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Saturday 25 April 2009


Many foreigners want to go back home but can’t afford to pay the RM2000, the travel agent are asking. Last month the DG or Immigration Department – Mohd Adam announced that over stayed could leave the country by paying nominal compound of RM300, plus another RM100, for a special exit pass. The KLIA immigration office told the NST that all “Processing” could only be done through a company called Gerbang Maju Indah. The officer handling the phone call seemed be amazed why a private company was doing the job of the immigration department “whenever they come to us, we send them to Gerbang Maju Indah”. A director of this company Zakir said the project was awarded by the Home Ministry to “BOSS” Mohd Mustapha AK Ismail. He added that the minimum “Processing” fee was RM900 and over stayers did not have to go through the regular immigration proceedings, when asked about this DG now says “this is something new to me and it looks funny”. “over stayers can’t just pay a processing fee to go home”. They have to surrender to us; we will open investigation papers, refer the case to the prosecutor and take it to the immigration court. MTUC vice president A.Balasubramaniam asked “who appointed this company”? Who approved them? Why can’t foreigners go directly to the immigration departments? If they do not expedite the repatriation of foreigners, how can vacancies are made for locals?

(NST 1/4/09) Page. 22


Why can’t we solve this problem, let them leave the country “Free” without stamping their passport as what was done in US and UK, and then tighten up the boarders. This way we can reduce crime, social problems, burden on the health services, squatters etc and increase job opportunities for the locals and create a safer mere crime free Malaysia.  



Manikumar in the NST Online chat said “I am confident of winning because I am struggling for Bangsa Malaysia.

(NST 1/4/2009) Page. 6
Manikumar like almost all Parliament and state candidates over and above saying Bangsa Malaysia will never talk about the critical Indians problem which the Malays, Chinese, Orang Asli and the other natives do not face. Reasons they all have to end playing to the majoritarian political gallery, which means abandoning the critical Indian alone. Accusing to its severity. This helps exhibits the critical Indians problems today, and after 52 years of independents. On the similar note DSAI and Lim Kit Siang worked almost always only choose a “Multi Racial” candidate like Manikumar.  

They would ignore candidate like lawyer N.Surendran who has attended to the most difficult Indians issues especially, so went there are no takers for this issues for the simple reasons, that it lacks political mileage and they do not get play to the majoritarian gallery.
To take the latest case example attended to by N.Surendran – A.Kugan who was so brutally beaten up to death in police custody. This does not happen to a Chinese, Malay or Orang Asli. But then lawyers couragely and fiercefully stood up for this days faithfully and up against the mighty UMNO and their brutal police force. But “Multiracial” and “Bangsa Malaysia” candidates meaning people championing every other cause including the Malay, Chinese and Orang Asli but excluding the Indians are the preferred candidate.

Thus is a political reality which has to be addressed. This is my assertion is further supported when KF Tang (Chinese) asked a specific question “What Are the Main Problems Taking the Indians Community in Bukit Selambau?” How do you intent to tackle their grouses and problems. If you will and be appointed as a state exco and Manikumar answered “I am not a leader to as more ethnic but for races that clarifies Bangsa Malaysia. To me Manikumar does not want to know (because it is too critical state) and he does not care.
Ah Long asked; Manikumar did you campaign for PKR in the March 2008 General Election, and what was your role then?

Manikumar Answered “I did campaign, I was a committee member for Indian voters”.

But why Manikumar earlier been a committee member for “Bangsa Malaysia” or “Multi Racial” voters, I don’t mean to be rude but almost all Pakatan Rakyat elected reps are in this hypocritical state. I will be hated for this but I have to speak the truths, its is again coming clean that PKR, DAP and PAS are only interested in the Indian votes and not the critical Indians problems.

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