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Saturday 18 July 2009

Tragic death, tragic reaction

With updates at the end of posting
The death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock, 30, at the building that housed the Anti-Corruption Commission's office in Shah Alam is most tragic.

Was there foul play? Was it accidental? Did he commit suicide?

We all want to know what happened and how Teoh fell to his death.

Amid our shock and the family's grief, we have a politician like Lim Guan Eng who reminds us that everything in life - and death - has something to do with politics and the DAP.

His letter published in mysinchew is Malaysia's political tragedy. The Chief Minister's assertion that Teoh's death was the result of the MACC's "political persecution of PR, especially DAP leaders and members" is cheap and malicious.

This picture of Teoh with MACC officers was taken two days ago and appeared in yesterday's Malay Mail.


1. Let the police investigate, says Muhyiddin

2. Daily Despatches: The absurd conjectures and suppositions in Teoh's death, by Azmi Anshar

3. Calls for Royal Commission of Inquiry

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