The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib when addressing close to 700 former senior civil servants is reported to have said that the government (meaning the BN political party - without doubt), “we are at war, the mother of all battles.”
That is most damaging a statement to make – especially coming from the top leader of a nation. The PM has affirmed that the country is heading for disaster.
In the first place, why does the PM allude to the coming general elections as if a country has to go to war? He even went on to state that there has to be a chain of command.
It is reported that he said “if the general says attack, you must attack at the same time.” Now that is a most intimidating statement would you not agree?
The rakyat are certain to put two and two together and you cannot condemn them for thinking even the worst of the BN coalition, can you?
An election is not a war to be won at all costs
Elections as enshrined within the sanctified principles of democracy, and as practiced in the civilized world over by good governments is not about “attacks”, “war” and “winning at all costs”. On the contrary it is about your ability to not only safeguard but to also do all that it takes to deliver humanity from the claws of tyranny, abuse of civil liberties and to provide every citizen a right to life and let live.
So why is the PM going around canvassing for battle-ready support and killing-machine build-ups? Is this the politics that can transform Malaysia?
It is about time that his advisers told the top most leader of the nation – the PM, to speak and encourage the citizens more like a leader for all and not as a battle-hardened commander out on a killing spree to finish-off any opposition to his or his political party’s agendas.
If he wants to canvas and recruit militant-like followers who will “attack when the general says attack”, then he better step down as the PM of a nation and wear only the hat of leader of his political party. The people will have no qualms even if he screams for blood as political party President.
Malaysia Chronicle
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