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Saturday 18 July 2009


The official announcement of the Human Rights Party (HRP), Malaysia would be made as follows:-

Date: 19 July 2009 (Sunday)

Time: 9.30 am

Venue: Hokkien Hall, Klang (Off Federal Highway).

HUMAN RIGHTS PARTY (HRP) is a multi racial party that would carry on with the Hindraf Makkal Sakthi’s 18 point demands dated 12/08/2007 and in particular Article 8 (Equality before the law) Article 12 (1) (b) (no discrimination) and Article 153(1) (legitimate interests of other communities) of the Federal Constitution. Our main thrust is to be the focus group in putting the Malaysian Indians back onto the National mainstream development of Malaysia after 52 years of having been left out. Our party would also focus on all other communities that is suffering from the worst forms of violations of human rights in Malaysia in particular the Malaysian Indians who instead get the least attention not only from the ruling UMNO regime but also from the Opposition parties PKR, DAP, Pas, NGO’s, civil society and the print and electronic media generally, albeit to a lesser extent. We would also struggle against all forms of racism and racial discrimination by the UMNO led government of Malaysia. We hereby invite the multi – racial people and leaders of Malaysia to join us in undoing the injustices meted out to all marginalized communities in Malaysia including in particular the Malaysian Indians.

We are not going to be the typical political party ‘playing politics’ and working towards one’s own personal and selfish interest. For us Human Rights, Social Justice, People and Public Interest, comes first above all else. We are more of political activists and political workers rather than politicians who only care about winning electorate seats and forming Governments at the expense of the People and their Rights. We would be moving on to use this political platform vide the Human Rights Party (HRP) to further our 18 years struggle in championing and upholding fundamental Human Rights in Malaysia.

Much has been written especially in the mainstream media that the field for an Indian based political party is crowded for a community of a mere two million Malaysian Indian. But the fact remains that we are the first and only Indian based multi racial political party which is in the opposition and which is not aligned to UMNO/BN.

A book titled ‘Malaysian Indian political empowerment strategy- the way forward’ written by P. Uthayakumar during his 514 days of imprisonment under the ISA without charge, trial or conviction in an open court of law would also be released on 19/07/2009.

Our official letter dated 18/06/2009 to the Registrar of Societies was duly acknowledged receipt also on 18/06/2009 with their official rubber stamp. Vide this said letter we had applied for the registration of this our Human Rights Party (HRP), Malaysia, further to Article 10 of the Federal Constitution within two (2) weeks from 18/06/09 as had been done for another political party in May 2009.

Hindraf Makkal Sakthi would remain apolitical and would continue to be a forceful and vocal NGO which would continue to speak without fear or favour under the leadership of it’s Chairman Mr. P. Waytha Moorthy.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

(P. Uthayakumar )

Secretary General (pro tem)

Human Rights Party (HRP), Malaysia.

Tel no: 03-22825622, 03-22825241 Fax: 03-22825245

Note 1: Reporters from Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian and TV3 who generally do not practice fair reporting, independent journalism and are known to be the biased mouthpieces of the UMNO regime especially with regards to the Hindraf Makkal Sakthi movement are not welcome to cover this aforesaid event or any of our events.

Note 2: Our media liasion officer Mr. S. Jayathas could be reached at


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