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Thursday 22 April 2010

Penang DCM II & Kedah Exco Indian Exo mandore’s, a la MIC, hamper politics. So as not to hamper their political ascent!

Penang DCM II 2
The charter members of this hamper politics is the MIC under their tuan UMNO’s instructions which has been specially designed and tailor made to create an illusion of their role and relevance when in reality they are meant to be non deliverers.
For example after 53 years of independence if they can’t even get birth certificates for some 150,000 forth, fifth and sixth generation Malaysian born children, they cannot be expected to deliver anything else. In fact it is a non starter.
Now for over two years PKR, DAP and PAS have been in power in Kedah, Penang and Selangor. The very same UMNO political culture is now passed on to PKR, DAP and PAS vis a vis the Indians in these three states.
To start off with, only one Exco Member in each of the four (including Perak earlier) were given for Indians so that whatever their “false and empty promises”, illusions and deceptions “to be brought to the Menteri Besar’s attention and the hopes raised will not leak out with the existence of a second or third Exco Member".
In all these four states, like in the 50 year UMNO regime, the Exco and supposedly DCM II portfolios are labour, plantation workers, health………… (read Indian mandore portfolio).
PKR, DAP and PAS all claim to be multi-racial. So, why can’t the Malays and Chinese Exco who have the real power in PKR, DAP and PAS be in charge the Indians affairs or take the portfolios of labour, health, etc?
To us it is simply no intention on the part of the PKR, DAP and PAS tuans and towkays to seriously address the critical Indian problems for fear of losing the Malay votes. And so these tuans and towkays instruct their Mandors to play mandore hamper politics.
By dishing out hampers at least 100 poor Indians will be drawn to the function. And the Tamil press will report 1,000 people attended, but not show the picture of the crowd (MN 20/4/10 at page 2). Giving out hampers and other peanuts is a trade mark of the MIC, to draw a small crowd but to give the impression of a big crowd and that they have popular support. And this trick is now able aped by the PKR, DAP and PAS Indian mandores, without even a by your leave or without any shame in infringing trademarks and copyrights and intellectual property rights that righty belong to MIC!
Ever wondered why hampers are hardly given out to the Malays or Chinese?
When they can’t give the real substantive and even basic necessities like the ten acre land ownership schemes for the poor Indians in Felda like land schemes, unlike the 110,000, 120,000 and 3.3 acres of land granted to the Malays (RKT) Chinese (New Villages) and each orang asli family within one month of coming to power in Perak, stop the Kg. Buah Pala demolishments in Penang, Ladang Batu Pekaka Hindu cemetery being demolished in Kedah, and the non granting of state land even for the 98 Tamil schools in Selangor, these MIC, PKR, DAP and PAS mandores end up giving out hampers, peanuts and token handouts.
No real and permanent solutions are offered but only temporary and piecemeal solutions.
After all the victims are merely the Indians with no or very little political clout. So why bother.

Penang DCM II 1 Penang DCM II 2

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