I think there was a very strong undercurrent of ‘business as usual’ – ie, the government will spend tons of money, to keep the wheels of corrution, cronyism and cannabalisation.
Najib ‘pawns’ Idris, sending him to tell all the ‘bad news’ about how we’re going bankrupt, then he turns around, stabs Idris in the back, and then says we are all fine.
And now? We are about to spend more money than we ever have before.
And on what? Exactly the type of white elephant projects that have been the lifeblood of BN cronies for decades.
How will we fund it? By ‘rationalising’ the price of petrol. Read: make the rakyat pay to enable projects that make cronies rich.
Note, there wasn’t (in TwitterJaya at least) a single announcement related to stemming corruption and leakage – I think this is extremely indicative.
There were a number of announcements with regards to talent and education.
We will never progress meaningfully with AUKU and AkuJanji – the stifflers of academic freedom.
If we want Malaysians to come back from overseas, bribery and lip service will not work. They need respect, dignity and a Malaysia run with genuine integrity.
The 10MP seems to be the furthest from such goals, being only pork barrel politics at its very worst.
ps- more comments @NatAsasi
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