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Sunday 30 May 2010

UMNO’s 50 poor Indian single parents hampers, saris and punjabi suit kosong politics using MIC Mandore Datuk

UMNO’s 50 poor Indian single parents hampers, saris and punjabi suit kosong politics using MIC Mandore Datuk
One sari, one hamper or one basic necessity food hamper, UMNO Batang Kali tries to do a wayang kulit using an MIC mandore Datuk.
What about a permanent solution like the 10 acre Felda like land ownership scheme for these hundreds of thousands of Indian poor by this very same UMNO.
Why not? After all 420,000 Malay, orang asli, Iban and Kadazan poor have been granted these 10 acre land ownership schemes by UMNO.
S. Jayathas

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