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Thursday 19 November 2009

No State assistance at all for the most vulnerable in Malaysian Society


I would like to bring to attention the case of the twins from Taman Sepilai near Kulim , Sharmila and Shalini both 13 years of age. See picture. Both have deformities in their lower limbs and are totally incapable of moving about on their own. They both are tied down to wheelchairs.They are born to a family of 7 siblings. Their father, Letchumanan is an oil palm plantation worker earning about RM 500 per month.

The Indian poor, who are in such menial occupation are already in a very vulnerable group. Top it up with offsprings in their families who are born with incapacitating birth defects and what do you have – young citizens sentenced to alifetime of misery and pain.

The system does not take any ownership for this situation. This family is left to their own resources to fend for themselves. The doctors say that with some corrective surgery their condition can be corrected to an extent. But where do they go for the money needed for corrective surgery. They have nowhere to go. So now they are appealing through the newspapers for good Samaritans in the country to help.

This should never be happening. They should not be appealing for help. It is their right that the system should step in and do all the needful. But they are appealing because of how our racist and corrupt system works. It is happening because they are poor and weak. It is happening because they are the discarded Indian poor. It is happening because like most of us we do not know their rights. They are left to their own meager devices to solve their problems. If the Government truly does not have the resources to take care of such people, we could accept this outcome to a certain extent. But there is plenty of money available to the government. But that money is not for solving problems like this. That money is for the rich and the powerful to steal , to plunder .

There is theft of national resources on a colossal scale by the rich and powerful of huge sums of money. Take just one example, if you have been following the news about the Port Klang Free Zone, it was supposed to have been built with a little over 2 Billion ringgits. That is two thousand million Ringgits, mind you two THOUSAND million Ringgits. Already a huge sum. Today it is estimated to cost us all finally 12 billion Ringgits, because of the corruption behind it all.. Twelve THOUSAND MILLION Ringgits. This is how the money which should go to the likes of Shalini and Sharmila are milked out from the system by the rich and the powerful in the name of development. This is UMNO’s rule for all of us.

The most vulnerable in our society do not get what is their due. The continue to be denied their fundamental rights because the UMNOPutras do not have the money to give them. Then they tell lies to the Malay people that if they gave equal rights and benefits to the Indians, they will take everything away finally. They tell such lies and deny the Indian poor their fundamental rights. And they continue the looting.

Now, it is our right to stand up and ask in open forum like this that the Malaysian Ministry of Health should immediately take ownership for this situation and provide the twins with the necessary care and assistance and see the corrective surgery performed and they restored to a more normal life, which is their right.

You will see that this is like a cry in the wilderness. They will not take any heed even though we shout so loud. They do not want to recognize the problem. Why ? Because they have State Power and the Indian poor have none as it stands today. Do we take it as it is now? We in Hindraf/HRP have signed up to change all of this. We have undertaken to lead change. Come join us in this change effort.

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