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Saturday 12 June 2010

SPM 13As’ denied University and scholarships: SMC mandore wayang kulit illusion in Tamil press. Curtains up ( See Malaysia Nanban 11/6/2010 at page 18 full page, Makkal Osai 11/6/2010 at page 3, Tamil Nesan 11/6/2010 at page 5)

UMNOs’ game plan with the SMC mandores just to divert attention away from the estimated 2,237 Indian students being denied University, Matriculation places and JPA, Petronas Shell, Mara, Khazanah, Tenaga, Telekom, 13 state Yayasan and scores of others scholarships.
Res Ipsa Loquiteour.  The facts speak for itself.
Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

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