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Sunday 16 December 2012

'Deepak's claims merit reopening Altantuya case, AG'

PKR-backed NGO Jingga 13 has urged the attorney-general (AG) to reopen the case on the murder of Mongolian interpreter Altantuya Shaariibuu following the exposé of carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan.

Its coordinator Fariz Musa said that Deepak’s recent statement alluding to parties involved in the murder is worth to be investigated by AG.

“...Deepak’s confession and disclosure proves that there were witnesses who were directly involved in the murder of Altantuya,” he told reporters before lodging report at Dang Wangi police headquarters yesterday afternoon.

Recently, Deepak has claimed that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was linked to the retraction of private investigator P Balasubramaniam's statutory declaration (SD) in 2008.

The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC), said Fariz, should also reopen the probe on Bala’s case as Deepak has alleged that MACC had tried to close the case of the contradictory SDs.

He added that the MACC itself should also be investigated by the police over the agency’s alleged cover up attempt.

“We urge the reopening of the case to be handled by MACC officers who have more integrity, courage and professionalism in handling the case,” he said.

MACC earlier said the investigation of Balasubramaniam’s complaints was completed and that a review by the deputy public prosecutor and MACC’s operations review panel had decided that no further investigation was needed.

However, responding to public pressure, the MACC later said that they would reinvestigate the case should any “new evidence” emerge.

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