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Friday 6 December 2013

A silent Perak MIC supporter speaks up

 S Param

I was once a MIC member in one of the branches in Ipoh in the early 80s. I was elected as a committee member in charge of education. Due to work commitment I decided to quit the party after a short stint to focus on my career and activities related to animal welfare and care. Till today I have not joined any other political party but I have been a silent supporter of MIC projects that were geared towards uplifting the Indian community.

I was utterly shocked and disappointed to note that of the many candidates from Perak who stood for the national MIC elections, only one person (Ellengo) made it through to represent the state in the powerful MIC central working committee (CWC). The speaker of the Perak state assembly (SK Devamany) and the head of Perak MIC (R Ganeson) were rejected by the majority of the delegates.

Perak is said to have the second largest number of delegates represented at the national congress and yet the bulk of the Perak MIC candidates lost miserably. Perhaps in the history of Perak MIC, this must have been the worst demoralising outing for Perak MIC. It is indeed a big blow to the state MIC leadership. If these state MIC leaders are rejected by their own people, how on earth are they going to win the support of the public during the general election?

It is obvious something has terribly gone wrong some where in the Perak state MIC line up. A serious soul-searching and a post-mortem should be conducted on the recent MIC election results by the state leadership. If allegation of money politics and other irregularities can be proven to have played havoc in the outcome of the final results for the CWC and vice-presidents posts, then it should be reported to the relevant authorities for immediate action.

If money politics is not checked MIC will end up as a party to cater for the rich and wealthy and their cronies. The poor and the middle class in the community will be left out to fight for the crumbs or perhaps they may decide to abandon ship and join other parties.

In the meanwhile, the Perak state MIC should take a hard look at what they have achieved so far for the Indian community and their glaring shortcomings.

It is time to infuse new blood into the party at all levels in Perak MIC. I noticed practically all the old and fatigued faces are still heading the division and the branches. Old may be gold for some but they may also be seen as an obstacle to transform the party into a dynamic and vibrant one to cater for the aspiration of the younger generation.

The veterans who have given their best all these years should step aside and make way for the younger generation instead of hogging on their their postions. I believe Perak MIC will make a great comeback and a difference provided some drastic and bold steps are taken to revamp the party at all levels.

I have written this piece with no malice to anyone living or dead but with a sincere intention of ensuring MIC stays relevant to the Indian community which is facing all kinds of challenges on all fronts.

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