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Friday 20 November 2009

Bala not on police wanted list, says IGP

NST, 2009/11/19

KUALA LUMPUR: Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam is not on the police wanted list.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said as far as the police are concerned, Balasubramaniam did not commit any crime.

"As far as we know, he is just a witness in a case," said Musa, adding the police had already recorded his statement.

"As far as we know, he is just a witness in a case," said Musa, adding the police had already recorded his statement.

The IGP, who was at the Federal Police Deepavali open oouse in Pulapol here yesterday, was commenting on reports on the Malaysiakini news website that Balasubramaniam had been travelling secretly in and out of the country.

"However, we feel that he should come forward to help us again as a witness."

Musa said that the police had never requested that the Immigration Department impose travel restrictions on Balasubramaniam.

Immigration Department director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman had also confirmed that no travel restrictions were imposed.

Balasubramaniam had made two controversial statutory declarations (SD) regarding the murder of Mongolian model Altantunya Shaaribuu before fleeing the country.

Meanwhile, Balasubramaniam's counsel Americk Sidhu said police Special Branch officers had visited his client in Bangkok, Thailand, to record his statement on the first SD a few days after he fled the country.

"After that one time, Balasubramaniam and his family members went into a hiding.

"From that time till now, police had never requested through me, or contacted Balasubramaniam with whom I am in constant communication, to record more statements, nor requested him to come back here," he said.

Americk said Balasubramaniam had entered Malaysia to visit his family members several times through Bukit Kayu Hitam, but not by using his passport.

Americk said Balasubramaniam went into hiding for fear of his life and that of his family.

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