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Sunday 14 December 2008

Syed Hamid angry with Malaysia Today

(The Star) - The Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) is only looking from its perspective when it called for the Internal Security Act to be reviewed, Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said.

He said the Government was looking at the issue at a much wider perspective and had to take into consideration the interest of the public.

Speaking to reporters after launching Desa Damai, a drug rehab centre, Syed Hamid said Suhakam should submit its views and grouses and the Government would look at them.

He also hit out at Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin, whom he said had published a satirical mock interview with him. (See article here).

“It is very irresponsible and the article misleads the people,” he said, adding that the article was written to make him look stupid.

Syed Hamid also said the Govern­ment was still looking at the possibility of employing rehabilitated drug addicts.

Currently, the private sector is leading the way in employing rehabilitated drug addicts.

He said the only obstacle was that at present the General Orders restricted former drug addicts from being taken back into the civil service.

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