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Saturday 27 December 2014

Perkasa declares war on pig farm

Perkasa rallied 100 Malays (and two chickens) to hand a memorandum to the Selangor MB, protesting a pig farm in Muslim-majority Kuala Langat.


PETALING JAYA: Representatives from non-governmental organisation Perkasa and 100 Malay villagers handed a memorandum of protest to the Selangor menteri besar, voicing their disapproval over the building of a high-tech pig farm in Kampung Sepat in Kuala Langat.

The memorandum, accepted by Azmin Ali’s press secretary Radzi Razak at the Selangor State Secretariat building, was also accompanied by two live Mutiara chickens, brought in cages, which one villager was adamant be delivered to the MB, saying it was a sign of “love”.

According to Malaysiakini, Selangor Perkasa chief Abu Bakar Yahya, when speaking on behalf of the villagers, suggested the pig farm be built in an area where there was a high number of consumers of pork and not in a Malay village.

Reiterating the people’s right to oppose what they felt was wrong, Abu Bakar said, “Why is the government so adamant on approving the building of a pig farm in that village? Are there that many pork consumers in Selangor that the government needs to build such a massive farm?

He also said Azmin should speak up in defence of the Malays and added that building a pig farm in Kampung Sepat village was akin to insulting the Malays, who everybody knew was sensitive to the issue of pigs since its consumption was forbidden in Islam.

He asked, “What, you think Malay people are without honour? You give all the dirty places to us. Where is the dignity for the Malays?”

Meanwhile village chief of Ladang Tumbok, Mohamad Tarmudi Dushiran explained that while the group was not opposed to others consuming pork, there were already far too many pig farms in their largely Muslim-majority area.

“There used to be around two or three farms before, but now there are more than 62 pig farms in the village area,” he explained.

He said the villagers also had to put up with the stench emanating from the pig farms including the discarding of pig waste. “They even throw away piglets near the drains. It’s disgusting,” he said.

He added the villagers also worried about the outbreak of diseases such as the Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and Nipah viruses that had occurred years ago.

The proposal for the farm, which was tabled on December 16 has not been approved by the Selangor state government yet.

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