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Thursday 22 April 2010

Hulu Selangor: PKR’s makings of, a la MIC, garland politics when they cannot deliver or perform.

Hulu Selangor: PKR’s makings of, a la MIC, garland politics when they cannot deliver or perform.

hulu selangor These similar images we see today of the Selangor PKR Exco Mandore that we saw of the MIC mandores in the past 53 years. What has changed?

Anwar Ibrahim, PKR’s single biggest success thus far is the UMNO style creation of Indian mandores. These Indian PKR, DAP and PAS mandores like the MIC mandore counterparts are not meant to be empowered to address the Indian problems. So when they cannot deliver or perform they resort to playing garland politics a la MIC to create the illusion in the Tamil dailies that they indeed are the people in power.

(See photo in MO 19/4/10 at page 8).

Karunai Nithi @ Compassionate Justice

hulu selangor

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