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Sunday 30 May 2010

GAS rally may be turning point

NST, REGARDLESS of the success of this weekend's Gerakan Anti-Samy Vellu (GAS) rally, observers said Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu will remain as president -- at least, for now. The duly-elected president of a party cannot be ousted by such a display of discontent.

But senior party leaders admitted that the future of the party may well depend on the support GAS receives

"If 10,000 people turn up, I am confident several leaders will also make their stand known.
"As it is now, these leaders are facing tremendous pressure from the community, including prominent figures who are urging them to make a stand on the matter.

"These leaders are now in a dilemma ... whether to stand by Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu or to give in to the pressure from the community," said a party leader. "Is he going to end up sacking the entire CWC if more speak out against him?"

The party leader said the MIC party constitution accorded the president "tremendous power" which many felt was being abused.

"From what we understand, to sack a CWC member, the president must consult his deputy before exercising such powers.

"In this case, it was learnt that the president was not 'consulting' his deputy, but merely informing him after the sacking was done."

Another party leader said the main aim of tomorrow's gathering was to demonstrate the support behind calls for the president to step down earlier than his announced date of September 2011.

"If there is a large crowd tomorrow, the pressure on Samy Vellu will be tremendous. I am sure a strong showing will open the floodgates for more members, including several senior leaders, to speak out."

Kelana Jaya division vice-chairman P. Balasubramaniam offered a solution, Samy Vellu could take a leave of absence as president for six months and hand over the reins to his deputy.

"Give Palanivel six months. If he is unable to prove himself and hold the party together, then the doors would be wide open for Samy Vellu to pick another successor.

"This would be the best compromise solution to diffuse the current turmoil and pacify all conflicting factions."

Balasubramaniam urged the CWC to convene an emergency meeting to stop the president from arbitrarily using his presidential powers.

"Samy Vellu's biggest error was to bring in his son. This has caused plenty of discontentment among party members who fear that he may try to force his son into a strong party position before he leaves."

A party observer pointed out that had the allegations against Umno been made by some other CWC member, Samy Vellu would have definitely initiated disciplinary action against him for attempting to cause disunity among the Barisan Nasional component parties.

"The allegation against Umno was baseless. Where is the proof? Now, Vell Paari has put his father in a bigger fix, with members calling for Samy Vellu to take action against his son (S. Vell Paari) over the statement.

"In fact, Vell Paari's statement has put MIC in a bad light. Now, we are like black sheep in the BN."

Party insiders agreed that the momentum had picked up now that several central working committee (CWC) members had spoken out against the president.

The biggest shock was the defiance of secretary-general S. Murugesan.

Murugesan's move may encourage others to follow suit.

Despite his many perceived shortcomings, Samy Vellu has held the party together for 31 years, albeit through some forceful means.

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