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Sunday 14 December 2008

Makkal SAKTHI Hunger Strike to Abolish ISA

Almighty God!! We humbly bow at your feet.   

Today (14th Dec 2008 ) Makkal Sakthi supporters launched a hunger strike until the UMNO regime acts on the plight of all Malaysians to Abolish the draconian ISA law, release all ISA detainees and allow their chairman Mr. P. Waythamoorthy for a save return to his beloved homeland.   

Almost 50 Makkal Sakthi supporters gathered at the Sri Maha Kaliamman Temple at B1 Kg .Sri Temenggong, Sri Gombak, Selangor today and commenced the hunger strike after paying homage to the Almighty Goddess Mother Sri Maha Kaliaman.   

National Coordinator, S.Jayathas said that a copy of the "Makkal Sakthi 18 Points Demand" was surrendered at the feet of Goddess Maha Kaali , seeking Her blessings to make the UMNO led BN government to repeal the ISA and address the 51 yrs of colonialization, discrimination and suppression against the minority Malaysians Indians.   

The supporters demanded immediate and unconditional release of the HINDRAF leaders together with the others detained under the ISA. They urged that KEMTA be shut down and questioned that "When America's president elect Barrack Obama can shut down Guatanamo Bay Centre, why can't the same done to KEMTA by the Malaysian Government.   

S. Jayathas further stated that the selective prosecution and double standards in recognizing the right to freedom of assembly, with those opposing government policies 

targeted for arrest and harsh crackdowns. 
Recently we celebrated World Human Rights Day and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 1 says That all human being are born FREE and EQUAL in dignity and rights, but today in Malaysia this dosent take place instead racial discrimination continues. We the Malaysians want to see the change in our beloved country.  
Please Support our struggle to Abolish ISA.  

Valga Makkal SAKTHI 
Valga Uthaya SAKTHI   


Makkal Sakthi 
National Coordinater
012 6362287

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