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Friday 30 April 2010

Cabinet reshuffle coming soon?

By RK Anand - Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Fresh from his victory in Hulu Selangor, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is said to be mulling a Cabinet reshuffle in preparation for the next general election.
Putrajaya sources claimed that the announcement could be made as early as next week. But this could not be confirmed.
The Barisan Nasional chairman, added the sources, is also considering expanding his Cabinet to introduce several new faces.

Following this weekend's Umno retreat in Janda Baik, the sources said Najib might include several "high-performers" into the fold.

The retreat, to be chaired by Najib, would see all 192 Umno divisions table their Key Performance Index (KPI) reports on efforts to strengthen the party ahead of the next general election.

“The reshuffle could also see several big names being dropped such as MCA's former president Ong Tee Keat and Umno's Nor Mohamed Yakcop,” they told FMT.

“We can't exactly say what the prime minister has in mind, but he wants a formidable line-up in order to face the next election,” added the sources.

Ong, who is transport minister, was defeated in last month's MCA polls by Dr Chua Soi Lek for the top post whereas Nor is Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of the Economic Planning Unit.

Nor's political secretary, who had since resigned, was detained during a raid by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in February.

The raiding team seized cash in bundles of RM5, RM10, RM50 and RM100 notes totalling about RM2 million from an apartment in Butterworth, Penang.

The sources also claimed that Najib is thinking of bringing back former tourism minister and Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, who was implicated in the infamous "Lingam Tape" scandal.

Will Khairy be included?
The sources also said it would be interesting to note what Najib proposed to do with Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin.

The last time around, Najib had snubbed Khairy by not including him in the Cabinet, while he named Mukhriz Mahathir as deputy international trade and industry minister.

Khairy, who is the son-in-law of former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had defeated Mukhriz, the son of Abdullah's predecessor Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for the Umno Youth chief post last year.

Back then, it was said that Mahathir played a pivotal role in ensuring that Khairy did not tread the corridors of power as he was sore with the Oxford graduate and his father-in-law for undermining his legacy.

“Since then, Khairy has been working very hard to get into the good books of Najib. He has repeatedly praised the prime minister and his policies.

“The Rembau MP has also been very vocal in Parliament, always being among the first to scramble to his feet in defence of the government when attacked by the opposition,” said the sources.

Additional minister post for MIC?
The MCA line-up in the Cabinet is also expected to change, said the sources, adding that its four senior ministers and retinue of deputy ministers might be given different portfolios.

On April 8, Chew Mei Fun had resigned as MCA Wanita chief and as deputy women, family and community development minister.

Prior to the March 28 MCA elections, Chew vowed to step down if Chua, who was embroiled in a sex scandal, is elected president.

The sources said Chua, however, would not be included in the Cabinet as he wants to concentrate on rebuilding and reuniting the faction-ridden party following its protracted leadership tussle.

As for MIC, the sources claimed that Najib might award the party another full minister post.

MIC's sole Cabinet minister is its vice-president Dr S Subramaniam, who oversees the human resources portfolio.

Subramaniam was the first new Indian minister in nearly three decades, as the title was held by MIC president S Samy Vellu, who was the works minister, up to his defeat in the 2008 general election.

“The Bagan Pinang and Hulu Selangor by-elections witnessed a swing in Indian support for BN, and the prime minister is pleased with this.

“An additional full minister post would definitely boost Indian support further. Najib is giving this serious thought,” said the sources.

With MIC deputy president G Palanivel being slated to be sworn in as senator next Monday, the sources added that he could be offered the post.

“Najib might do so in order to placate both Palanivel and Subramaniam since the PM is looking at re-building MIC with these two leaders after Samy Vellu steps down,” said the sources.

“The combination is ideal since the two are seen as 'clean' and would work hard to win back Indian support,” they added.

Previously, it was speculated that Palanivel could be given a deputy minister post.

“Then again, it all depends on Najib. But one thing is certain, the PM wants to score big in his first general election as captain, and he needs a strong team to achieve this.
"Najib is pushing all the right buttons, and with Pakatan (Rakyat), especially PKR, shooting itself in the foot, the PM is headed for a big win," said the sources.

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