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Thursday 19 November 2009


During the debate on the development budget at the Selangor State Assembly yesterday Mr.Muthiah the ADUN for Bukit Melawati said .. “he understood Manoharan, ADUN for Puchong was fighting for the Indian community, but any race anywhere in the world was only entitled to four rights – the right to their own language, religion, culture and history. Other rights like education, housing, employment, business, fairness and other basic necessities have to be championed as the rights of citizens, not racial rights,” he said

This requires a few comments. I am surprised that he chose to speak when there were so many others who could have spoken. Does it take a Muthiah to talk down the need of the Indian poor. Even if he disagreed he could have kept it to himself. Because I am sure he disagrees on so many other things but chooses to remain silent nevertheless, because of expediency. That he chose to speak, as he did is not for the well being of the people necessarily. It is, so that he will be picked again for the next elections. I feel bad to have to say this, but I am sorry. I am also speaking my mind.

Then about the point he raises. I would like to respond to those here. I do not think that by criticizing Khalid, Manoharan meant “treat Indians preferentially”. What he meant, I am sure is that there are problems unique to the Indian poor which require attention .

Firstly I am sure Manoharan was speaking about the Indian poor. Does Muthiah say there is no problem with this particular group of people. Attention to this group, in governance terms translates to allocation of resources. Can Muthiah deny that equal opportunities are being denied to the poor Indian young adults. That something needs to be done to even out the playing field?

Do they get to go to specially set up institutions like MARA, do they get preferential loans like SPED, do they get nurtured by TEKUN, do they get Womb to Tomb assistance in new businesses, do they get employment in GLCs, do they get land allocation like in FELDA, do they get to go to special schools like the MRSMs, is there an ecosystem that will provide them opportunities like with the Chinese community, that according to statistics has a 40% ownership of private equity in the country.

Come on Mr. Muthiah, do not be such a sycophant that you cannot see this happening every day right under your nose. When you speak like that, what is the difference between you and the MIC rep before you. Maybe the Indian voters of Bagan Pinang were right. There is no difference policy wise between PKR and PAS and BN so vote one or the other – no difference. Do not try to out do your Non Indian PKR reps by selling out who you should represent – for after all that is what they all say about the numbers of Indian reps in PKR, can’t you see how many Indian reps we have in PKR. Isn’t that multiracialism. Multiracialism for what? For what?? If all the Indian reps are going to talk like you, then it is better that we stick with known devils than with angels like you. Why do you think we call the likes of you Mandores?

Come to your senses Mr. Muthiah.

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