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Tuesday 22 October 2013

Principal defends cow slaughter in school

The principal of SK Puchong Jaya in Selangor has defended a cow slaughtering ritual held in the school grounds in conjunction with Aidiladha last week.

An audio-recording of Mohd Amin Bahari's explanation to a man introducing himself as ‘Saravanan’ has gone viral since being uploaded on YouTube five days ago.

Saravanan had demanded to know why cows were being slaughtered in the school compound, to which Mohd Amin said there are no circulars preventing such practices.

"In Islam, slaughter during Hari Raya Korban should be promoted among Muslims particularly to students. It is encouraged so that young people will know it is asked of Islam," he said in the 8:06-minute recording uploaded by one ‘zeeraf87'.

However, Mohd Amin said there was no intention to offend Hindus who view cows as a sacred creature.

"It was not (done) to insult other religions. There was no such intention. We told Indian teachers and students, as well as (other) non-Muslims, to be separated (from the slaughter ritual) and we did not allow them to (watch it)," he said.

Mohd Amin added that he consults all the teachers including non-Muslims when it comes to any school activity.

'Gag order issued'

When contacted today, Mohd Amin confirmed that it was his voice on the recording but declined to comment, citing a gag order issued by the Selangor Education Department.

"(This) has been brought to the (attention of the) department director (Mahmud Karim) and instructions have been given not to issue any statements," he explained.

Mohd Amin said any questions should be directed to the department.

At the time of writing, Mahmud could not be reached for comment as he was said to be at a meeting.

Meanwhile, Bernama today reported that several NGOs have urged the government to take action against those perceived to touch on religious sensitivities by questioning the slaughter of cows for Aidiladha.

Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia, Selangor Coalition of NGOs Secretariat, Gerakan Bersatu 69, Ikatan Rakyat Insan Muslim Malaysia (IRIMM) and Ikatan Perpaduan Melayu Gombak stated that such action is disrespectful towards Islam as the official religion of the country.
Malaysiakini is still attempting to contact the headmaster of another school in Kepong where a similar incident occurred.
In another related development, police have initiated a probe on the incident under the Sedition Act.

Sin Chew Daily reported that police are also looking for ‘Saravanan’ to assist in investigations.

Serdang district police chief Asst Comm Abdul Razak Elias confirmed to the press this morning that police has opened a file to investigate the report lodged by the school principal, who was worried about his safety and for school property after the talk with the man.


Melayu Subsidi said...

Why not allow "sunat" (shortening and polishing penis) ceremony in schools?4

Melayu Subsidi said...

......At least we Melayu will be subsidies by our beloved government