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Sunday 30 May 2010

Malay NGOs give NEM the thumbs down

By Zainal Epi - Free Malaysia Today,

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malay Consultative Council (MCC) today passed a resolution urging the government to give Malays and Bumiputera priority in the economic development of the country.
It said the interests of the Malays and Bumiputera must be the main thrust of the New Economic Model (NEM), the centrepiece of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak's economic policy.
The resolution was tabled at a one-day Bumiputera Economic Congress organised by the MCC. The MCC is the umbrella body housing 76 Malay NGOs and spearheaded by Perkasa, a right-wing Malay group.
Points four of the resolution stated:
“The congress regretfully concedes that the government have failed to help increase Bumiputera participation, ownership and control in strategic sectors.”
“The affirmative, economic and distribution policy that Bumiputera participation in various economic sectors must be maintained,” stated point five.
The MCC viewed NEM as a fresh and dynamic economic strategy but it had sidelined the interests of the Malays and Bumiputera and thus should be reviewed and remodelled.
It resolved that NEM should continue with the affirmative action of the New Economic Policy (NEP), a model created to strengthen Malay economic participation.
The MCC said the creators of the NEM had failed to take into account the interest of Malays and Bumiputera when they advocated liberalising the economy.
“... even the United States is currently reviewing liberalisation as the country found out that this was the cause of its economic recession,” the MCC said.
It also called on the government to increase the Malay and Bumiputera participation, ownership and control of wealth in the various strategic sectors under NEM.
The three-hour meeting unanimously passed a 31-point resolution, which essentially wants all elements of the NEP incorporated into the NEM.
The resolution will be handed over to Najib later tonight.

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