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Friday 20 August 2010

Another 'racist' principal in Kedah

(Malaysiakini) Just barely a week after accusations of a secondary school principal in Johor hurling racial slurs, another is being denounced for having uttered similar derogatory remarks - this time in Kedah.

Several Chinese vernacular newspapers gave prominence this morning to the report of a Sungai Petani secondary school principal accusing non-Muslim students of "disrespecting" the fasting month of Ramadan.

chinese school inconvenience 190104 canteenAccording to the report the school cafeteria had closed for the fasting month, and non-Muslim students were left to their own devices to find food.
But the sight of a group of them having breakfast at the canteen - a common area - had apparently raised the principal's ire.

Later, at the school assembly, the principal was alleged to have said that the Chinese student -comprising 10 percent of the student population of 780 - had been disrespectful and that "they should go back to China".

It was claimed that when the assembly was over, another teacher had approached the Chinese students to say sarcastically that they should take an AirAsia flight, since the fares are cheap now.

Brickbats from BN politicians

The whole affair had several Barisan Nasional leaders up in arms.

wee ka siong interview 220310 04MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong (right) - also the deputy education minister - said that it is unbecoming and wrong for the school headmaster to make such a remark and that he will leave it to the education director-general Alimuddin Mohd Dom to resolve the matter.

"The DG should remind principals to be racially-sensitive. No more such incidents!" he exclaimed in his public Twitter account.

However, he also agreed that non-Muslim students in secondary schools should be sensitive during Ramadan and that they should respect their fasting Muslim schoolmates.

"Regarding the place to eat for non-Muslims, the school principal should make proper arrangements to prevent any misunderstanding," he said.

Head must face disciplinary action

In the meantime, Kedah Gerakan had called for the principal's head, urging the government to take "stern action" against him.

"If it is true that the principal had made the racist utterances, then the person should face disciplinary action," said state chief Cheah Soon Hai in a statement.

He said the government should be strict as schools are places for learning and such degrading and disparaging words from a principal should not be condoned at all.

Cheah - also Derga state assemblyperson - said the people should know from history that Malaysia gained independence because of the genuine efforts of all races.

"While acknowledging the fact that non-Muslim should be more sensitive towards Muslims uring fasting time, the principal's statement has clearly gone overboard. Making statements such as passengers (penumpang) of the country are totally unwarranted," he added.

'Racist' worms creep out of woodwork

Just earlier this week, the nation was shocked after a police report was lodged against the principal of a secondary school in Kulai for allegedly asking the "Chinese students to go back to China", and likening the Hindu prayer bracelet to a dog leash.

In a speech during the launch of the school's National Day celebration, she had also "reminded" the non-Malay students of their place in the country.

She had also allegedly given the example of owning a Proton Saga and then letting 'Munusamy' and 'Chong' in as passengers.

"Munusamy and Chong are only passengers. They cannot claim any right to the car. This is the same as Malaysia in which the non-Malay students are passengers," alleged a 16-year-old student in his police report on what she had said.


Anonymous said...

they have bastardized the schools and education quality.

Anonymous said...

it is sad that after years of merdeka the non muslims and non malays are still regarded as pendatang. What's going to happen if the government continues to regards such incidents as minor? Pls no more double standards.

Anonymous said...

When Muslims fast, it is to gain pahala n to practice all things pure n kudus as part of cleansing one self. By passing such comments with hatred, anger n resentment a person has not fulfilled the real merits gain thru the puasa. Tolerance, abstenance , refrain and all things good being practiced is one of the main point of puasa, it is not just about not eating and drinking.

Anonymous said...

Seorang Guru India berAgama Hindu telah mengarah anak saya supaya batalkan puasa!

Bila anak sya tanya atas kesalahan apa, jawapan yang diberi, dia mahir psykoloji pelajar, sekadar melihat wajah murid dapat tentukan budak tu jahat, sombong, tak berperi manusian, tidak ikhlas, jadi atas alasan ini dia suruh anak saya batalkan saja puasa!

Saya minta jumpa dia tanya sendiri, katanya takde masa nak layan ibubapa. (Ada beberapa saksi, yang telah menemani anak saya pergi berjumpa cikgu dalam bilik dia, nak tanya pasai apa diarah untuk buka puasa.

Anak saya sedang menghadapi peperiksaan dan kekeliruan dari perbuatan guru ini memberi tekanan keatas pelajaran beliau.

Saya majukan incident ini melalui surat kepada guru besar Melayu, tapi semua TIAM TIAM ajer..

Nah, puak India bila kena batang hidung melalak seluruh Negara. Nak saya turut serta melalak juga ker?

Si guru ni, tak pernah mengajar anak saya dalam apa mata pelajaran selama bersekolah disitu.

OK, sekarang nak tengok you all akan bela anak saya atau tidak dan pastikan guru ini dipecat?.

LOLITA (Nama guru)
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Rawang.


Anonymous said...

I was also from SMK Rawang..
It's true that this article talks mainly about the degrading things malay said to other races, but i think other races also do that too.

We should check ourselves, even though we don't give degrading remarks doesn't mean that we do not come across it in our everyday live..

Toleration is very much needed in Malaysia.