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Saturday 5 June 2010

SPM 7As – No JPA scholarship, matriculation and university for Indians. No assurance from P.M Najib but his MIC mandore minister.

 Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak will resolve the controversy over the awarding of Public Service Department (PSD) scholarships, namely involving the overseas programme, and entry into matriculation programmes in local universities.
But why is UMNO One Malay-sia Prime Minister Najib Razak assigning his MIC Minister mandore to make the announcement in their Tuan and Mandore arrangements.
Because UMNO’s racist strategy is not to grant the JPA scholarships, Matriculation and Universities places to Indian students at the end of the day.
So the UMNO P.M gets his Indian mandore to do the usual wayang kulit illusions that this and all other Indian problems are being resolved by the PM.
This shrewd strategy entails that when UMNO cheats these high achieving Indian students at the end of the day, it is the MIC mandores who would then be the punching bag for the Indian community to vent out their anger, and not UMNO who is the real culprit.
P. Uthayakumar

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