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Saturday 12 June 2010

From the Rosmah NYT ad to Serbia, Nigeria & Angola

Still on the road, so pardon me if my posts are a little slipshod.
I wanted to highlight an article from some days back done by the Nutgraph with follow up work done on the New York Times ad for Rosmah.
They have done some really excellent investigative journalism, revealing some sketchy double talk by the New York Times, as well as connecting the institution that gave Rosmah her award to a lobbyist connected to the business and political interests of Serbia, Nigeria and Angola.
The sketchiness never ends!
I really recommend that you read the article in full for yourself.
I’d like to commend the Nutgraph for doing exactly the type of investigative journalism this country needs so badly. It’s really not that hard, just requires some passion and diligence – and this article demonstrates both. (wonder if they should’ve waited to collect more info before going to press though.
One thing did catch my eye:
Jones replied to Tichansky after reading Tichansky’s e-mail to The Nut Graph, and surprisingly copied us in an e-mail we received on 2 June, saying: “This is great. Thank you! Please send, and I’ll forward to Joh.”
It remains unclear who “Joh” is.
Hmmmm… Are you thinking who I’m thinking? Maybe we should do some digging.. :) Will let you know if we find anything :)

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