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Friday 20 November 2009

Indian teen twin girls born handicapped. No Welfare help from UMNO. (Malaysia Nanban 16/11/2009 at page 15)

Indian teen twin girls born handicapped. No Welfare help from UMNO. (Malaysia Nanban 16/11/2009 at page 15)

Twins Sharmila (13) and Shalini (13) are both born handicapped. They are unable to walk or move about on their own. They move about on their wheelchair says their father Letchumanan who was in tears Letchumanan when relating their plight. He only earns RM 500.00 per month as a palm oil estate worker. Their mother Shanthi is suffering from diabetes. This family like hundreds of thousands of other Indian have been denied the UMNO controlled Malay-sian government’s state welfare assistance even though UMNO has allocated RM 40 Million for programmes including providing Welfare assistance and house rental payments in the 2010 national budget. (NST 24/10/2009 at page 10).

The E-kasih cards for those earning below the poverty level set at RM 687.00 per month is unknown to this twins (or most of the two Indians in Malaysia), let alone they having been issued the said cards or actually benefiting from the same in the first place. They are rejected “ab initio” ( from the very beginning) even at the counter level or given so much run around that they are forced to give up.

But this sort of direct, ruthless and blatant discrimination is only possible in the UMNO Malay-sian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s One Malaysia.

P. Uthayakumar




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