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Saturday 27 December 2014

Netizens troll Najib's Facebook post on floods

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's Facebook post late last night on the flood situation in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia has been trolled by netizens making sarcastic remarks about his response.

A sampling of over 8,700 comments (posted as of noon today) saw netizens ridiculing his holiday and much publicised golf game with US President Barack Obama.

Najib had managed to sneak some time on the golf course on Christmas eve with the US president in Hawaii, The Washington Post had reported.

Checks on flight tracker website FlightRadar24 showed that the official jet, registration number 9M-NAA, arrived in Honolulu from Kuala Lumpur on Dec 20.

Netizen Khairul Anwar Othman on Najib’s Facebook page, commented, “It seems golf is more important than the people of Malaysia.”

“He’s playing golf, it seems… Pak Jib, wait until the coming next election; it’s the end of you,” wrote Sham Jusuh.

Meanwhile, Syed Mohd Azlede stated succinctly: “The PM needs to come home immediately!!!”

'Take stock, PM'

The photograph of the PM on the phone also raised sarcastic comments.

“Is that all he can do, make phone calls? Looks like he used the wrong photo,” wrote Muhd Sufiz, while netizen Ahmad Jim Sung commented, “He’s just posing. Best take stock of yourself.”

“He can get the ‘best actor’ award,” laughed Mohd Azad Amir.

Without mincing her words, Facebook user Faiera Dila wrote: “Yeah, who asked you to vote for BNeraka again?”

Farhan Ismail Fbi pointed out how International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed, who is also Jeli MP, had cut short his pilgrimage to Mecca.

“If Tok Pa (Mustapa) can cut short his umrah trip, why not you Datuk Seri Najib come back to Malaysia from Hawaii? Or is Obama Freemason more important than your country and your people? Use ur brain!”

Putera Hazwan meanwhile said that the prime minister need not cut short his holiday. What would help, he added, is for Najib to declare a state of emergency.

In a Bernama tweet today, the number of flood victims in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, and Perak, states in Peninsular Malaysia, had risen to 103,413 people, an increase of 9,395 victims from last night.

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