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Saturday 18 July 2009

MACC Death Row: Forensic pathologists and ex-police

First death in custody involving MACC -- and the 1st death in custody under the Najib Regime.

I was at the MACC Selangor HQ with senior leaders of the Pakatan Rakyat this morning, demanding an answer on the suspicious death of Teo Beng Hock, an aide to DAP Exco, Ean Yong Hian Wah.

However, MACC officials chose to seal their lips, saying they were under instructions from the top not to say anything. Kit Siang, who was leading the DAP team, called the meeting a waste of time.

Here are some pictures with a prosumer point-and-shoot Nikon Coolpix I borrowed:


He jumped? He fell? Or was pushed to fall to death?



What I gathered from the scene is that MACC are now staffed by ex-police officers who, in theory, can resort to interrogation methodologies that had caused many other deaths in custody involving police detention.

Two, there is no equivalent of Criminal Procedural Code that governs MACC investigation -- read interrogation -- the way it governs the Police. MACC staffed by ex-police can do anything to the suspects and witnesses alike once under their custody.

Three, the family of the deceased will not be accorded the services of an independent forensic pathologist. The autopsy and post-mortem over Teo's death will be conducted by a pathologist from government hospital, and Dr Prashant of UMMC, whose second post-mortem on A. Kugan was disputed by the government.

(Post-mortem reports are expected to be ready by 6pm, media reports say.)

Fourth, I am asking, will Teo's death (and I can't rule out murder at this point in time) be relegated to another episode in the X-Files ala Malaysia? The Police and MACC reportedly Teo's handphone couldn't be found. (But I believe Maxis can trace the records of Teo's final conversations before he died.)

Post-death activities in the pipeline:

1 ) Sunday July 19: Public Forum at Kelana Jaya Stadium, Selangor 4.30pm.
2 ) Monday July 20: Funeral & Last Respects, Alor Gajah, Malaka.
3 ) Tuesday July 21: Eulogy & Tribute to Teo, Wisma Masyarakat Penyayang, Penang 8.00pm.
4 ) Wednesday July 22: Eulogy & Tribute to Teo, Kuala Lumpur (Details to be advised).

More pictures taken this morning... a familiar Police State ala Malaysia in contrast to a peaceful civil society in mourning.




Malaysians are angry with the 1st Death in Custody under the Najib Regime... when it comes to human rights it's basically One Malaysia but same old shit.

Malaysians are angry, that I sensed. They are demanding a Royal Inquiry to Teo's death while in MACC custody.

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