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Saturday 18 July 2009

Selangor Police Chief Revenge Against Manikavasagam

Selangor Police Chief , Khalid Abu Bakar today clearly took revenge against S Manikavasagam by instruction his officer to arrest the Kapar MP. Khalid clearly mentioned “Tangkap YB Mike” knowing well Manikavasagam just standing with the crowd awaiting arrival Pakatan defactor Leader Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Some 300 supporters of Pakatan and elected representative today gathered at Shah Alam MACC office building to press for Justice on death of the 30-year-old political Teoh Beng Hock an aide to DAP’s Selangor Exco Member Ean Yong Hian Wah.

Early, this year Manikavasagam slamed Selangor Police Chief for his aggrogance and irresponsible reply when questioned death of A Kugan while under police custody. Manikavasagam also called for the resignation of Khalid.

The call by Manikavasagam and other Pakatan Leaders for independent investigative authority against Government department especially on police now proofed necessary.

Police also arrested YB Xavier Jayakumar whom spoked to the crowd earlier together with his assistance and few others.

Police had taken all arrested to Shah Alam Sec 15 Station for further Investigation , however yet to record any statement at time of writing 1400hours today. The Police purposely trying to delay statement recording , probably awaiting instruction from top. Whom, the police working for ? Instead of finding how TEOH was dead , they arrest elected representatives in an attempt to divert public attention. The same old method they did when public outcry reach highest after murder of A Kugan in Custody.

After Kugan’s Murder in Police Custody , Sungai Buloh Prison riot, Immigration / Rela now MACC too under Murder Allegation list, what’s next?

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