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Sunday 30 May 2010

All 9As’ and above in SPM should as of right be given JPJ Scholarships University or Matriculation places. No to UMNO race based higher education policy


NO.6, Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 03-2282 5241 Fax: 03-2282 5245 Website:www.humanrightspartymalaysia.comEmail:Info@humanrightspartymalaysia
Your Reference :
In Reply :
Date : 28/5/2010
YAB. Dato Seri Najib Razak Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Blok Utama Bangunan Perdana Putra, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax: 03-88883444 62502 Putrajaya E-Mail: Y.B Dato Seri Mohd Khaled Bin Nordin Minister of Higher Education Malaysia, Aras 7, Block E3, Complex E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Fax : 03-8889 1952 62505 Putrajaya. E-Mail :
RE: All 9As’ and above in SPM should as of right be given JPJ Scholarships University or Matriculation places. No to UMNO race based higher education policy.
In 2008 the UMNO led Malay-sian government declared that all students securing 9As’ in the SPM in the 2007 exams would automatically get government JPJ scholarships to pursue their higher and tertiary education. But when many especially poor Indian students complained that they did not get the government JPJ Scholarships they were all given scholarships to study at local private Universities as usual as a temporary measure.
However in 2009 the racist UMNO goal post was moved again by UMNO declaring that for students securing 9As’ there is no guarantee of JPJ Scholarships etc. This was when UMNO discovered that many poor especially Indian students started highlighting their plight in the open. The reports we have thus far received for this year (2010) is that hundreds of especially Indian students from the poor and lower income group who have scored 9As’ and above but have been denied their rightful JPA, Scholarships, Matriculation and University placing. But many of their Malay muslim friends who scored even four As’ have either received their JPA Scholarships, Matriculation or University places with great ease. Even Thai students with a mere 7As’ are being reconsidered by MARA in collaboration with UPU. (UM 27/5/10 at page 9). Even (malay muslim students with 1A was reported to have received JPA scholarships (refer to report below). Sugentha Subramaniam the only Indian girl in MRSM Terendak out of 197 (0.5%) students who had scored 10As’ for SPM was denied a place in any of the 40,000 places in the nine Matriculation Colleges (UM 2/11/08 at page 4) University places or JPJ Scholarship.
Another Indian Science stream student who scored 11 A’s is forced to take up an Information Technology at University. We have received scores of complains that Indian student are denied places in critical courses like Medicines, Engineering, Famarsi, Bio-Technology, Accountancy, Business Administration etc.
Why this level of direct discrimination when Article 12 of the Federal Constitution prohibits discrimination in educational institutions which are funded by the government? But for the Indian students they are supposed to appeal to JPA, UPU and the Matriculation colleges through the assigned one Devamany an MIC Deputy Minister Mandore who would as usual do his wayang kulit illusion of securing these higher education places but at the end of the day succeed in probably one out of the hundreds of students and he would publicise it and make it look like the rest of the hundreds also made it after this mandore MIC party intervention. This MIC mandore party will now be targeted by the top Indian students, their family and friends while the real culprit UMNO gets away scott free. This is the mandorist and tuan arrangements between UMNO and MIC and now very conveniently and comfortably beginning to be adopted by PKR, DAP and PAS. We hereby call upon your goodself as the Prime Minister to grant all students especially the poor and underprivileged Indian students securing 9As’ and above to as of right be granted JPA scholarships, Matriculation and University places from this year (2010) onwards and an end to race based meritocracy and racist higher educational policy to prove your goodself’s One Malaysia as opposed to One Malay-sia. Kindly revert to us accordingly. Thank You. Your Faithfully, P.Uthayakumar (pro tem) cc: Y.Bhg.Tan Sri Dr. Zulkurnain bin Haji Awang Ketua Setiausaha, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Aras 8, Blok E8, Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan Fax: 03- 88885124 62604 Putrajaya Email:

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