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Sunday 30 May 2010

Six Indian poor and orphaned children from one to fifteen years old denied welfare help by UMNO. Only have rice for one or two days.

Six Indian poor and orphaned children from one to fifteen years old denied welfare help by UMNO. Only have rice for one or two days.
Their single parent and sickly mother V.Veramah (32) is suffering from fits and depression. At what is for most other Malay and Chinese grandmothers is their golden years and playing with their grandchildren, this 59 year old grandmother V.Kannimah is forced to work in a factory earning RM500 per month even with her back pain.
This family has not paid their rentals for three months now and may soon be thrown out on the streets. These children cannot afford to attend school M.Devandran (15) is forced to stop school because of poverty.
But where is the RM400 due to this family as promised by UMNO to all those earning below RM720? (NST 29/3/09 at page 23).
Is it only for Malay muslims?
Why not Welfare help from the RM48 Million Welfare allocation and RM174 Million allocation for the poor which does not reach these poor Indian families. Umno Prime Minister for One Malay-sia announced that RM687 per month as the Poverty Line Index. (NST 24/10/09 at page 10).
But only for Malay muslims?
Similarly the RM2 billion allocation for school children under the poor students project does not reach this poor and hundreds of thousands of other poor Indian families. Why?
Because they are not Malay muslims.
The silence and omission to speak up by PKR, DAP, PAS, Malaysiakini, NGOs, bloggers, and the Indian elite! Why?
Because the victims are merely the soft target Indians?

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