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Tuesday 22 October 2013

'Man insulted Islam by questioning cow slaughter'

Perkasa has urged the government to censure an overseas caller for insulting Islam in a heated conversation with a local school principal over the slaughter of cows in schools.

The conversation was subsequently posted on YouTube and has gone viral.

According to a Sinar Harian report, Johor Perkasa has made a police report against the man, identified only as 'Saravanan', who had allegedly challenged the principal over the phone, even as the latter defended the right of national schools to educate their Muslim students on the cow sacrifice ritual, an annual Islamic practice.

In the eight-minute conversation, Saravanan is heard asking repeatedly about government rules, and challenging the principal to explain: "Why can't the Chinese also slaughter pigs at the school during festivals?"

Johor Perkasa division vice-chairperson Mohd Ghauth Moh Yusoff is quoted as saying, after he filed a report at the Johor central police station: "This action is not only unruly but can raise the anger of Muslims."

Some parents had complained last week about the the slaughter of cows in front of the children in schools, a practice that is carried out as part of the Aidiladha celebrations. They said it shocked the children.

In the video, the Selangor-based principal told Saravanan that he did not make a unilateral decision on the slaughter of cows in the school compound but had sought a consensus from other teachers, including Indians and Chinese.

Perkasa urged both the Home Ministry and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to investigate the matter.


Anonymous #84478490 i agree with this guy. the school should not slaughter any animal in school. School is not a slaughter house. if you want perform on somewhere else. is not good....
22/10/2013 5:17:15pm | Report

My Opinion You Indian .... serve you right for voting for BN. The Indians, Sabahan, Sarawakians never learn. They are so easiuly gratified by the temporary promise of BN. Wake up. Is time to stop these UMNO Islam once and for all!
22/10/2013 5:05:29pm | Report

Anak Batak This is very selfish, very "Kurang ajar"!!! What else PERKASA want???
22/10/2013 5:01:36pm | Report

hamisu I disagree nothing can be done. This mindset represents giving up. There are times we need to give and take. Note that schools, government, and anything that touches all Malaysians must be separated from religion and religious affairs. This nonsense Perkasa need to take note respect goes both ways. I doubt you will get respect when you keep disrespecting others.
22/10/2013 4:45:26pm | Report

Mohamad Abdul Malik Personally I do not believed that the call came from overseas. The voice of this 'Saravanan' guy was to clear to have come from an overseas line. Normally a voice calling from overseas would have an echo but in this case there was none. So one can assumed that someone was deliberately out to provoke the muslims. And surely 'Saravanan' would not post a photo of himself with the 'provocation'. It really baffles me.
22/10/2013 4:43:40pm | Report

Norman Fernandez Out of curiosity, Hari Raya Aidil Adha is a public holiday. So what were the Non-Muslim students doing in school witnessing a Muslim religious ritual. Should the Non-Muslim students be at home. Anyway, observe this problems are never Chinese centric but always involve Indian students. Now, any wonder why the majority of the Chinese students have abandoned national schools who for all intent and purpose are now Malay schools. So, if you are studying in a "Malay" school, then there is nothing much you can do about it.
22/10/2013 4:39:32pm | Report

anak,bangsa,malaysia Perkasa and MCMC can go f.... each other. There was a public holiday given for the celebration. So why extend the celebration the next day in school where the school is a place for public education not one single religious teaching.
22/10/2013 4:21:36pm | Report

MockingYou If you want to educate Muslim students in a National School then take them to the nearest Masjid where the ritual is carried. Lame excuse from the HM!
22/10/2013 4:20:33pm | Report

Fair&Just The ways the minorities are cowed and subjugated by the various govt agencies and institutions, any so-called consensus will carry no weight as the supremacist bigots believe in might is right and majority rules over the minority, then how to use such consensus as a defence.
22/10/2013 4:16:19pm | Report

22/10/2013 4:05:22pm | Report

Dass first catch the PERKOSA Katak
22/10/2013 4:01:44pm | Report

MCA,MIC,Gerakan,PPP, IPF,MIUP & Hindraf are irrelevant.Should wind up. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
22/10/2013 3:57:27pm | Report

MCA,MIC,Gerakan,PPP, IPF,MIUP & Hindraf are irrelevant.Should wind up. A school is not a slaughter house. Where is Hindraf and Malaysia Hindu Sangam and Waythamoorthy and MCA and Gerakan and PPP ? MIC is irrelevant.
22/10/2013 3:54:02pm | Report

Sad Malaysian Cannot abuse public amenities to do religious rituals, whether it's legal or pagan.
22/10/2013 3:45:05pm | Report

bolygal50 Hi Perkasa chief IA schools are educational institutions and not slaughter house for cows. Please put this in your cow head. If you allow cows to be slaughtered at schools then other communities will do the same for their festival.
22/10/2013 3:18:56pm | Report

Raja Chulan I find the crude and barbaric manner of slaughtering of animals and the cruelty inflicted upon them in the name of religious rituals are in extremely bad taste and uncivilised indeed. My religion (I believe all other religion too) teaches us not to harm anyone including animals and other living things. Love and compassion are core values in any religion. I sincerely hope that my school going sons do not get to see this acts that are a bad influence. It is plainly disgusting to see what (such as this) is going on in our government schools nowadays.
22/10/2013 2:42:55pm | Report

pputeh This is the height of not caring for others. We live in a multiracial country. It cannot be a ONE way traffic. If the muslims need to carry out religious activities like salughtering they need to be more caring & perform it at mosques or such other places where only muslims congregate. It is not only against some other relgious beliefs & its also inhuman to slaughter animals in school. compounds.
22/10/2013 2:26:15pm | Report

Kawak Ibrahim Ali looks like and sounds like he is grossly religious and protector of Islamic faith. He has big religious ego. Is hatred, anger, revenge and severe clinging to beliefs and concepts is his way of becoming spiritually good. May be he should learn what the Sufi masters had to say about love and compassion.
22/10/2013 2:25:39pm | Report

Dumbo Malaysia is a multiracial and multicultural country with people of different races. So why are the Muslims behaving even in schools that they are so ignorant of the taboos and sensitivities of the Hindus as well as the Buddhists. Is the slaughtering of cows a part of the school curriculum of national schools. Time for the Malays and Muslims to grow up and not behave like immature human beings.
22/10/2013 2:17:35pm | Report

Borealis Why are the malays behaving like uncivilised people? Like to eat at toilet, schools convert to slaughtered house and Arab language belongs to them , pray 5 times but steal rakyat's money 10 times, leaders taking away rakyat wife's, low cast from Kerala mamaks become ketuanan Melayu, half boiled eggs become teacher's.
22/10/2013 2:11:25pm | Report

Siegfried I heard this Saravanan's phone coversation on You Tube and opines that the School's HM was very calm and collected whilst responding to his questions and comments. Sara could have been more civilized in his choice of words. Staying overseas do not represent his intellectual capacity to converse intelligently though. Sometimes, he did sound like a prick! Kudos to the HM for remaining calm throughout the phone conversation. Wassalam
22/10/2013 2:00:36pm | Report

Call me Jibby Muslim in Malaysia is extraordinary. They not just own the copyright of the word "A***h", for some unexplainable excuse, they appeared to be emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually weak too! While someone claimed they are holier and more Islamic than the Arabs and Indonesian. Discovery Channel and National Geographic should do some coverage on this matter.
22/10/2013 1:52:08pm | Report

Kamal19 What is wrong with his question???
22/10/2013 1:43:07pm | Report

Oriole Is Perkasa running national schools in this country? If so, the govt needs to clarify this so that people can make their own conclusions abt the suitability of national schools for their children. As for slaughtering cows, pigs or sheep, pls use modern 21st century spaces that are efficient and hygienic. Stop traumatising children in schools, unlike you're aiming to nurture brutish human beings. Or is that part of the new education blueprint, Mary Yap?
22/10/2013 1:29:19pm | Report

rahmanwang For Muslim it's ok to slaughter cows , but to a Hindu, cows are considered sacred. So we must respect others.
22/10/2013 1:29:01pm | Report

Malaya What about Ali katak calling for the burning of Christian Bible? Which is worse? Since we are a multi racial society, we should respect each other faiths & not to insult. But personally, the killing of animal should NOT be done in school. Have some common sense & NOT too fanatic. Home Ministry MUST come out with some program to re educate the Malaysian public on this area. We are sick of the squabbling every days.
22/10/2013 1:24:09pm | Report

BTN Perkasa, dont because of your ignorant make the Malay race a laughing stock in the world community. You guys is projecting the race as ignorant and unreasonable which is not the true reflection of the race. Dont forget all of us stay here in Malaysia and any attempt to discredit our Malay brothers is an insult to us as well as we are all Malaysian.
22/10/2013 1:20:00pm | Report

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