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Friday 2 April 2010

UMNO DBKL wayang kulit cheats Indian poor

This is exactly how UMNOs’ 1,016,799 Biro Tatanegara racist graduates’ cheats the Indians by giving them the run around. In this case Saravanan (39) because of severe illness and unable to do heavy work wants to start a small business. He had even slept on kerbs and in front of buildings as he and his family had no shelter. (Star metro 27/3/2010 at page M4).

At the UMNO DBKL meet the clients session the UMNO Biro Tatanegara graduate instead of doing his job “asked me to identify a place, take pictures and submit my proposal. Saravanan does not even have money to buy a camera!

There are thousands of DBKL, stalls and bus stand kiosks. But they will never give it to Saravanan and thousands of other such poor and deserving Indians. This case is just the tip of the iceberg of how UMNO excludes even the poor and sicky Indians a basic life.

P. Uthayakumar


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