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Tuesday 8 November 2011

Living in harmony with Nature

Over the years, as industrialisation and the ‘knowledge economy’ intensifies, we have lost the ability to live in harmony with the environment.

We have grown alienated from ourselves, from our fellow human beings and from Nature. As we focus relentlessly on GDP growth, we have poured concrete on green spaces, slashed hills, raped rainforests, polluted the air, depleted natural resources and dumped toxic waste into rivers and seas.
Nature has responded in an attempt to preserve itself from the gathering destruction. Weather patterns are changing, glaciers are melting, and closer to us, flood waters are rising in Bangkok.
Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from the spirituality of the forests monks (The Star.)
The Bodhi Heart Sanctuary along Mount Erskine is holding a photo exhibition by Ajahn Cagino, a Malaysian monk of the Thai Forest tradition, from 14-20 November.

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