of private vehicle ownership),
  • massive property development all over the place,
  • coal-fired plants (including the controversial one in Sabah?), and
  • two aluminium smelters (to justify all those unnecessary dams?).
My question now, is how does all this jive with Najib’s announcement in Copenhagen last December that Malaysia had agreed to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by up to 40 per cent by the year 2020 (compared to 2005 levels), subject to assistance from developed countries.
With all these “high-impact projects”, will adoption of green technology alone be enough to secure the 40 per cent target by 2020?
Shouldn’t the 40 per cent pledge be one of the central planks of the New Economic Model and the Tenth Malaysia Plan? I haven’t heard any emphasis on emissions cuts, have you?
We seem to think our economic policies will have no impact on climate change, which we blissfully believe will not affect us.

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