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Saturday 5 June 2010

Indian man murdered in Kluang Prison but as usual suicide is official cover up story

Yet again R. Aruljothi (25), another Indian was suspected to be murdered by the Kluang prison personnel within the fourth month of his imprisonment. Why is it always the Indians who either are killed in police or prison custody or are simply shot dead by the police up to the tune of 95% of such victims when they form a mere 8% of the Malaysian population? A Malaysian Human Rights Commissioner in 2008 has conceded that an estimated 60% of the prison and police lock ups inmates are Indians when they form only a mere 8% of the Malaysian population.
The Human Resources Minister said in Parliament recently that 200,000 Indian youth are involved in crime. This is alarming sum – 60% of whom are at risk. The problem is acute and requires multi faceted intervention to turn around. There are many studies done, but very little in the form of positive educated action. All that is happening to improve the crime situation in the country is increased police killings. (Malaysian Indian Minority & Human Rights Violations Annual Report 2009 Malay-sia Truly Racist 7th – 9th January 2010.)
Then the UMNO government spend billions building extra prisons. RM 165 million plus  another RM 54.7 million to complete the building of a prison after 11 years and on a 42 hectare site. It was originally meant to accommodate 1,500 inmates but it is now reduced to 500 male and 150 female prisoners (NST 22/10/08 at page 16).
The crime rate gangsterism and other social ills among the Indian poor is escalating because of UMNO’s social engineering and by UMNO excluding the Indians from the national mainstream development of Malaysia, UMNO denying Indians equal rights, equal opportunities and equal upward mobility opportunities.
P. Uthayakumar

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