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Friday 11 June 2010

Sabah MP calls for special task force to stop high-tech crime

By Queville To - Free Malaysia Today

KOTA KINABALU: Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui has called on the government to strive to curb cross-border crime in Sabah.

She urged the Home Ministry to implement "Biometric" checks at entry points so that foreign criminals are prevented from coming back with new identities and passports to Malaysia, especially through Sabah.

She made the comments when commending the Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Division (FCCID) for breaking up an SMS scam syndicate in Tawau that had allegedly raked in RM6.4 million in four years.

The FCCID team, led by its director Koh Hong Sun, had detained 26 members of the syndicate who were found to be operating from a condominium and house in Tawau, Sabah.

Chua said most of the syndicate members appeared to be foreigners from neighbouring countries and some of them might also be on the "wanted list" for similar scams in their own countries.

“It is high time the government conducted trans-border investigations to monitor and nab all the culprits involved as high-tech crimes are becoming rampant in Malaysia,” she said.

Chua, who is also a vice-president of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), noted that there were many incidents involving foreign immigrants in Tawau caught forging MyKads and Malaysian driving licences.

She also cited the recent case of 25 family members with questionable Malaysian identities from Sabah detained in Kangar, Perlis, for pick-pocketing.

Chua suggested the Home Ministry set up a special task force to tackle ICT crimes in Sabah. Such a task force, she said, would allow the public to make enquiries and give immediate and direct feedback on such crimes.

She said the Tawau SMS scam, which sent out 4,000 SMSes per day and hundred thousands over the past four years, was an eye-opener and hence a task force could create awareness to prevent more people from falling prey to such crime.

She expressed shock that as many as 2,656 victims had reported the SMS scam and one of the victims, a woman from Sabah, had lost RM1.2 million while another one RM300,000.

Chua believes that actual losses could be higher because many victims were too embarrassed to report their case.


jack said...

the high-tech crime is raising nowadays...something must be done to prevent this crime and save people from being its victims as what happened recently in Tawau sabah..hope the respective agencies will come up with an actions to stop this kind of crime...

mr corn said...

the public should not be afraid to report the criminal activities that occur around. and the victims also were not too embarrassed to report their case.

Sanih Alias said...

this criminal case very worry certain parties. as such, government must make something to deal this crime problem. if late handled this will cause many more which would be victim.

Sanih Alias said...

this criminal case very worry certain parties. as such, government must make something to deal this crime problem. if late handled this will cause many more which would be victim.

mr whatever said...

people should be careful to avoid being a victim and should have a guts to report on any suspicious activities.

Hamdan Hadillah said...

stop the high-tech crime.. for this case, the special task force needed to deal this crime. hope special task force can formed as soon as possible for handle this high-tech crime in tawau.

Unknown said...

to all society asked to be cautious and if be any information immediately report to authority. the authorities require cooperation all of you if have any information about this crime.

Unknown said...

High-tech crime? Is it about scams that happens through SMS and emails and also social network? If it is then I agree on having Special Task Force to stop this highly active high-tech crime.

Takuya said...

High-tech crime is really on alarming high rise case. Time to save the people from being one victim after another.

2718 said...

high-tech crime is not easy to handle.. we need the government and NGOs to cooperate in organizing any seminar or programs to expose people on this kind of crime.

jandroi said...

Thanks Chua for highlighting this issue.

amaod said...

Combating crime is everyone's responsibility. Don't wait for MP to speak up.

ldod said...


4122 said...

Tiba masanya untuk menubuhkan pasukan khas bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini.

beeb said...

Chua, we need forces.

cicakubin said...

hari-hari saya dapat sms menang peraduan...jangan peduli dan rakyat perlu sedar tentang jenayah high tech ni...

sawit said...

hairan kenapa tiada yang pantau jenayah high tech ni...

suarahati said...

sifat tamak juga antara punca kenapa ramai warga sabah tertipu!

belimbingbesi said...

jenayah high tech ni ada dimana-mana dan sukar ditumpaskan. yang patut diajar dan diberi pendidikan adalah orang-orang yang senang tertipu dan mudah terpedaya kerana sifat tamak.

gaguk said...

pergilah dimana-mana, di mesin-mesim atm dan surat-surat khabar supaya tidak layan sms yang memenangi peraduan ni..masih ramai lagi yang tertipu. tidak boleh salahkan pihak polis...kenapa tidak fikir sebelum keluarkan wang? kalau menang-menanglah...kenapa perlu bayar lagi kalau sudah menang? tu tipulah tu..

aku bah said...

Semuanya terpulang pada diri sendiri ba tu. Jangan mudah terpedaya dgn SMS ni. Lain cerita la kalau kes penipuan halal mcm kes syarikat swasta di penampang yg tipu pelabur cili fertigasi.. ahh itu logik sikitlah kalau tertipu sebab semuanya ikut undang2 last2 syarikat tu tutup, pengarahnya pula tak dapat dikesan...

aku bah said...

Apapaun saya tetap harap agar isu ni dapat ditanggani. Bagi hukuman yg kaw-kaw supaya takda lagi yg berani buat penipuan mcm ni...

Lavender said...

Jenayah high-tech ni memang makin menjadi-jadi. Susah untuk salahkan siapa keran semua pihak memainkan peranan masing2. so bagi saya paling senang cerita kita hati2 lah & jangan cepat lupa dunia dengan tawaran dari sms yg diterima.