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Saturday 18 July 2009

Did MACC know they were torturing a Bridegroom-to-be and father-to-be?

I believe the most heartbreaking fact of Beng Hock’s death is that it happened just on the eve of his marriage registration and he was going to be a father in seven months’ time.

What crueler thing can be done to his fiancee and his unborn baby?

Are those snatched away their future husband and father not the cruelest snatch theives in the world?

One question remains: did these life-snacthers know that they were torturing a bridegroom-to-be and a father-to-be and yet went on without any mercy?

Torturing anyone – confirmed: interrogating for 11 hours; possible: threat of violence – to the extent that would end the person’s life is unforgiveable.

But doing so knowing that a wife would be deprived of husband and an unborn baby deprived of father is simply evil.

Yes, EVIL. I don’t normally use harsh words. In this case, any other word would be an understatement.

So, did they know it? Were they evil or merely cruel?

Would they not find out Beng Hock’s family life in the 11-hour mental torture disguised as interrogation?

Another “witness” called in by the MACC, Kajang municipal councillor Tan Boon Hwa had this horror story to tell: “They said that if I don’t ‘tell the truth’, they will take away my wife and there would be no one to care for the children. …”

Taking away a woman from her husband and children? Is this a human traficcking mafia or a state agency?

Malaysians must settle for no less than a Royal Commission of Inquiry and suspenssion of all involved officers of MACC right from Ahmad Said.

More than this, the Royal Commission of Inquiry must be just another PR tool. We must spell out two clear demands:

1. Its term of reference must cover MACC’s command and power structure to see if that played any role in Beng Hock’s tragic death.

2. At least half of its members must be nominated by the Federal Opposition.

And Najib should deliver that on the coming cabinet meeting on next Wednesday (July 23), which is incidentally the 7th day of Beng Hock’s demise, an important day in the Chinese mourning custom.

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