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Saturday 7 December 2013

Grand Mosque Imam Calls On Najib

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today received a courtesy call from the Imam of Al-Haram Mosque, Syeikh Dr Khalid Ali Al-Ghamdi at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom, who was present at the meeting, said Khalid was very excited to be in Malaysia and meet the Prime Minister in person.

"He conceded that he was impressed with Malaysia. He also discussed matters pertaining to Malaysian haj pilgrims," Jamil Khir told Bernama after the meeting.

The minister said the visit by Khalid together with a group of ulama from the University of Um-mul Qura', Makkah was a great honour for Malaysia.

Jamil Khir said the visit by the Imam of the Al-Haram Mosque and his delegation to Malaysia had been planned for a long time and it coincided with the Umno General Assembly 2013 at the PWTC.

"He (Khalid) was very excited to come to Malaysia for the first time," said Jamil Khir.

The Minister said Najib welcomed the visit and thanked Khalid, who is also the 'Imam Haramain' [Imam of two Holy Mosques namely Al-Haram (Makkah) and Nabawi (Medina)], for visiting Malaysia.

"He (Khalid) was previously the imam in Medina and later was promoted to be the imam of Al-Haram Mosque. It's an honour when he is willing to lead the congregation and deliver the Friday sermon at the PWTC surau today," he added.

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